Fairy Technology

Chapter 457: Give you 1 big red flower

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What headquarters building did you build? Each of these materials is sold on the black market, and basically can sell millions of tons.

That's a black market. If you want to trade through formal channels, I'm sorry, no country will sell these materials.

This is so special that it can be said to be a national treasure, uh, the premise is that it can be produced.

Even if it is better than the United States, it is estimated that it is not capable of refining all the materials mentioned by Academician Li.

There are too many things involved in this, and it is not possible to make it by knowing the specific parameters.

Such precious materials are actually used to build the building. What a terrible thing!

"Lao Shen, are you pulling hatred?" Gao Jingchuan glanced at the two academicians with weird faces and looked at Shen Bing with a resentful look.

Shen Bing shrugged helplessly and said, "How can I? I'm just telling the truth. You also know the design plan of our company's headquarters building. How could that building be built without these special metal materials?"

"Uh ... it seems a bit reasonable," Gao Jingchuan said. "How come I have the urge to bomb your headquarters building? Just holding a piece of structure is worth hundreds of thousands."

Shen Bing gave him a disdainful look, and said, "If you have the ability, you can try it."

Gao Jingchuan narrowed his neck and said, "I'll try it if I have a problem in my brain."

Many people now know that Shen Bing is surrounded by a group of strong and perverted bodyguards. Whether it is a trip to London or a trip to Seattle, or even the last incident in Shang Hai, there are signs of activity of this group of people.

It is unclear how powerful these people are, but one thing is certain, these people are definitely better than the world's top mercenaries. It is estimated that the so-called King of Soldiers in all countries is just like these people.

And the Chinese military knows a lot more than outsiders. Since the return of the United States, Shen Bing has not deliberately concealed the existence of Wei Yu and others. Now, the twelve of them have been registered on the record.

Gao Jingchuan also knows these things, and at the same time, he also understands that the country's concern for the twelve is purely for the sake of Shen Bing's security, and there is nothing malicious in it.

The ghost knows that there are such people guarding in the factory? Going to blow up the magic headquarter building of the magic fairy, it is really something that people with problematic brains do.

"Since it is easy for you to get those materials, the nuclear fusion reactor can't be expensive." Gao Jingchuan smiled and said.

The two academicians, Liu and Li, looked at Shen Bing with anticipation. They could save some money in this respect, and they could have more abundant funds in the subsequent experiments.

Shen Bing smiled indifferently: "I didn't intend to collect your money for this thing."

"Hey, boss Shen really looks great! I will give you a big red flower when I look back."


The two old academicians smiled, watching the two laughed, and didn't think they were immature.

Academician Liu said: "Dong Shen, since you are so generous, then our nuclear energy research institute can't be stingy, isn't it? Your company is now ready to invest in nuclear energy development. This is also my old business. In the future, if there is anything I need to find my old man, just say it to me. As long as it is not a matter of state secrets, I will certainly help. "

Shen Bing's eyelids jumped. Although he wanted to say that it was unnecessary, considering the good intentions of the other party, he thanked him sincerely and wrote down the other party's phone number.

The three Gao Jingchuan did not stay in the office for a long time and left after the relevant materials were delivered.

In fact, before they came, they thought that the meeting would take a lot of time. After all, there were too many technologies involved in it, but they didn't expect it to be so hasty in the end.

There is no way, who makes the technical strength of Magic Fairy Technology too great.

After the three people from Gao Jingchuan left, Shen Bing immediately sent all the materials to the ball and asked her to arrange for the production of equipment at the factory.

Although he said earlier that there are raw materials at the factory, raw materials are raw materials after all. To be processed into qualified parts, many processes are needed.

After the matter was settled, Shen Bing will focus on this again.

For Shen Bing, the above agrees that he is engaged in nuclear physics research, in fact, it is only for the sake of coming up with some results in the future.

After all, this thing is very sensitive, and it is suspicion to take it out for no reason.

As for research in this area, the underground base of Longhu Round Island has already begun, and it is still Philo who is an expert in high-energy physics. Gao Jinyue, a researcher like this, has found out that controlled fusion is only a matter of time.


The next day, Magic Fairy Technology Shanghai Branch was formally established. Originally, Wei Changjia and others were preparing to conduct a low-key, but the Shanghai City Government has made a lot of publicity reports on the presence of Magic Fairy Technology.

Even if the branch only leases a small office space as an office space, there are also several heavyweight leaders present at the beginning of the opening. All the No. 1 and No. 2 characters in the city are dispatched, which is definitely a major news in Shanghai City.

Reports of the leaders' travels in the city are normal.

