Evil As Humans

Chapter 241

Chapter 241: Drizzle

“Ow, ow, ow, it hurts!!!”

Meng Huai screamed loudly.

Yin Ren had a stern face as he repeatedly used healing magic on Meng Huai’s wounds. Meng Huai was severely injured, and even for him, painless treatment was impossible for humans. As a species, humans couldn’t grow new limbs. Going against nature came with a price.

After beating Love and swiftly dealing with the seal, Yin Ren healed Sun Qi’an and quickly sent her to the hospital with Zhong Chengshuo. Before even leaving the hospital entrance, he turned back to the Other Side and prepared to deal with Shen Mo.

Given the intensity of their work, they would definitely receive a bonus of a hundred months’ worth of salary.

To Yin Ren’s surprise, Shen Mo had already been dealt with by the small team from the Shian’s base. The good news was good, but Meng Huai’s injuries were truly shocking.

“Very well, at least you know it hurts.” Seeing Meng Huai behaving like this, Yin Ren grew somewhat annoyed. “Miss Meng, if you get hurt any worse, I can only resort to the ‘Meiqiu treatment’ on you.”

Meng Huai knew what Yin Ren was referring to.

Assimilation with Elemental flesh included an extended lifespan, but the drawback was sacrificing some of your own flesh. The Great Celestial Master assimilated with “Fear” and could restore his human form through self-sealing, but he was a bona fide monster. If Meng Huai were to assimilate with an Elemental of similar strength, she would end up following in the footsteps of the Meiqiu and bid farewell to her human form completely.

“Ah… Thank you, but it’s not necessary. If I grew fourteen legs, I wouldn’t be able to find pants,” Meng Huai joked.

Yin Ren snorted and helped her stretch her newly grown limbs.

Bones, meridians, and muscles were all normal. Just to be safe, he carefully cast the healing magic several more times.

“That’s enough.”

Yin Ren clapped his hands.

“You’ve been on the Other Side for too long. After you go out, have Shian perform a medical examination on you. They have arrangements for transporting the survivors… Professor Li is in charge of that,” he added deliberately.

Meng Huai’s movement of shrugging her shoulders stiffened for a moment. “Oh.”

She fell silent for a while, then changed the subject. “Where is Mr. Zhong?”

“He’s cleaning up outside,” Yin Ren replied casually.

A while ago, they had decided to split up. Yin Ren went to deal with Shen Mo, while Zhong Chengshuo went to clean up the aftermath on the Other Side. After Love disappeared, the Other Side fell into chaos, and they needed powerful Primordial Elementals to restore order and capture a couple of disobedient ones to deliver takeaway for Qi Xin.

Who would have thought that Zhong Chengshuo’s trip would take so long?

Jiao Lian and her colleagues had been sent to Shian for treatment ahead of time, and Dr. Cat led the Lonely army on an expedition. Meng Huai was resting and sleeping in the base, while Zhong Chengfeng was anxiously pacing around.

And Yin Ren sat back in a corner, savoring the tranquility of this moment.

An hour passed, and the peace was nice.

Two hours passed, and it became a bit boring.

Three hours passed, and Yin Ren couldn’t sit still any longer. The current Zhong Chengshuo could walk sideways on the Other Side, and even if an Elemental creature took a bite, it would break a few teeth. It shouldn’t have taken this long for him to show any signs of activity.

He tore open a gap in space and quickly found the exuberant Zhong Chengshuo—besides “exuberant”, he couldn’t think of any other word to describe him.

The Karma Lantern was being used as a lantern of mischief by this person. As soon as the red light came on, everything around froze, not daring to move. Comrade Xiao Zhong ran around, climbing up and down, meticulously observing every detail of the Elementals.

…Officially, it was cleaning up the aftermath, but in reality, it was scientific exploration.

Yin Ren noticed Zhong Chengshuo as he stuck his head into the mouth of a giant Elemental, attempting to observe its internal structure. The poor creature was frightened and lost its color, with its seven or eight eyes rolling back in panic.

Yin Ren suppressed his aura, quietly sneaked up behind Zhong Chengshuo, and scratched his waist. Zhong Chengshuo’s body jolted, quickly pulling his head out. “Yin Ren.”

“Experiencing occupational disease?” Yin Ren raised an eyebrow.

“Now that all kinds of Elementals have emerged, it’s a rare opportunity.” Zhong Chengshuo lifted up his imaginary notebook, innocently expressing himself. “You gave me the ‘Compendium of Primordial Elementals,’ and I wanted to fill it up as soon as possible.”

Yin Ren pretended to have a sudden realization. “So that’s how it is! I misunderstood you—I thought you were being influenced by Love and lost control. I’m a bit embarrassed now.”

Zhong Chengshuo slowly turned his head and averted his gaze.

“Ah, it’s a pity we can’t bring recording devices to the Other Side. I’ll just have to remember it in my heart. Such a generous treat might only happen once.” Yin Ren wiped away non-existent tears.

Zhong Chengshuo coughed. “That was an irrational judgment when lacking rationality—very unreasonable.”


