It's been a week since I brought Queen.

Oh Mang Castle was installed in In-woo's living room, and now Queen had no choice but to stay here whether she liked it or not.

Besides, she has completely surrendered to In-Woo as Queen.

Furthermore, she is a queen and she has not had to hunt herself since she came here. As In-woo promised, he provided the blood of the monster to make his stomach burst.

If it was blood, it was enough to slaughter the monster and get drunk, so there was no choice but to overflow.

On the contrary, it had completely embraced the Queen with the blood of a monster that originally meant nothing but garbage.

There was nothing bad about Inwoo.

Quinn is absolutely obedient to In-woo and she stayed in this house. Since In-woo's residence was a 200-pyeong, luxurious house, she had plenty of space for Queen to live.

She was very tidy and cleaned two or three times a day.

Thanks to this, there was not a single grain of dust in Inwoo's luxurious house with a little lie.

Also, there must be a woman in her house.

Furthermore, In-woo used her Queen as her guardian and at the same time entrusted the management of her kennel.

She skillfully managed the monsters. Because she originally lived in the outback, she had no choice but to know about the monster.

But is it because of that? After Queen came, Min-cheol had more time to bruise.

She said that Queen was so skillful in breeding monsters that Min-cheol had less work to do for her.

Min-cheol's body became more comfortable. She had nothing to do. But she was not at ease. If this state continues, the value of Min-cheol decreases to In-woo.

Because of that, Min-cheol felt a sense of crisis. Originally, Inwoo's attention was monopolized, but after that woman came, that changed. At first, I liked Mincheol. After everyone left, that girl was so pretty that she just liked it.

But not anymore.


Min-cheol was currently in the Malio Farm. The queen was there.

She looked at the horse Rios and swallowed her saliva.

Min-cheol watched her back for a while before she coughed.



Quinn didn't even turn her head. Min-cheol spit out a word as if he was dissatisfied.

“The concentration of the red holy water should be checked periodically. Malio's poison is very dangerous. If you bite, you just die.”


She had no answer. She always was. But she didn't do that to Inwoo.

I don't know what happened, but just looking at Inwoo, she was busy with her stomach fluttering like a puppy.


Eventually, Min-cheol fell into trouble.

have to do something Other than that, Min-cheol liked In-woo.

‘It can’t be this way. I have to increase my value.’

Min-cheol's troubles were getting deeper and deeper.

* * *

I ran on the treadmill and turned on the TV.

Inwoo has more time. The management of the kennel took care of itself, and even if someone came in, the Queen would block it. Inwoo had nothing to worry about.

That's why In-woo fully leveled up. He had devoted all his time to hunting and the treadmill.

Thus, Inwoo's level had reached 110. Even the skill level showed tremendous growth, and in the case of a down shot, he had already reached level 85.

There was not much left until the master level.

Skill level 99 is the master.

He has only about one master skill or a level 200 or higher ranker superman.

However, in the case of Inwoo, he is already close to 99. Besides, all the skills other than the down shot have risen to a powerful level.

So, the class itself was completely different from other superhumans.

Ride on-!

So I ran with more energy. He took a quick step on his feet, and his breathing gradually became steeper.[The level of ‘Salt’ has risen.]

[The level of ‘Mana Drain’ has risen.]

So it ran for exactly 3 hours. By the end of the run, two more skills went up.


The body was in a hot state. But that was all. As the level went up, there was nothing difficult because the stamina increased significantly.

Follow me.

wait for a while

Inwoo's cell phone rang. Then, In-woo's impression was wrinkled at once.

“Isn’t this bastard tired?”

It was obvious that I did not receive it. A few days ago, I have been continuously contacting Park Kang-joong of the Superhuman Management Bureau.

That person was doing everything he could to recruit In-woo to the management office.

Inwoo did not answer the phone. Naturally, he didn't want to live under the orders of belonging somewhere.

Who dares to give orders to him?

In that sense, In-woo really hated the management office. He was just like that at first, but he couldn't help but hate it because he stuck with it like a leech.

“Are you going to change your phone? nope There's no way the bureaucrats would know that."

Even if I blocked the number, the next day I got another call from another number.


Anyway, if something was to be argued, the management office was going to turn it all over.


Eventually, In-woo disconnected the battery of his cell phone.

“You motherfuckers. Just openly arguing like the Night Guild."

In-woo grumbled and changed his clothes. Then he left the house and entered the kennel.

As soon as the door to the kennel was opened, the shouts of the Malios rang out.

In-woo looked around the inside of the nursery.


Pam flew around the kennel like the courtyard of my house. At the same time, he was harassing the Malios.



“I mean, that kid is subtly violent.”

He turned and looked the other way.

Queen was seen.

She stared blankly at the horses, gulping her saliva.

“I mean, you have a lot of food cravings.”

Finally, In-woo turned his gaze to the corner.

There, Min-cheol was sitting helplessly.

There was a look of concern on the boy's face.

In-woo called for Min-cheol.


Then, at the same time as Min-cheol raised her head, Pam flew to In-woo, and Queen immediately turned her body and bowed her head toward In-woo.


Pam flew in, and she tried to get on In-woo's crown.

Then In-woo raised his hand and waved it.

“You are too big now.”

No, he was now about the size of an adult man's thigh.

At this point, wouldn't In-woo be able to get on his back? With that thought in mind, In-woo grabbed Pam's back with both hands and got on his back.

But he's riding on the dog's back.

Pam nodded, and she quickly collapsed to the floor.


"Hmm. Is it too early to ride yet? Grow up quickly.”

When In-woo later went to visit his sister, he was going to ride the Pam in style.

After a while, In-woo looked at Min-cheol again.

