Ethan’s Fantasy Drift

Chapter 16 Zul's Blessing

The three people who successfully annihilated all the dark creatures in the evil cave, took advantage of the opportunity to clean up the surrounding of the cave again. It was not until the night of the fourth day that they returned to the camp.

It has been a few days since Ethan left this world. After thinking about it, he decided to continue to destroy the blood crows with the two mages.

Blood Raven Morena, the female archer that players can choose in Diablo 1, once defeated Diablo and saved the world.

Unfortunately, after the destruction of Diablo, the idol of all the Rogues slowly fell into the darkness. When the power of darkness soared, the Blood Raven completely degenerated and became Andariel's thug. And was sent to deal with former comrades.

"The only thing we can do with this hero is to free her from the grip of the dark forces."

How to rescue? Everyone understands that there is only one way.

After a night's rest, two mages and an apprentice embarked on a journey against the darkness again. This time, it wasn't as easy as it was before.

The blood crow itself is a powerful hero. After the fall, it is not only stronger, but also has the ability to control undead creatures. The sea-like skeleton soldiers surround the blood crow in the middle. The blood crows under the layers of defense can fully display the style of their top Rogue archers.

Ethan was very embarrassed in this 'crusade against the blood crows'. Although under the protection of the two powerful mages, he did not suffer any damage, but he also lost the magic item he had just made by himself. After the arrows on the wrist, the biggest function of the bracer is to parry the attacks of the skeletons at a critical time.

One of them was that after the shield was damaged, Ethan hurriedly parried the slash of a skeleton soldier. I have to mention that Charsi is a very good blacksmith, and he didn't cut corners, so this sword did not cut off Ethan's hand. But this time, it also completely destroyed the fragile magic circle on the wrist.

The other one was when Ethan was caught in the melee, noticed by the blood crow in the distance, and suddenly shot an arrow to kill him directly.

At the critical moment, a warning sign suddenly appeared in Ethan's heart, his mental power was highly concentrated, and his ability to see everything seemed to slow down to the extreme, so that he could accurately block the arrow with his wrist guard.

Compared to just being chopped off before, Zhen's wrist was numb. This time the injury was much more serious. Even the wrist strap was shot through by the blood crow. Even if it penetrated the entire wrist and the inner and outer layers of the wrist guard, the arrow was still unabated. Sen turned his head to the side in time, and at the same time swung his wrist to reverse the direction of the arrow, only to avoid the fatal blow.

After that, Ethan watched the two mages show their power throughout the whole process. His role in this battle was only to eliminate some miscellaneous soldiers at the beginning.

"Continue to improve your strength!"

Treat wounds and clean up the battlefield.

After everything was done, Ethan looked at Zul and Isandra who had returned to him, and smiled helplessly: "It seems that I can only accompany you here."

The two mages did not refuse Ethan's participation as they did at the beginning. They just smiled and nodded: "Although it is not long, I will always remember this time in my heart."

Isandra asked, "Are you going to stay at Camp Rogge next?"

With Ethan's strength, he can no longer continue to fight against the dark creatures with them. The Blood Raven is already the limit of his ability to move forward. If he continues to meet stronger demons, sacrifice is almost inevitable - and Ethan cannot fight against demons. what harm they do, so this sacrifice is worthless.

Ethan can do a lot by staying at Camp Rogge. For example, helping Akara to collect herbs and even making magic potions, helping Rogues with simple healing and dressing - learned from the nuns; even helping Rogues patrol the surrounding area and clean up dark creatures. With Ethan's current strength, the bloody wasteland Dark creatures will not pose too much threat to him, as long as you are careful.

As for going home? Ethan said before that he came from the east, and now the fortress leading to the east is being occupied by Andariel. If Ethan wants to go home, I am afraid he will have to wait for himself and Zuul to destroy or seal Andariel, so that the eyes can be seen. The Blind Eye Monastery will take back the Eastern Gate Fortress.

She had no way of knowing that there were only two days left for Ethan to stay in this world, and even if he was strong enough, he couldn't continue to fight against Diablo with the two of them.

For the past few days, he has been thinking of a suitable excuse, and it is just right to say it at this time.

"Actually, my teacher has located my location through special magic, and will use teleportation magic to bring me back in the next two days."

Issandra's eyes widened instantly, and Ethan swore that since seeing the female mage, she never thought her eyes would be so big.

"To be able to do such a thing? Your teacher... is really a powerful mage."

Neither of the two mages had any doubts about Ethan's words. In fact, with the improvement of their cultivation, many mages would gradually find that their understanding of mysterious powers was only scratches. Therefore, they were not interested in many things that sounded nonsense. , will not be easily denied.

