A group that conducted biological experiments under the Knights Guild.

These were SG Group, one of Korea's leading conglomerates.

Dae-yong Yoon, the president of this place, was furious when he heard the report that the ‘subject’ had been stolen.

I had no choice but to do so.

The subject is not an ordinary being. It is the strongest creature that was born after dragons and dragons that only appear in legends.

The research cost alone was an astronomical amount.

That's why it was tightly hidden.

By setting up a laboratory at the Night Guild headquarters, the SG group cut off all connections to the subject in case of an emergency.

It is also true that if it was revealed that the SG group was behind the biological experiment, it was self-evident that a great division would break out.

Therefore, he was ready to step out at any time and planted black orcs as guardians to protect the headquarters of the Night Guild.

In a word, they used the Night Guild and Black Orcs.

The Batu tribe also had a lot of interest in the subject, so cooperation was easy.

Of course, in return, a Korean woman was offered as a tribute to the Batu tribe.

It is a test subject that has devoted so much effort. But the thief was beaten. To the guy called Crazy Bear.

This was not the only problem.

Cooperation with the Batu tribe was cut off, and they came to Korea. The reason was obvious. It must have been to kidnap Korean women and to pay attention to test subjects.

Therefore, SG Group had to move quickly. It was not known whether Korean women were kidnapped or not. What is important is the experiment. It's impossible for the Batu tribe to lose the test object.

But another problem arose. As the Batu tribe moved over, they even moved the ranker team Silence of the Superhuman Administration.

The case was getting bigger and bigger.

A storm began to rage because of a mad bear who stole the test object.

Where the hell is the crazy bear, and what happened to the test subject? You have to find out what happened.

Since Silence had moved, the Bureau of Management would gradually dig into the case, and the investigation network might have reached the SG Group.

* * *

“It’s growing day by day.”

In-woo was talking while looking at Pam. His body was now about the size of an adult male's torso.

In-woo was out in the yard with Pam, holding an eggshell in one hand.

“Look down.”

He grabbed the eggshell and gently tempted him, giving him an order.

- Param.

The boy fell silently on the ground, craving for the eggshell. Then In-woo sat down on the guy's back at once.


Pam was perplexed. Like that or not, In-woo gave a condescending look.

"Hey. Since I was the size of your forearm, I kept it in my belly pocket and raised it. Yes? Remember? Even though it was hard, I carried you around like that, man. Parents called parents. I don't want much. Try filial piety once.”


At In-woo's words, Pam-i bowed her head to the ground.

Min-cheol, who was watching In-woo and Pam, said a word.

"brother. He could suddenly breathe fire. be careful!"

Quinn, who was standing next to her, was just licking her mouth again. Obviously, that creature has a delicious smell.

Eventually, In-woo began to persuade Pam-i again.

“If you can’t fly, try walking. Don't you want to eat the eggshell?"

- Param.

“Come on, run.”

In-woo used his long arm to wave the eggshell in front of Pam-yi, as if luring a donkey by piercing a carrot with a fishing rod.-Paaaaam!

Then Pam poured out a shout. Like, don't regret it. seemed to shout.

Ride on!

Eventually, Pam started running involuntarily.

Then, In-woo, who was riding on her back, immediately lowered her body and hugged her more strongly. The boy's strength was considerable.

“Right! let's go!"

Ride on!

He started running faster than a hound using his short legs. It was a huge driving force.

In-woo, who was riding on his back, felt his vision change rapidly. His hair was ruffled by the wind, and his buttocks against his back were sore.


He started flapping his wings out of nowhere. Then Inu shouted.

"great! Fly!”

Puddy Duck!

Pam's short wings flapped and whipped her through the air.


Whoa whoa-!

He immediately floated into the air.

However, it was only 2 meters high.



Pam's tiny wings whirled through her air more quickly.



Not long after, Pam fell to her floor.

In-woo lightly twisted his body and jumped off Pam-i's back. In-woo, who had landed on the floor, said as he straightened his messy hair.

“Are you deliberately overacting this? Or are you really unable to burn me?”


I couldn't figure it out. This guy definitely looked like a dragon. If so, he thought that he would have the power of at least half the dragon's.

Even so, I couldn't get one of the in-woos on and it fell apart.



After a while, Pam rushed forward and snatched the eggshell from In-woo's hand.

In-woo gave it away.

"okay. eat it And get bigger. If I've gotten bigger and I can't even ride a single me, then I'll consider it a real bummer."


No matter what In-woo said or not, Pam was gnawing at the eggshell.

In-woo muttered while looking at the moving neck rod every time he swallowed an eggshell.

“Just grow up like you are now. I should have at least one private plane.”

* * *

A total of 20 Batu tribes came to Korea.

They belonged to the advanced warriors of the Batu tribe, with quite good skills.

Instead of sending top-tier warriors, Batu sent a reward. This was Batu's pride. He thought that sending only the upper level would be sufficient.

In any case, they were a group of four, and they were divided into five groups to find traces of the subject while abducting Korean women.