"Follow me."

“Yes, brother? Where are you going?”

"Huh. I have too much money, so I want to spend some money. I'm thinking of getting some armor or something. Since I'm living, I'm going to buy one for you too. So follow me.”

“Huh...! Yep, brother!”

Min-cheol's face was full of vitality in an instant. It's not that he buys you armor. Because In-woo said this, he was aware that he had not yet been abandoned.

No matter what Min-cheol thought, In-woo had no intention of abandoning Min-cheol. Because he was In-woo's first subordinate.

After a while, In-woo said to Queen, who was bowing his head.

“I’m going to do some shopping with Mincheol, so take a good look at the kennel. Do you understand?”

"Yes. master."

“Oh, and what happened to the kennel where you put 4 basilisk eggs?”

“It’s just before hatching.”

"Hmm. okay? When the basilisk hatchling comes out, the farm will take care of the eggshell.”


“Yes, Master.”

Quinn replied politely. Then In-woo took Min-cheol and went outside.

Then Quinn raised her head.

She stared blankly for a while, looking in the direction where In-woo had disappeared.

There was a sad look on her face.

* * *

Beijing, China.

There were black-skinned beings roaming all over the place. Among them, there were some beings that resembled humans except for the color of their skin, and they seemed to be a higher concept to other beings.


Inside a huge building that rises the tallest there.

In this conference hall, monsters with dark skin like pitch black were voicing their enthusiasm.

As they uttered a word, there was the sound of the wind chirping and squeaking between their lips.

They were the Black Orcs, and the Batu, one of the 13 tribes distributed in China.

Among them, the black orc sitting at the top was especially larger than the other individuals. It looked like it was 3 meters tall.

The large black orc just watched the other fervent brethren vomit.

“Madok, who was sent to Korea, is dead.”

“Madok was sent to protect the subject and to help the president, but Madok was attacked by a human who invaded the Night Guild.”

“You idiot to be attacked by a human!”

"I've known him since he was arrogant. Weak guy."

They were talking about the Black Orcs who suffered from Inwoo.

“Then will the supply decrease?”

Then someone mentioned the supply.

And as soon as those words came out, silence spread.

Their expressions were not good.

They sent Madok in the form of mercenaries, and in return were supplied with Korean women.

But now the supply has been reduced due to the death of Madok.

“The Chinese slave women here don’t pick up good individuals. We need a Korean woman. A lot of."

When China fell, about 100 million Chinese were taken as slaves by the Black Orcs.

Black Orcs also bred among themselves, but mainly raped human women.

The Black Orcs that squeeze the belly of a human woman were superior to other Black Orcs.And especially, the individuals born to Korean women were exceptional.

Not all of them were like that, but a great warrior, Batu, was born through a Korean woman.

That's why the Black Orcs were obsessed with Korean women.

I had no choice but to do so.

Batu was strong. The other Black Orcs were so strong that they couldn't even compete.

So Batu naturally became the head of the tribe.


The 3m-sized Black Orc sitting at the top right now was Batu.

After a short moan, Batu raised his head.

Then all the Black Orcs lowered their eyes and shut their mouths.

Then Batu opened his mouth.

“In the first place, I wasn’t doing business with humans. I also cut off contact with the president. There is nothing to see because the test object has already been stolen. Now we save ourselves. Contact the guys in Korea. Reinforce the warriors and send them to Korea.”

All the Black Orcs agreed to Batu's command without any objection. Because Batu was the strongest warrior, his words were the law.

From Batu's point of view, he had to make a lot of good objects in one day. And he will begin to conquer, step by step. First the thirteen tribal unity, and then further...

A ghastly red glare emanated from his eyes.

* * *

Inu didn't say much. He just asked him one thing.

‘Where is the biggest superimpression store in Korea?’

Min-cheol guided In-woo without thinking for a long time.

So In-woo and Min-cheol arrived in Gangnam.

Because in Gangnam, there was a super-impressive store that boasts the largest scale in Korea.

A huge super-impression store run by SG Group, which specializes in super-impression goods.

Inside the big store, In-woo walked in wearing a sweatshirt.

The gaze of the store staff was not pretty. This is the place for the best items.

Therefore, In-woo and Min-cheol reflected in their eyes were nothing but beggars.

With that or not, In-woo walked around the store like the living room of my house.

Min-cheol was chasing In-woo as if he was crushed by the huge store atmosphere.

In-woo checked his performance by pulling out the armors mounted throughout the store at will. He was going to buy armor that was far superior to Living Armor.

In-woo slammed his fist against the breastplate of his armor to the point of making a popping sound.

"Well. This is fine.”

Then, the expression on the employee's face suddenly became tense.

But he didn't say anything.

Did you do that knowing how much that item cost?

If the product is damaged due to such actions, it is enough to file a claim for damages.

The staff just thought so.

Eventually, In-woo pointed the armor with his index finger and said to the staff.

“First with that one.”

The tone is light, as if choosing sweets.

After that, In-woo took 3 more pieces of his armor. All of them were better armor than Living Armor. There's nothing wrong with having a spare. Besides, I was going to let Min-cheol use it too.

So he put 4 pieces of armor on it.

The employee was still thinking, 'How are you going to be surprised by the price?'

In-woo also photographed 3 types of artifacts and a unique skill ball, which is for sale with only one left in the store. The unique skill ball alone is worth over 5 billion.

Then the employee asked without hiding his fishy expression.

"Guest. Do you know how much these items cost?”

“Don’t talk too much, pack everything.”

Then In-woo handed him a card. At that one word, the employee immediately asked, confused.

“Is it all…?”

At those words, Inu just nodded his head lightly.

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