“Eating me would indeed greatly increase your strength, but you wouldn’t be happy afterward,” Zhong Chengshuo said, “and I don’t want to be eaten by you—if I were eaten, I wouldn’t be able to stay by your side.”

“I want to stay by your side even more.” Zhong Chengshuo solemnly declared.

Yin Ren had only wanted to tease his lover, but unexpectedly, a confession slipped out. He coughed a couple of times, feeling a warmth in his chest. “Well, let’s forget about it. When we go out, you can treat me to something—I almost forgot, delete the ‘Innocent Thoughts’ recording from your phone!”

Zhong Chengshuo’s nod came to a sudden halt, pretending not to have heard the second half of the sentence.

“Zhong Chengshuo!”

“Qi Xin’s condition isn’t very good. Let me take you to see her.”

“Don’t change the subject—! …Don’t run, stand still! There’s something important to discuss!”


Sun Qi’an woke up once again in the hospital ward.

She recognized it; it was Shian’s dedicated ward. What happened before… What happened again?

It seemed like she was attacked in the back mountain of Haigu Secondary School, and after that, she resumed work and recently went shopping on the new pedestrian street. But those memories were hazy, as if obscured by a layer of fog. She tried hard to recall but could only remember the keyword “angel’s arm”.

Oh no!

Dr. Sun’s alarm bells rang loudly in her mind. If her consciousness was affected to this extent, it was possible that the tumor in her head had undergone pathological changes. If things didn’t improve, she would have to take a leave and go see a renowned specialist in Yandu.

Sun Qi’an updated her parents on the situation and then calculated her medical insurance and savings with a grim face. With a sigh, she sat up. She turned on the TV in the hospital room, and the default channel happened to be the local television station.

“It has been four days since the chemical pollution leak on the new pedestrian street, which has been confirmed by the police as a terrorist attack… If you were on the street that day, please seek medical attention promptly due to the large amount of toxic substances released…”

“In recent days, the suspect has caused panic by releasing nerve gas in public places, poisoning specific individuals, committing murder, and abandoning the bodies…”

“One person died in the pedestrian street incident. The deceased was surnamed Xiang, and the body has yet to be found…”

“Technicians from the Shian Group made outstanding contributions in the pedestrian street incident. These heroes responded quickly and effectively protected the lives and property of the public. They will attend the city’s commendation ceremony in the coming days…”

Sun Qi’an rubbed her temples. So that’s what happened. Shian clashed with the monsters on the pedestrian street, and she was probably affected. But she never believed in such things; they supposedly had little impact.

Upon waking up this time, she actually felt refreshed and much better than before.

Sun Qi’an grabbed her phone and made a brief call to her family. After a while, she opened WeChat and found a specific group chat.

WeChat group “Paid Love Consultation”.

The last chat record was about information about the grandchild of the Qiu family. Sun Qi’an scrolled through the messages and felt a bit emotional.

These were her two closest friends in Shian. She remembered that their ranks weren’t high, so they shouldn’t have encountered any trouble. Just in case, it would be good to ask.

[Let Me See Your Heart: I saw the news, and the pedestrian street incident seems serious.]

[Let Me See Your Heart: Are you two okay? Did Shian send you there? @Fruit Knife @Final Fruit]

[Fruit Knife: …]

[Final Fruit: …]

[Let Me See Your Heart: What’s wrong?]

[Fruit Knife: Qi’an Jie, I heard that you were also at the pedestrian street that day. Are you okay?]

[Let Me See Your Heart: I’m fine, just dealing with some old issues~ I’m planning to go to Yandu and will bring back some local specialties for you.]

[Fruit Knife changed the group name to “The Three Gods on Earth”]

[Let Me See Your Heart: ]

[Fruit Knife: Just for fun ]

[Final Fruit: We have to continue working, so let’s not chat for now.]

Sun Qi’an put her phone down, full of question marks in her head. Just then, another round of news broadcasts came.

“In order to eliminate the pollution, our city’s professionals will conduct special artificial rainfall. If residents notice unusual weather, there’s no need to panic…”

Sun Qi’an curiously got out of bed. She leaned on the IV stand and walked to the window.

She gently pulled open the curtains.

A ray of clear red light poured into the room, gently flowing on the floor.

It was mid-afternoon, still some time before dusk. But the entire sky was ablaze with the redness of sunset, with thin clouds surging like a layer of red veil.

Although the clouds were thin as gauze, sparkling raindrops kept falling. No thunder or darkness in sight; they refracted the brilliance of the sky, sprinkling like gemstones through the golden-red sunlight.

For the first time in her life, Sun Qi’an saw rain so beautifully.

She took out her phone, found a suitable angle, and took a good photo.

[Let Me See Your Heart: [Image]]

[Let Me See Your Heart: Pay attention to work-life balance. The view outside is beautiful~]

[Let Me See Your Heart: Suitable for couples to enjoy together~]

The Great Celestial Master above let out a disgruntled sigh.