Of course, there are also some mages who feel that their understanding of mysterious power has reached the peak, so they deny everything they can't do.

Fortunately, neither Zul nor Isandra was such a megalomaniac, and they easily believed Ethan's words.

Even if they don't believe in Ethan and don't care, they won't be able to believe it after they are sent back to the ocean by the time-space magic circle in front of them two days later.

After packing up, the three returned to Camp Rogge again.

The fact that Ethan was about to leave was not hidden from the people in the camp, so both Akara and Kasha knew that he was about to leave, and before he left, they all came to say goodbye to him.

"Thank you for everything you have done for us during this time. You will always be a friend of the Blind Eyes Order. If you have time, I hope you can come back as a guest."

Akara sent some herbs to Ethan. These herbs have been processed in a simple way, and most of them have been made into powder, which is not difficult to bring.

Kasha gave Ethan a refined long sword, which can be used with one hand or with both hands. The hilt and grid are very simple, without any pattern decoration, it seems to be just an ordinary long sword, but when Ethan drew it out. After waving the long sword for a while, he noticed that the long sword was still exuding magical fluctuations.

"Magic equipment?"

Kasha smiled and nodded: "This long sword has no special ability, it is just reinforced with magic, so it is much stronger than ordinary long swords."

When Ethan heard such a simple "special effect", not only was he not unhappy, but he was even more happy. The most troublesome thing about many weapons is maintenance and durability. This kind of bladed weapon is especially easy to be scrapped after a high-intensity battle. In the final analysis, it is not strong enough. Therefore, this simple magic effect is much more practical than fireball, frost, lightning and the like.

Kasha has prepared more than this. He knows that although Ethan has learned simple melee combat, he can use weapons such as short swords well, but he doesn't know much about weapons such as long swords. Therefore, she also sent an additional manuscript.

"There are basic swordsmanship movements and practice methods here, as well as some of my personal understanding and practice experience of swordsmanship. I hope it will be helpful to you."

Ethan took the Codex and thanked Kasha very solemnly. This was exactly what he needed very much. He never thought that Kasha would give him this. And he is neither Rogge nor Kasha's disciple, this kind of thing is not something that can be given away casually in this world.

Even Akara, who spent more time together, just sent some herbal powder to himself, but he didn't say what kind of magic potion making experience handbook.

"Maybe... it's because of his many actions that indirectly saved more Rogge?"

After that, other people in the camp came to say goodbye to Ethan one after another, but Isandra and Zul disappeared. Ethan felt that they might be busy with something, or wait until he left tomorrow. Appear.

However, it was not as Ethan had guessed. Early the next morning, Ethan packed up and saluted, and then took his luggage to an open space, quietly waiting for the time to activate the teleportation magic.

At this time, Isandra and Zul finally appeared, along with Chassi, the blacksmith from the camp.

"I thought you wouldn't come to see me off."

"How is that possible, it's just that you're leaving suddenly, so I need some time to prepare the gift, but luckily I caught up." Zuer opened his mouth first, then spread his hand to reveal the unremarkable copper ring in his palm.

In this scene, Ethan suddenly wanted to vomit, but he didn't know where to start vomiting for a while, so he could only forcibly hold back: "What is this?"

He didn't think Zul would give him an ordinary copper ring casually. It would be a waste of time to guess, so just ask.

"This is a ring, Ethan." Zul smiled playfully: "It's just that I enchanted a curse on it."

The hand that he had just stretched out shrank back again, and Ethan said with a face, 'You actually want to hurt me! ' looked at Zul, and in exchange was Zul's expressionless face.

"It's an active spell that you can cast with your own mental power to help you deal with the enemy."

Zul stopped joking with Ethan and introduced his ring in detail. Like he said, this thing is straightforward and easy to use. Ethan can use his mental power to control the mana stored in the ring, and then actively release a curse of weakness to attack the enemy.

Weakness: A curse that can reduce the strength, agility, and durability of the casted object. The specific effect is determined according to the opponent's own situation. It is the most entry-level spell of the curse spells of Rathma priests.

However, considering the strength of Ethan's mental power and the lack of magic power, this level of curse is the most suitable for him to use.

In addition, this ring can spontaneously absorb the original magic power from the surrounding, and does not require additional energy from Ethan. In fact, the automatic absorption and storage of the original magic power is the most difficult part of this small prop.

"Nice prop, do you have a name?"

Zul nodded: "I thought of a name last night, called 'Zul's Blessing!' Is it very appropriate?"


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