Eternal Tranquility

Chapter 478 Confrontation

When Liu Qinghuan and others rushed outside, they could see a crowd of people in the distance. There were no less than dozens of people wearing otherworldly costumes. Among them were three new-faced Nascent Souls, several Golden Cores, and even a group of people. Foundation-building monk.

Wang Feng murmured with an extremely ugly expression: "Five Nascent Souls..."

Liu Qinghuan continued: "If the five Nascent Souls attack at the same time, I don't know if the formation can withstand it..."

Now it's not that easy to find time to send out a call for help. However, they are not without a glimmer of hope. When Qu Yunhe was sent away, Liu Qinghuan asked him to bring a private letter to Mingyangzi. In addition to reporting safety, the letter also briefly explained the situation of Wuyuqiu's spiritual veins.

Now we can only hope that Qu Yunhe can reach Yandang City safely. Then after Mingyangzi reads the letter, he should have noticed something unusual and sent someone here.

But, can they wait for that day?

In order to alleviate the desperate atmosphere in the valley, Liu Qinghuan said: "Brother Wang, you don't have to be too anxious. I not only sent a letter to the alliance before, but also to my master, and the method was more covert. People from other worlds should not The interception is available. So maybe someone will be sent after a few days."

Wang Feng looked at him with surprise and joy. Seeing his determined expression, he calmed down a little and said with a wry smile: "That's great, now we can only wait."

He drove away the other low-level monks and held the array plate tightly in his hands. The two of them discussed what to do if those people attacked, but they couldn't think of any way except to huddle in the formation.

"The large formation set up here is a hidden formation. It's not very powerful in terms of attack, but fortunately it's okay in terms of defense. I hope it can hold up."

Everyone was well prepared, waiting for an attack that might break out at any time. However, the alien monks didn't seem to be in a hurry. After a while, they all disappeared into the dense forest.

Wang Feng said gloomily: "If these people are not still waiting for someone?"

Naturally, Liu Qinghuan could only shake his head to express his ignorance: "Maybe."

He suddenly walked around angrily and raised his voice: "It's too much to bully others, it's really too much to bully others! I would rather go out and have a good fight with them than wait to die like this!"

Liu Qinghuan frowned and glanced at him. This man had not been baptized by the war and had already lost his cool. He tried his best to say in a calm tone: "Brother Wang, don't be impatient, otherwise you will fall into the opponent's hands. It's a good thing if they don't come, you can delay it for a little longer."

However, when night fell, those alien monks suddenly appeared and rushed here quickly.

Tonight, the stars and moon are dim, and the thick darkness is like an insoluble gel. The night wind blows like a wail, and the heavy pressure makes people almost breathless.

As soon as there was any movement outside the valley, Liu Qinghuan, who had been watching, immediately straightened up. Wang Feng next to him also reacted, and his nervousness began to spread.

The opponent obviously mobilized all their troops. At the front were five Nascent Soul cultivators, three men and two women, followed by dozens of others. It didn't take long for them to arrive outside the formation.

The Nascent Soul male cultivator with wild beard and hair whom I had seen before walked swaggeringly to the front of the formation. He spat rudely and started gesticulating to start the formation.

Wang Feng didn't let Liu Qinghuan explain what the other party said this time, which was not a good thing to think about. Soon, a person next to him said a few words. The person finally stopped this unnecessary behavior, looked sharply, and the long stick in his hand became as thick as a big pillar, glowing with a faint black light, and came down with one stroke!

As if receiving the signal of attack, spells of various colors bloomed like gorgeous fireworks, and all kinds of magic weapons came with a long aura. The five Nascent Soul cultivators took action together, plus dozens of others, and their momentum shook people's hearts and souls, causing large ripples on the light screen!

Everyone in the entire valley held their breath and concentrated. This initial attack was the strongest. If they could withstand it, they would be able to fight the opponent.

Liu Qinghuan focused all his attention on the five Nascent Soul cultivators and suddenly said: "They are about to use their killing move, change the formation quickly!"

Wang Feng wiped his sweat nervously, his fingers brought out a little light, and he quickly operated on the array plate. He saw that the entire array began to emit large streams of white mist, and soon all the nearby hills were covered. Submerged, all attacks are like hitting cotton and disappearing without a trace.

The monks from other worlds were so frightened that they didn't care to cast any more spells and fled from the white mist.

But at the same time, one of the Nascent Souls was seen raising his hands to the sky. The sky was changing, and large blood clouds gathered under the night, churning like flying dragons pounding the sea. An extremely evil red moon poked its head out. The brilliance as bright as drops of blood made this quiet mountain forest look like a ghost land. At this time, the blood cloud suddenly turned into a majestic heavy rain and poured down, thinning and dissipating the billowing white mist, and at the same time, thick blood energy spread.

However, all this is not over yet. The face of a Nascent Soul male cultivator with long hair is covered with strange purple lines. Not far in front of him, a purple demonic vine breaks out of the ground, absorbing the fallen... The blood-red rainwater grew crazily, and the soft and thick branches twisted and danced like snakes towards the formation, and each time the whip was whipped, a large amount of mist was evacuated.

The other Nascent Soul cultivators also used all means to make the light curtain of the formation shake violently.

Wang Feng constantly mobilized the power of the magic circle to form a thick layer of mist where it received intensive attacks, in order to slow down the attacks that fell directly on the large formation.

so close! Although the light barrier was on the verge of breaking several times, it finally withstood this wave of violent attacks.

There was a boiling sound in the valley, and the low-level monks seemed to have just climbed up from the abyss of death, cheering and crying.

However, all this was just the beginning, and Liu and Wang did not dare to lose focus for a moment.

Fortunately, the Five Directions and Five Elements Restriction Hidden Formation is directly connected to the underground spiritual veins, so there is no need to replace the spiritual stones in the eyes of the formation.

"Brother Liu, can you take over for a while?" Wang Feng suddenly blushed and said with thick neck. His hands were shaking and his fingers were stiff like spasms. It was obvious that the tense situation and huge pressure just now had pushed him to the limit.

"Okay!" Liu Qinghuan said nothing, stretched out his hand, drew the formation plate over, and took over the control below.

Wang Feng bent over and gasped for air, sweat falling like rain, and his hands were shaking involuntarily.

Liu Qinghuan said: "Brother Wang, you can meditate immediately to restore your spiritual power. I will have to rely on you to take over after a while."

Wang Feng responded and immediately sat down cross-legged.

At this time, when the two faced a common life and death, they had put aside their previous differences for the time being.

The offensive outside the formation poured out like a flood and continued uninterrupted. After a few hours, everyone's spirits were so tense that they felt like they would break in the next moment.

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