Fairy Technology

Chapter 1074: Climate cybernetics

For the Azure Empire, Shen Bing has some speculation.

This civilization belongs to the cultivation civilization, and their strength is more reflected in the battle on the planet. Such interstellar operations should not be their specialty.

When the Azure Empire invaded the Corgi Empire, it was not a space fleet, but a wormhole.

It is also because the Azure Empire is a cultivation civilization and its special constitution can pass through the wormhole without consuming any energy, which makes them occupy a certain advantage when facing the Corgi Empire.

The reason why the Azure Empire was able to successfully carry out the beheading also benefited from the location of another wormhole, which was located in the planetary system where the planet of the Azure Empire was located.

The data from the Corgi Empire did not indicate that the Azure Empire had the ability to sail across planetary systems. Even according to the speculation of its vehicles traveling between the planets, the Azure Empire has not even mastered the speed of light flight technology.

In this way, the safety of the Avalon planet is also guaranteed. In a short time, the Azure Empire cannot find it here.

With this buffer period, Shen Bing is completely confident to make the Avalon planet into a copper wall and iron wall.

Of course, this is the last thing. It would be even more perfect if the azure empire could be driven away or even destroyed directly through harassment.


After confirming the general orientation of the Avalon planet, its importance has once again increased.

Originally according to Shen Bing's plan, the transformation of the Avalon planet was to be completed after the transformation of the moon, but now it seems that these two places need to be synchronized.

For a long time, Shen Bing has put research on planetary climate modification technology on the planet Avalon.

The technology obtained by Shen Bing was asteroid climate control technology.

There is no doubt that the use of this technology is extremely limited, stipulating that it must be an asteroid.

As shown in the data, the asteroids here do not refer to the type of asteroids in the asteroid belt, but rather smaller planets.

The upper limit is almost the size of Mars. For a planet like Jupiter, this technology is difficult to implement.

Shen Bing is not satisfied with such a technology. Who made Shen Bing's first moon to be transformed not a planet? Even the Avalon planet to be transformed later is larger than Earth, and the asteroid climate control technology is naturally limited.

Fortunately, the asteroid climate control technology focuses on climate control technology. As for the qualifier of the asteroid, it is just a technical update.

So this is the climate control research center established by Shen Bing on the planet Avalon.

For more than a month, Zhong Yuanchang, the director of the Climate Control Research Center, has been exhausted. He has to worry about the threat of the super beast and ensure research progress.

Fortunately, Zhong Yuanchang has already made great achievements in climatology, coupled with the inspiration of Lingqiaodan and data on asteroid climate control technology, the research work is progressing very smoothly.

More than half a month ago, this set of climate control technology has been applied to moons such as the moon. As for the current progress, Shen Bing has not had time to ask.

At the moment, Shen Bing called the planet to Avalon.

Since holographic imaging technology became popular in Shen Bing's research team, all internal communications have adopted this model.

In the past, all voice calls and video calls were weak, and now direct holographic conversation-a telephone mode equivalent to face-to-face communication.

"Lao Zhong, how is the research on climate control technology going?" Shen Bing asked from the ground.

Zhong Yuanchang was not curious about the phone call from his boss, and answered with confidence: "At the current technological level, it is no problem to complete the transformation of the Avalon planet. If it is a larger planet, there are still some details to be resolved In general, in a maximum of ten days, the word asteroid in front of asteroid climate control technology can be removed. "

When Shen Bing heard this, he was very happy, and said, "Okay! Since there are no technical problems, then immediately start the transformation of the Avalon planet. This is also the first application of this technology on a larger planet, during which Any problem can be studied and resolved. It should be experimental. If there is any need, you can directly mention it to me. "

Zhong Yuanchang immediately said: "No problem, I immediately started the Avalon Planet Reconstruction Project. However, the infrastructure here is not yet perfect, especially the existing climate control technology, which uses dark matter conversion. To mass-to-energy conversion equipment. At present, there is only one mass-to-energy conversion equipment in our R & D center, which is far from meeting the needs of planetary transformation. "

Shen Bing heard this, and suddenly felt bright, as if Zhong Yuanchang's words opened a brand new window for him.

Climate control requires dark matter conversion? Shen Bing hadn't considered this before ~ ​​www.wuxiaspot.com ~ But if you think about it, it seems to make sense. The different dark matter structures of a world determine its biological structure. If any planet is to be transformed into a planet suitable for human existence, then the dark matter structure of this planet must also be transformed.

Previously, the area where Magic Fairy Technology was active was only the solar system and the planet Avalon. In the solar system, there is no need to consider the structure of dark matter. On the Avalon planet, the area where humans have been active for a long time has always been in a protective light curtain. This protective light curtain supported by dark matter acts as a layer of cling film to directly isolate the inside and outside. The environment in the light curtain has been transformed by the master Qiao to suit human survival.

Now it is necessary to transform the planet of Avalon successfully. Natural dark matter structural transformation cannot naturally rely on a master, otherwise the exhausted old man cannot do it.

Fortunately, Shen Bing had obtained the most advanced Samsung technology mass-energy conversion technology before, and the mass-energy conversion equipment manufactured by this technology could theoretically complete the mutual conversion between any matter, including dark matter, in the back-to-back working mode.

But theory and practice are inconsistent after all.

Prior to this, researchers have determined that dark matter has energy level characteristics. The higher the level of dark matter, the more difficult it is to obtain conversions.

Of course, it is not necessary to consider this point in the transformation of the Avalon planet, because after testing, the main dark matter components on the Avalon planet are concentrated in the second to fourth orders, and the overall distribution is spindle-shaped. As for the seventh-order dark matter, it can be almost ignored No more.

The Earth's situation is similar to that of the Avalon planet, and even weaker in the content of high-energy dark matter.

As long as the main dark matter on the Avalon planet can be transformed, it has reached the standard of human survival. Although this difficulty is not small, it is not impossible.

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