After rearranging the formation, Lin Shi set off with his source beast team.

Target, Xinghai Apartment.

Inside Xinghai Apartment at this time.

After the beast wave broke through the defensive door of Xinghai Apartment, it rushed towards the survivors who were escaping in a hurry.


"Someone come and save us!!"

"Don't come here, you beasts!!"

"Mommy mommy!"


There are more than a thousand survivors in Xinghai Apartment.

They are all ordinary people. They have no firearms and no genetic locks. They only have kitchen knives and fruit knives in their hands, which are not weapons.

Facing the surging tide of beasts and the huge and ferocious beasts, these survivors were like being thrown into the herd by hungry wolves.

They were knocked down and bitten one after another.

The survivors ran desperately, but they couldn't run any better on two legs than on four.

A man realized that he was about to be overtaken. He grabbed the clothes of the person running in front and pulled him behind him.

Hearing the screams from behind, the man ran faster.

A little boy was rushed to the ground by the crowd and kept crying for his mother.

But the survivor who ran away from the boy didn't even want to go around, and just stepped on the boy and ran past.

Not long after, the boy lost his life and was trampled to a bloody pulp.

In the face of life and death, in the face of despair and fear.

The evil of human nature is vividly reflected.

Among the snowflakes flying all over the sky, there were splashes of blood from time to time, dyeing the pure white snowflakes red.

The screams and cries of the people were drowned out in the howling blizzard.

Fortunately, the number of this wave of beasts was only over 80 after the wolves broke away from the team.

There were more than a thousand survivors. After most of them died, many survivors ran faster than others and successfully bought time to hide in the building.

In a storage room in the property lobby.

The six survivors hid in the dark and cramped storage room, not daring to leave the air.

Among them were two women, three adult men, and a teenager.

In the boy's arms was a short-tailed cat that was as big as an ordinary medium-sized dog.

After hearing the movement of the source beast outside, the people in the storage room finally let out a low voice.


The person who made the sound was a woman with short hair, her eyes were red, and she was hiding in the corner crying.

She had just been separated from her son in the crowd.

In this situation, she knew in her heart that her son was in danger.

Guilt and remorse overwhelmed her.

Hearing the short-haired woman cry, a short-haired young man cursed in a low voice:

"Why are you crying? If you attract those monsters here, do you want to kill us?!"

"My son is lost, wuwuwuwu..."

The short-haired woman cried with sadness on her face.

The other woman on the side has a delicate appearance and a tall figure. She was an ordinary model before the end of the world.

But at this time, her long hair was already oily enough for cooking. She heard this with a mocking and disdainful expression:

"If you don't look for your lost son, why are you crying here?"

When the short-haired woman heard this, she stood up suddenly, her eyes numb and murmured:

"Yes, I want to go out to find my son, I want to go out to find my son!"

After saying that, he walked towards the door of the storage room.

The short-haired young man was closest to them. He immediately stood up and blocked the door of the storage room.

With a fierce look on his face, he grabbed the short-haired woman back and slapped her hard on the face:

"Smelly bitch! If you want to die, just wait until the monster leaves and find a place to die by yourself. Don't hurt us!"

Others also stood up, and they were all shocked by the short-haired woman's behavior.

The door of the storage room is very well sealed, and they have not been discovered so far, but if the door is opened, it will be different.

"Open the door now. Those monsters have a keen sense of smell and we will be discovered."

said the boy holding the bobtail cat.

Others were afraid of attracting the beast and did not dare to scold the short-haired woman loudly, but they all looked at her with extremely unkind eyes.

If it weren't for the source beast outside, they would have yelled loudly.

The woman covered her face, her body heaved, and she cried silently.

Anyone could feel the despair in her.

But in such an apocalyptic world where human life is at stake, who has not lost their loved ones?

Most people have long been numb.

They don't care how others live, they just want to survive themselves.

A man in his thirties wearing a pair of glasses walked up to the short-haired woman and helped her up.

Others thought the man with glasses was trying to comfort the short-haired woman.

They all turned their heads.

Unexpectedly, after the man with the eyes helped the desperate short-haired woman up, he took out a nylon rope from his pocket.

The next second, he suddenly strangled the short-haired woman's neck!

"Ho ho ho..."

The short-haired woman struggled desperately, but her thin body was obviously unable to break free.

I can only reach out desperately to the people around me for help.

This turn of events surprised everyone.

The young man among the group wanted to stand up and say something, but the middle-aged man next to him stopped him and shook his head.

Although the others looked surprised and shocked, they did not speak or stop the man with glasses.

In this way, the short-haired woman's struggle soon became weaker and weaker, her eyes rolled up, and she slowly stopped struggling.

After the man with the eyes strangled the short-haired woman, he showed a relieved smile, looked at the people in the storage room and said:

"If we don't kill her, she will kill us sooner or later. Do you all agree?"

Kill someone and then ask everyone if they agree.

This hypocrisy is disgusting.

But no one said anything. Instead, the man looked into his eyes with a very fearful expression.

There was anger in the young man's eyes.

The bespectacled man who stood up had a panoramic view. A fierce look flashed in the bespectacled man's eyes, he looked at the young man and whispered:

"Kid, is this a cat in your arms? A cat that has grown so big cannot be an official alien beast, right?"

The others immediately turned their attention to the young man.

They knew how dangerous a strange beast could be.

Look at the dead survivors outside and think about why they locked themselves in this storage room where the oxygen is getting thinner and thinner.

It's because of those strange beasts!

Everyone had fled into the storage room in a hurry, and they were so shocked that they didn't take a closer look at the cat in the young man's arms.

After careful inspection at this time, the more I looked at it, the more I felt that the man with glasses was right.

The middle-aged man next to the young man stood up, stood in front of the young man and said:

"The cats we raised before the end of the world were just fat."

If Lin Shi were here, he would be able to recognize these two people as Wang Liang, who had traded gold with him before, and Chen Xiaodong, who had the key to the vault.

The two of them did not dare to return to Xinghai Apartment after the last incident. They did not return to Xinghai Apartment until the official troops moved to the new shelter.

At that time, Wang Liang, who had always admired Lin Shi with the Demon King, actually found an Origin Beast, and it was also a Origin Beast cub.

He regarded the bobtail cat as a treasure.

"How can a cat grow so big? Are you lying?!"

The short-haired young man replied unceremoniously.

The long-haired woman was a little frightened when she discovered that the cat was a strange beast:

"Beasts can't understand human speech. What if it barks and attracts strange beasts outside?"

And what if it bites someone? "

Wang Liang defended his short-tailed cat:

"My little one won't bite. I've been holding it for so long and it hasn't barked. I promise I won't let it bark."

The man with glasses pushed up his glasses.

"Beasts can't be trusted. Why don't you give this cat to me, and I can make it not threaten us."

When Wang Liang heard this, he glared at the man with glasses and shouted excitedly:

"Impossible! I will never give my little pussy to you!"

The short-haired man stared angrily and took out a folding knife from his pocket:

"You little bastard, what's your name? Do you want to kill us?! If you are asked to do it, do it, otherwise I will kill you!"

Wang Liang gritted his teeth when he saw the knife, his eyes full of anger.

Chen Xiaodong had secretly taken out a dagger.

Seeing that the atmosphere in the storage room was getting more and more tense.

"Dong dong dong!"

There was a sudden knock on the door of the storage room.

Everyone in the storage room was shocked.

The short-haired man and the bespectacled man both looked at Wang Liang with murderous eyes:

"You brat, you attracted the strange beast!"

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