Eternal Tranquility

Chapter 345 Waiting for Dawn

Time has passed ruthlessly, Liu Qinghuan still looks like a young man in his twenties, but Lin Guang is now almost middle-aged, has grown a beard, and is fatter than before.

The high-spiritedness and restlessness of his youth have disappeared from him, replaced by calmness, open-mindedness and cheerfulness.

He welcomed Liu Qing into his residence, and while placing wine and food on the stone table in the courtyard, he said: "Speaking of which, I occasionally think of me, you, and Junior Brother Bai, who often sat together on this stone table. Drinking and chatting. It’s just that it’s been decades since you left, and now Junior Brother Bai has taken pills and been sent to the frozen north.”

After a pause: "It's just me, still standing still."

He spoke very calmly, but Liu Qinghuan seemed to see the decadent young man who was stuck at the eighth level of Qi training.

He thought about it and couldn't help but said: "Senior Brother Lin, is it really difficult for you to make any progress in your cultivation?"

Lin Guang laughed and shook his head: "Junior brother Liu, you don't have to be so careful when speaking. I have thought about it for so many years. When I built the foundation, it was because of the spirit-building pills and foundation-building pills you and junior brother Bai gave me that I rushed forward. Yes, so I have been mentally prepared for this. ”

Liu Qinghuan couldn't say anything else. Lin Guang himself had given up. No matter how much he said as an outsider, it would be in vain.

Lin Guang poured him a glass of wine, the two of them clinked, and continued: "Actually, I'm not bad now. Being a small steward in the sect can be regarded as a bit of power. In a few years, I will return to the ordinary world. Go build a small cultivating family, marry a wife, have children, and reproduce."

No emotions such as unwillingness or sadness could be heard in his words. After the struggle and hopelessness, all that was left was resignation.

Liu Qinghuan raised his head and drank the wine in the glass, swallowed his sigh, and said, "Senior Brother Bai is indeed gifted with talent. He formed a pill so quickly, and I didn't even have a chance to congratulate him."

Lin Guang smiled and said: "The Eastern Wasteland has reappeared. He may come back soon, and then we can drink together again."

He stood up, walked back and forth in the courtyard, leaned against a tree and said, "You haven't gone to see Senior Brother Qu when you came back, have you?"

"By the way, has Senior Brother Qu formed an elixir now?"

Lin Guang said regretfully: "No, I have tried three or four times, and each time it failed due to various reasons."

To attack the golden elixir once, you don't just need to retreat. The elixirs and other materials consumed are valuable. However, Qu Yunhe has Chengxin behind him, so he should still be able to afford it.

"Is Senior Brother Qu in the sect now?"

Lin Guang turned the wine glass in his hand and shook his head: "Master Cheng Xin wanted to arrange for Senior Brother Qu to form a dual cultivator with a female cultivator. Senior Brother Qu refused and fled the sect directly. I don't know where he is now."

"Double cultivation?" Liu Qinghuan frowned and said, "Does this mean that Master Chengxin has been disappointed with Senior Brother Qu?"

Generally, when elders arrange for younger generations to practice dual cultivation at this time, it is equivalent to giving up to a certain extent.

"Maybe..." Lin Guang said: "Anyway, Senior Brother Qu was said to be furious when he rushed out. Alas, speaking of it, thanks to Senior Brother Qu's care over the years, I have been able to win a small stewardship position in the sect."

The two drank and talked about what happened over the years. Lin Guang was very interested in asking about Liu Qinghuan's experience. When he learned that he had visited Saofeng Continent and Dongya Island, he couldn't help but feel a hint of envy.

The more they drank, the more they drank, but they were filled with unspeakable sadness, and both of them gradually fell silent.

Lin Guang was in a daze, and Liu Qinghuan was also in a complicated mood.

Friends who were young friends took different directions in life due to their respective circumstances. On the road of cultivating immortality, some people are discouraged and have given up, some people have died halfway, some people have struggled to make blood marks every step of the way, and some people have abandoned the past and never been heard from again...

They came from a well-known family, and when they were young, they were full of energy and dreamed of great rivers and mountains, swords and swords. But the reality is concrete and cold. After walking around in the world, you will either become a man of steel or become riddled with holes.