The citizens read the news, Nima! It's actually a matter of Huanxian Technology Company, and it's also a big thing of setting up a branch in Shanghai.

Now all Huaxia citizens, who doesn't know Huaxian Technology? This is a proper company!

Although the magic fairy technology is not listed, people can not accurately calculate its assets, but there are professional think tanks have estimated it, magic fairy technology can definitely be ranked among the top 100 in the world.

Don't think that the top 100 in the world is easy. The strength of a company depends not only on whether it has a high enough technology content, but also on the company ’s heritage and brand influence.

Moreover, the top 100 mentioned here is not to say that Magic Fairy Technology is ranked in the top 100, but that it is at least in the top 100, or even the top 10, and it can be said that it is the first one even if it is exaggerated. name.

The reason why there is such a conclusion is all because the magic fairy technology emerges too suddenly, and it has too many black technologies.

To give a very simple example, whether it is fantasy glass, superconducting materials, or deep geothermal power generation technology and dragon scale software, all are enough to support a world's top 100 companies. Even for the deep development of a certain technology, it is not impossible to break through to the top ten, but the practice of Huanxian Technology such as the East One Hammer and West One Mallet makes them wonder what the center of gravity of Huanxian Technology is.

This prevents the assessment agency from accurately valuing it.

But no matter what, Huaxian Technology Co., Ltd. is currently the hottest high-tech company in the world, especially the two hottest products, Dragonscale Software and Geothermal Generator Technology. attention.

The presence of such a super company in Shanghai also proves that Shen Bing, a world-class genius, is optimistic about Shanghai's development prospects?

Later, a special reporter interviewed Wei Changjia, the general manager of the branch. Under the introduction of Wei Changjia, the general public only knew that Huanxian Technology was planning to find a small island in Shanghai to build a factory.

What will this factory produce? According to Wei Changjia's statement, the first production of this factory will be Dream Glass, because such products have higher transportation requirements, and the international market has strong demand for this product. The need for Magic Fair to invest and build a factory here Great.

As far as Shanghai is concerned, things like building glass factories are actually opposed, but what is opposed here refers to ordinary glass, because even ordinary glass factories, even if they are huge and well-equipped glass factories, will have an impact on the environment. Pollution.

However, the fantasy glass of Magic Fairy Technology is different. Firstly, Fantasy Glass is not a low-end product, and secondly, the reaction situation in Rongcheng. The glass factory of Magic Fairy Technology is very strict in handling pollution and truly achieves clean production.

Not to say how high the technology content of the magic fairy technology in the treatment of pollutants, but that the company does not invest heavily in pollution control, who makes magic fairy technology is not bad money?

It is not too difficult to achieve pollution control in various industries in today's world. The only thing that determines whether factory waste is polluted is whether the factory managers are willing to spend money.

Who would not welcome a company like Huaxian Technology that is willing to invest and not pollute the local environment?

At the time when the outside world expressed concern about the magic fairy technology branch ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Wei's family had already decided with the leaders of the Land and Resources Bureau on the location of the island.

Of course, Mr. Wei's family had no power to make a decision on this matter, but Shen Bing had already told Mr. Wei's family the address of his choice before. He arrived at the scene but walked away.

In the end, Magic Fairy Technology chose an island called Daikin Island.

As the address was finalized, follow-up work began immediately, including the selection of the construction team and the entry of equipment.

Dajin Island is not far from the land, and it is relatively large among the islands that Shanghai belongs to. However, compared to the needs of the magic fairy technology, the area of ​​this island is not enough, and land surrounding the sea is an inevitable choice.

Land construction is also a follow-up matter. In the early stage, you need to level the land and build a factory building.

According to Shen Bing's plan, the second batch of exported fantasy glass will be shipped from the new plant, and the time is still relatively tight.


Shen Bing waited for two days, and the flying shuttle finally arrived near the Zhou Tianxing array. Opening a thousand miles of eye contact, Shen Bing saw the dense array of various demons outside the large array.

This scale is at least two or three times larger than when it came.

"Prince III, we are in trouble." Shen Bing frowned.

The third prince was very relaxed, saying: "Some little fairies, we rushed straight up and killed him."

Shen Bingdun felt a toothache and said, "I'll do it for you! I don't have the ability."

The third prince stunned, and said, "Don't you summon such a very powerful thunderbolt? Just get a few of them, and those monsters are not scared to fart and urinate. If you all hit the retreat, the prince will still spit. The prince did nothing to kill him. "

Shen Bing could not help rolling his eyes, he said why this guy is so confident, the feeling is to hit his mind on himself!

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