It turned out to be a martial arts field for the three armies!

What are Luo Qingtong and the others doing there?

Mr. Luo is not here again!


When the valet was beaten just now, he kept yelling that they were here to pass the decree!

Could it be that this will has something to do with the military power of the three armies?

"Damn! The royal family doesn't want to take back the military power of the three armies, does it? It's really shameless to do so, right?"

Someone couldn't help but screamed.

"That's right, the three armies have exhausted Mr. Luo's efforts, and he was the one who planned and pulled them together. I don't know how much resources were spent on it! Now that Mr. Luo has just had an accident, the royal family wants to take back the military power. Isn't it too much? "

"That's right! No one in Dongli Kingdom knows that Mr. Luo has done everything for the three armies. For this reason, the Luo family still doesn't have its own private army!"

"Most of the resources of the Luo family have been used by Mr. Luo to distribute to the three armies! How much is Mr. Luo's credit for the current number one army? It is really chilling for the royal family to do so."

"Yes! Looking at the major countries around us, the only first-class family without a private army is probably the Luo family! They are also the in-laws of the Tianyu royal family! Compared with those first-class families in other inferior countries, no Knowing how high it is! But there is no organized private army! This is almost unbelievable!"

"Hey! Mr. Luo's accident happened at the time when the Luo family was most turbulent. It's fine for the royal family not to comfort and protect it. It's really shameless to be so impatient to gather the three armies into their hands."

Everyone couldn't help sighing.

If the Luo family had been exploiting the common people all along, running amok and doing whatever they wanted with the military power of the three armies, perhaps these people would still applaud the move of the royal family to take back the military power.

But the Luo family has always fulfilled their responsibilities. Mr. Luo has been loyal and aboveboard all his life. Even though he has a marriage contract with the Tianyu royal family, he has never put on airs of royal in-laws, and he has never looked down on anyone.

In this Dongli country, from the common people to the Dongli royal family, almost all of them have received the favor of Mr. Luo.

Especially for the royal family and the formation of the three armies, Mr. Luo did it all by himself, and put all his efforts and efforts into the sharp weapon of this country.

Mr. Luo's loyalty can be learned from. He has never looked down on Dongli country because of his marriage contract with the Tianyu royal family, and he is loyal to the country wholeheartedly and takes root here.

He didn't act arrogant and domineering at all, and he didn't feel sorry for the Dongli royal family at all. He has always been respectful!

Now that something happened and it ended like this, everyone couldn't help but sigh for the Luo family.

"Hey, before I said that the Luo family is in trouble, and the disaster is imminent, but I didn't want it to come so fast! The action of the royal family's downfall is really too fast! The Luo family is really pitiful!"

"Yeah, especially the eldest lady of the Luo family, the future fifth concubine of the mighty Tianyu royal family, the daughter of the Luo family, has been reduced to such an oppressive situation. The Tianyu royal family is really too hateful! Our royal family is really too disgusting." I can't live up to it! Because of a few words from the Tianyu royal family, just treat the Luo family like this!"

Someone couldn't help but said angrily.

That's the pillar of their country!

Your Majesty is really far-sighted.

However, those who know the inside story understand in their hearts that it's not that the king has no foresight, but that he has long been planning to fight the Luo family's military power!

It's just that before the Luo family had the Tianyu royal family behind them, he didn't dare to be presumptuous.

This time the Luo family obviously offended the Tianyu royal family because of the divorce, so naturally he couldn't wait to reach out!

His fickle and ungrateful temperament can be seen in general!

And at this moment, the "poor" Luo Qingtong, under the careful escort of a group of imperial guards, is rushing to the military training field of the three armed forces!

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