Lin Guang was drunk, half-lying on a chair, looking up at the starry sky above his head. After a long while, he whispered in a low voice: "I'm just sorry that I no longer have the ambition to travel to the mountains and wild fields."

Liu Qinghuan burst out laughing for some unknown reason, and couldn't stop laughing. He almost burst into tears.

Under Lin Guang's surprised gaze, he stood up, and the sword of life and death flew out from between his eyebrows and turned into a long sword.

He walked to an open area, stood tall, with his back to Lin Guang and said: "Senior Brother Lin, do you still remember when we learned swordsmanship together?"

As he said that, he first made a stance, then rubbed his body, held a sword flower in his long sword, and turned around to come out straight. He didn't use his spiritual power, but just used his body to move up and down.

Stab, split, tease, hang, cloud, point, collapse, cut, cut...

Every move is the most basic sword move, which is exactly the Tai Chi sword technique they practiced when they started.

However, in Liu Qinghuan's current state, practicing Tai Chi swordsmanship has a different charm and experience.

The astonishment in Lin Guang's eyes was slowly filled with memories, as if he had really returned to the days when they were teenagers, practicing swordsmanship with all their brothers on the cloud viewing platform behind the Immortal Peak every morning.

He was stunned for a while, watching Liu Qinghuan show no signs of stopping, moving one move after another, tirelessly, completely immersed in the swordsmanship.

There was a bright light in Lin Guang's eyes, and he looked at it like he was obsessed. He suddenly let out a long roar, and with a tremor of his hand, he grabbed a long sword. He stood next to Liu Qinghuan and started practicing exactly like him.

How many years have passed, and how many years have passed?

You should build for me, and I will sing for you.

I wave to the seagulls and see how close I am to the clouds and dreams in my chest.

Chu Yue waited and listened, and his liver and gallbladder were in trouble.

Things in life are given by God, and they are whirling.

Several people looked at each other and smiled drunkenly.

Seeing the floating clouds passing by, I am afraid that the years will fly away like a shuttle.

I encourage you to hold candles for a good spring.

Slowly, Liu Qinghuan's sword intention changed. The sword followed his heart, and he recalled all the experiences he had traveled during these years, as well as the people he met and the insights he had gained. After returning home, the emotions he felt when he learned about the plight of every friend in the faction also came to his mind one by one.

He finally went to Jia Zhou's cave, and Jia Zhou opened the door for him, allowing him to visit Senior Brother Yuzhi who was lying in the ice coffin.

Life and death, death and death. Among the seven sufferings of life, life and death rank at the top, both of which are unspeakably bitter.

And all of this was melted into his sword intention.

The east was white and the morning light was dewy. Liu Qinghuan and Lin Guang unknowingly danced with their swords all night long.

When the first ray of golden sunlight shone into the small courtyard of Bamboo Forest Mountain, the two of them stopped at the same time and looked at the vibrant Chuyang.

Liu Qinghuan looked at the sword of life and death in his hand. The originally gray sword had now turned completely white.

He had comprehended the death sword many years ago, and last night, he had comprehended the living sword without knowing it.

Life must lead to death, and death must lead to resurrection. Liu Qinghuan's sword intention of life and death finally made another great breakthrough.

Turning his head, he and Lin Guang laughed heartily at the same time.

Breathing in the fresh air of the morning, Liu Qinghuan said: "Brother Lin, you know that I have never been good at words, so I won't say anything to comfort you. We cultivators are all walking alone on the road to immortality, and every step is full of ups and downs. Nothing comes easy, and the most important thing is to stay true to your original intention!”

When he started speaking, his voice was very soft. Later, every word seemed to pop out of his mouth and hit the ground with a loud sound!

The smile on Lin Guang's face slowly faded and he nodded cautiously.

Liu Qinghuan pointed forward and said loudly: "If you feel regretful, just do it; if you want to see the mountains and rivers, the rivers and the sea, then go out from here! The sect is our root, but it does not tie our feet. , what binds us is our own heart.”

"What does it mean if you can't improve your cultivation? You can still enjoy your grudges and come and go freely! Do whatever you want to do, don't waste your time, hide in a corner all day feeling sad and self-pitying, or pretend to be calm and whitewash peace. That's when you die. Well, your life has not been in vain!"

Finally, Liu Qinghuan said sadly: "Death will find us no matter when, so when we are alive, we should live with all our heart and soul..."

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