What is enough for five seconds?

   Replaced by Lu Yue himself, he may only be able to barely see the lines on a piece of leather, let alone distinguish whether the piece of leather is genuine leather or imitation leather. Moreover, there is not only one piece of leather on every kind of goods, and there may be multiple splicing or embellishments.

   More work!

  If it were before, Lu Yue would definitely not believe that anyone could complete all the appraisals in such a short period of time.

   However, Feng Yi cannot look at it with ordinary eyes. Who can catch two hiding mice in an unfamiliar, two-hundred-square office with various objects in less than a minute?

   "I think since he said it, he can definitely do it, but I don't know how he will do it."

   Hearing what Lu Yue said, Lu Qi nodded, "I'll stare by."

   Lu Qi thought he was knowledgeable, but he couldn't even imagine this situation. If you can't guess it, go see it with your own eyes.

   Next, the price was finalized, the details were discussed, and the white paper was signed in black and white. Lu Yue couldn't wait to bring Feng Yi to the warehouse.

   Lu Yue had already put a thousand pieces of goods in the warehouse yesterday, including clothes, hats, belts, shoes and bags, etc., all of which were randomly selected from the first batch of goods, covering various categories.

   This is also Lu Yue's trial of Feng Yi again.

   He originally planned to conduct a more comprehensive evaluation of Feng Yi after he negotiated the price, and calculate how much time it took Feng Yi to identify different goods, so that he could arrange the following things.

Right now, Feng Yi said that he would identify all 50,000 pieces of goods in three days. Just like his father Lu Qi said, if Feng Yi wants to do it, he must have one piece in five seconds. This is still Without stopping.

   Then, how is he going to appraise?

   The father and son stood on the sidelines, almost observing every movement of Feng Yi with the same eyes.

   50,000 pieces of goods, the cost of all appraisal is 20 million, on average, each appraisal fee is 400.

   Most of these new clothing accessories are four-digit prices, a few are three-digits, and some are five-digits.

   Compared with the starting price of tens of thousands of tens of thousands of goods, the 400 appraisal fee does not seem to be much, but they have really spent a lot of money for this batch of goods, from design to marketing, all the way down. It can be said that they can't make much money from this batch of goods, and they didn't expect to make a lot of money from this batch of goods. Their main purpose is to seize the market!

   When Lu Qi thought of this, hatred flashed in Lu Qi's eyes.

   The hatred is not against Feng Yi, but the people who manually produce their production lines behind their backs.

   If their new brand wants to grab the market, they must squeeze out some people. The new brand is backed by Qianli Group, and has stronger advantages in product design, update speed, and operating systems. This is the case for shopping malls. How much market they can occupy and whether they can stand firm depends on their ability.

   Now some people want to stop, the more they stop, the more they have to try to rush towards the market!

   seize the market, brand out, pave the way for follow-up products!

   If 20 million yuan can unlock these backlogs in the warehouse...

   Lu Qi looked at those costumes, his gaze was as hot as watching a war horse about to charge into battle!

   Let them go to the market to charge once, expand the brand influence, cost-effective!

   The father and son of the Lu family almost thought of going together, looking like wolves, murderous. Those who don't know thought Feng Yi's offer was high, these two people were angry.

   As for Feng Yi.

   He stood at the door of the warehouse, and did not immediately start identifying them one by one.

   The 20 million appraisal fee actually far exceeded his estimate. He didn't intend to quote such a high price.

   In his opinion, it is only a glance at identifying the material of snake skin. One hundred pieces, fifty thousand pieces can make five million all at once, which is pretty awesome.

   However, after observing the reactions of Lu Yue and several people and listening to Lu Yue's quotation, Feng Yi realized.

   I underestimated myself too much!

   An average appraisal fee of 100 per piece is too cheap! Not worthy of his ability to detect the skin of this bull X!

  Price increase!

   The price must be increased!

   Although it failed to rise to 500 this time, it was also a successful trial.

   Twenty million, the goal he failed to achieve when he opened his studio, is now in sight!

   Feng Yi takes a deep breath.

   The brain quickly distinguishes the various odor molecules captured by the olfactory organs.

  All people and things are converted into signal signs to form a magical scan.

   The real snake skin, under the recognition of Feng Yi's super-sensitive sense of smell, no matter how it is camouflaged and processed, it cannot conceal the smell of snakes.

   And this kind of scent group is like sending out one after another bright signals, marked in the magical scan of the brain, and it is still beeping.

   "There are three in this batch." Feng Yi said.

   Hearing this, Lu Yue's eyebrows jerked.

   These words sounded a strange sense of familiarity.

   Feng Yi had already walked into the warehouse quickly, and picked out the three from the 1,000 items that were neatly hanging in a row.

   At this moment, Lu Yue suddenly thought of seeing Feng Yi catching a mouse yesterday.