“She said it’s suitable for couples to enjoy together~” Yin Ren cast the rain spell in disappointment. “I wanted to see it from below! Even Sun Qi’an knows about work-life balance. How does that saying go? All work and no play…”

Zhong Chengshuo was controlling the light of the Karma Lantern. “Increased workload at the end of the year is normal for businesses.”

Transporting the survivors from the Other Side to the mortal realm was undoubtedly a massive project. Considering Shian’s medical capabilities and the need for secrecy, the entire process would take four days. In the meantime, Yin Ren and Zhong Chengshuo returned to the mortal realm first to deal with the spreading corruption from Sunken Society.

In the past, they had no way to deal with such corruption. But now, as “gods”, their abilities were naturally beyond comparison.

Zhong Chengshuo was responsible for spreading a weakened version of the authority of Fear, freezing the Evil Force in place, and preventing them from invading the human body. Then Yin Ren took action, devouring them all.

As for the rainfall, it was just for show—Yin Ren had to create some clouds and mist to stretch out his colossal form.

“Now that this task is done, there shouldn’t be any more work, right?” The flock of wings tensed nervously.

“Xiang Jiang and Xiang Hai are still missing, and Shian’s tracking of Wei Huaqian and Sunken Society must continue. But capturing the fierce ghosts and dealing with Sunken Society are the daily tasks of Shian,” Zhong Chengshuo said, pushing up his glasses. “We don’t necessarily have to participate.”

Yin Ren pondered for a moment. During the battle with Love, the twin ghosts’ vitality was greatly damaged. Even if they managed to escape back to the human realm, it was uncertain whether they could maintain their position as an A-A level evil. It was best to leave it to Shian.

“Accompany me on vacation!” Yin Ren’s voice stirred echoes in the clouds.


The winter drizzle soaked the ground, seeping into the soil, but it couldn’t reach Shian’s underground base.

The passage to the Other Side had been opened by Qi Xin for a full four days, and at this moment, the last missing person was also sent out of the tunnel.

Li Nian stood by the tunnel, staring intently at the darkness.

Today, he wasn’t dressed as simply as usual. Both his coat and shirt fit much better, showing signs of having been carefully pressed. At first, he wanted to take off the wedding ring. As he was about to remove it, Professor Li’s eyebrows twitched slightly, and he put it back on, nervously fiddling with it.

Next to him, Fu Xingchuan said, “…Isn’t that enough? Your fingers are almost worn out.”

Li Nian stared coldly at Fu Xingchuan, who instantly stepped back half a step.

Finally, a woman’s leg emerged from the passage.

Fu Xingchuan glanced at Li Nian from the corner of his eye, but Li Nian remained motionless. The medical staff beside them quickly brought out a prepared blanket and covered the person’s naked body.

Fu Xingchuan recognized that face—it was Zhong Chengfeng, who had been missing for nearly thirty years.

Having not felt the touch of the human world for many years, Zhong Chengfeng tightly wrapped the blanket around herself and stumbled in place, almost falling down on the spot. However, she still stood strong, her eyes constantly scanning the surroundings, tears rapidly moistening in them.

Shian’s medical team operated in an orderly manner and quickly guided her away.

Only now did Li Nian step forward and stop right in front of the passage.

The one who emerged this time was Meng Huai.

Her steps were steadier than Zhong Chengfeng’s, and as soon as she was wrapped in the blanket, her gaze focused on the person in front of her.

“… ” She frowned slowly in front of Li Nian.

Meanwhile, Li Nian stood silently, like a statue.

“You didn’t even buy me a bouquet of flowers.” After a long pause, Meng Huai spoke. “It’s been so many years, Xiao Li, yet your romantic cells haven’t grown at all.”

“I don’t know how to choose,” Li Nian said.

“I know.” Meng Huai said, “I’ll take you to choose in a couple of days.”


“Sorry, I couldn’t bring the ring and bracelet.”

“I’ll buy them again.” Li Nian smiled somewhat awkwardly.

Fu Xingchuan was beside them, audibly gasping for air through his teeth. Meng Huai’s gaze shifted.

“Oh shit, Fu Xingchuan, how did you become so mature!” Meng Huai’s expression of sentiment vanished upon seeing Fu Xingchuan. “Oh, congratulations on becoming a minister. Congratulations, congratulations! Your dream has come true; are you happy?”

Fu Xingchuan forced a smile on his face and quickly left the scene. Meng Huai clicked her tongue, and finally, her gaze drifted back to Li Nian.

“It won’t take long for the check-up. I know my body well enough.” She said, “Wait for me a moment, and then we’ll go home together.”


Xiao Yin: I’m so tired, I’m so exhausted, and I still have to go to work.

Xiao Zhong: Never again consider trying Innocent Thoughts (crossed it off the notebook).

Entering the final stage!

Kinky Thoughts:

Aww, I got watery eyed a bit for Li Nian’s reunion with Meng Huai. Despite how long this novel was, as usual with Nian Zhong’s work… I don’t want it to end.

Meng Huai reminds me of Ann.

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