They were all concentrated in Gangwon-do.

And Silence, who was dispatched to solve the disappearance case in Gangwon-do.

Silence bit their tails at once.

The most elite force of the Korean Superhuman Administration.

There were only 18 members of the Silence team. In Silence, all 18 people are not mobilized unless it is an emergency that is jeopardizing the nation's reputation.

Therefore, two Silences were put in to solve the current case.

The two Silences were divided into two teams, each leading a team.

Among them, Ha Jin-seong of Team 1 started speaking with his eyes cold.

“Are all four of you?”

Ha Jin-seong of Silence led the Superhuman Team of the Administration and surrounded 4 Black Orcs.

The Black Orcs were dragging a woman to a hideout built in the mountains, and they were caught.

“Sa, please save me!”

When the woman, who had been captured by the Black Orc, saw Ha-jin and the Superintendent of the Bureau of Management, she began to scream that her neck was torn off.

Then the Black Orc frowned and twisted the woman's neck.


The woman's breath was cut off at once.

“Noisy. I'm a human woman, because I can save you again."

Even in that scene, Ha Jin-seong was not agitated.

He just asked again.

“I asked if there were all four of you.”

"there's more. He'll be running this way anyway. You've seen us, so you won't be able to go back alive."

The Black Orc was speaking, stroking his steely claws. In spite of that dreadful relaxation, Ha Jin-seong didn't even show any expression.

Eventually, Ha Jin-seong gave orders to the superintendents of the management office.

“Catch the guys. I don't care where you cut it. But leave the head and I have no intention of killing you lightly.”

Then, 20 superintendents from the management office moved. Hajinseong also ran towards them.


Ha Jin-seong's fists, which turned blue, were shot at them.

* * *

“Chwiik. This is going to be an emergency.”

A black orc was hurriedly climbing the mountain and talking.

The transport crew carrying human women had sent a rescue signal.

They were a total of 5 groups, divided into 3 attack groups, 1 transport group, and 1 reconnaissance group.

The transport crew lost contact after sending a rescue signal.

Those belonging to the reconnaissance team urgently sent radios to other attack groups.

“It seems that a human with considerable skills intervened. I need help quickly. The transport team lost contact around the hideout.”


- Like humans. I'll go fast.

A reply came from the two attack groups.

However, one attacking team was in trouble.

-Chwiik. Our group will join in a little while.

“What do you mean!”

- We have now found a test subject. I will secure the test specimen and go.

In response, Black Orc's face was wrinkled at once.

“Saving your comrades comes first!”

-Does the great warrior Batu think so? Our team secures the test specimen first. more."Damn it!"

In any case, finding a test subject in such an emergency. They found the subject and seemed to be blinded by the ball.

“We move fast!”

"I get it!"

The reconnaissance team headed to the hideout. You must save your comrades.

* * *

“One, two, three, four. How are you?”

In-woo was looking at the four black orcs in the yard of the house. They clearly looked at Pam and shouted.

“I think our group will find a test subject!”

“Batu will recognize our ball.”

They were so excited with each other that they didn't know what to do. I had no choice but to do so. To be honest, I thought it would be close to impossible to find the specimen.

They only abducted human women while roaming the sparsely populated Gangwon Province.

Meanwhile, I met Wolcheok here in Gangwon-do.

How could you not be happy?

Meanwhile, in the yard, there were Inwoo and Pam, and Queen and Mincheol.

After a while, In-woo looked at them and said.

“Is it similar to the one you saw at the Night Guild headquarters?”

A black orc that twisted the space and hid itself.

In-woo had a huge struggle because of that one guy. He was a black orc that possessed human-level intelligence, but also had a formidable force. I remember he was pretty strong. But this time, four such guys came.

And they didn't even care about Inwoo and just aimed at Pam.

Again, it seems that Pam was not an ordinary test subject.


When Pam saw the Black Orcs, he was frightened and hid behind In-woo. She remembered the time when she was locked up in a laboratory.

Even then, like that, a black-skinned guy was tormenting him.

The memories of that time were truly terrible.


It's been such a confrontation for a while.

Min-cheol shuddered and said to In-woo.

"brother. There'll be four. Are you okay?”

Min-cheol raised his weapon while uttering a frightened voice.

In-woo just smiled as he looked at it.

When I first saw it, there were a lot of guys that bit an ogre with crab foam.

Think about it for a while. Queen, who had been standing slightly beside In-woo, moved.

Quinn walked in front of her. Then, each of the Black Orcs spit out a word.

“A human woman?”

"no. It feels a little different.”

“There is a dangerous aura.”

“What the hell is that girl?”

The Queen stepped forward towards the Black Orcs. She then rolled up her dress up to her thighs. It was the best outfit because it was not suitable for battle.

She then squeezed her rolled up dress, revealing Queen's sleek legs.

The Black Orcs swallowed their saliva at the sight.

But Quinn was swallowing her saliva as well.

Then she spoke to her Black Orcs, as the Queen revealed her sharp molars.

“It smells delicious.”

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