   Yesterday Feng Yi stood at the door of Gu Jun’s office first, stopped, and said that there were two mice inside, and then...

   folder! Gu Jun's 30,000 yuan flew away.

   At this moment, so similar.

   Lu Yue watched Feng Yi quickly choose among them, and looked at the other party as they did yesterday, taking a very purposeful step, and quickly picked out the three pieces of clothing.

   Just for a while, Lu Yue saw in a daze that the 400,000 bills had flown away from his bank card...

   Lu Qi, who was standing next to Lu Yue, didn't feel distressed for the money for the first time, but was shocked by this strange identification method that he didn't know what to say.

   After a while, Lu Qiqiyi's assistant took the three pieces picked out by Feng Yi and tested them with the kit.

   "Of these thousand pieces, really only these three have problems?" Lu Qi looked at Feng Yi. He still couldn't believe it.

   How long is this?

   Is it a minute since he walked over to the suspension frame? One thousand pieces are just like that...Is the appraisal finished?

   Lu Qi could still talk about it. The other people standing on the sidelines looked bewildered at this time, as if they didn't know what was going on.

   Feng Yi didn't care about other people either.

   "On these three items, you don't believe that you can let people pick them randomly and use the kit for testing. I said, you will pay ten if you make a mistake. The premise is that you can't cheat. Oh, yes..."

   Feng Yi looked around the warehouse, it was empty.

   Lu Qi has experienced many things in the end. When Lu Yue was still doubting his life, he had already adjusted. Seeing Fengyi like this, Lu Qi asked: "What needs our cooperation? The next batch of people will be replaced as soon as possible. Here are all smart hanging systems, which are fast. We will change them later. Two thousand shipments are coming up, do you have a problem here?"

   "Yes!" Feng Yi said.

   Lu Qi: "...please say. If two thousand pieces are difficult, one thousand and five hundred pieces are okay."

   "No, no, I didn't mean this. Two thousand pieces are okay, so you can quickly replace them. I mean, can you provide a place to rest? You can also move a recliner for easy rest."

   Lu Qika took a moment, and after a few seconds he said, "The recliner is available, I'll let someone move it." If not, I will buy it! The matter of a recliner is a trivial matter compared to the goods in the warehouse.

   "Will the massage chair work?" Lu Qi asked.

   "Uh...Of course." Feng Yi said in his heart, as expected to be Lao Lu, doing things is more proud than Xiao Lu!

   Lu Qi asked people to move a massage chair over.

   Feng Yi looked at it and found it was pretty new, and it was obvious that it had just been cleaned up. Although there was still some messy smell, at this time, there was no need to worry about that much.

   fully intelligent massage chair, just suitable for Feng Yi to relax, let the brain rest a little. I will scan the odor molecules of 2,000 pieces of goods later, and the pressure will definitely be greater, and I must rest well.

He didn't choose to cover up, and he solved it in the fastest way. One is that 50,000 pieces of goods are indeed too much. Even if he can swindle him to the past, I don’t know how many pieces of goods are still waiting. ? It is himself who suffers like that.

  Second, I want to play tricks in front of Lu Qi and Lu Yue. Once or twice, it’s okay. It will be exposed after a long time. It would be better to show your strength now, and to win more voice and respect from Lu Qi.

   Let’s talk about it again, the money has been negotiated, so don’t pretend!

   Twenty million is a sky-high price for ordinary people~www.wuxiaspot.com~, but for Lu Qi and others, it is still not enough. What's more, Lu Qi couldn't find other more efficient methods to appraise the whole product.

   Feng Yi lay there to rest without being polite, Lu Qi was not only not angry, but also asked Feng Yi to prepare some tea and snacks for Feng Yi.

   He has always been more patient with capable people. In his eyes, Feng Yi is already among the "high-end talents".

After    Feng Yi picked the three items, he personally picked ten more randomly and sent them to be tested and identified with a special kit. Although the results have not yet come out, Lu Qi actually has a tendency in his heart.

   If Feng Yi really went to see one by one, he would suspect that Feng Yi would cheat in the process.

   But Feng Yi is now using this magical way to identify, Lu Qi suddenly felt that this person is really a bit different from ordinary people.

   There are indeed some people in this world who have talents that others can't imagine, and Lu Qi listens a lot. Therefore, Feng Yi should also belong to the talent type in his opinion.

   Of course, we must make better use of such talented high-end talents!

   He asked people to move the massage chair over. After Feng Yi rested, could he improve his efficiency?

   50,000 pieces of goods, can all of them be appraised today?

   If so, their new brand impact market plan can be advanced!

   On the other side of Lu Yue, the 400,000 people who had just flew away after being distressed, looked at the two thousand newly-hanging goods, and clutched his chest.

  800,000, will fly away so easily...

   Looking at Feng Yi, who was already resting in the massage chair, Lu Yue's complexion changed from time to time, he was angry and amused, and a little bit emotional.

   "You kid... Niu X!"

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