Eternal Tranquility

Chapter 316 Teleportation

Liu Qinghuan said: "Of course, don't get me wrong. Yunzheng and I both like you very much, so you are welcome to come with us. But you must also consider it clearly. Yunmengze Continent is very far away from Xiaofeng Continent. After you go There may be no chance to come back, your friends or sect here..."

Jingjue interrupted him with a wooden sign, looking slightly lonely: "No more, my master passed away a few years ago. We used to live in the mountains, and I have no friends or relatives... I want to see other places. In this place, Master said that I had too little experience and asked me to walk more and see more, so as to sharpen my heart towards Buddha.”

Liu Qinghuan patted him: "Okay, you can hang out with us from now on. Yunmengze is full of spiritual energy, the sect is prosperous, there are also some very good Buddhist sects, and the atmosphere of the world of cultivating immortals is much better than that of Xiaofeng Continent. When you arrive If you are willing, you can join those sects. If you are not willing, just come back to the sect with me or Yun Zheng..."

Liu Qinghuan introduced various situations about Yun Mengze to him. Jingjue listened very seriously, with a firm expression and bright and clear eyes.


Suddenly, the ancient teleportation array made a subtle vibration, and a white stream of light quickly circled among the deep runes.

Liu Qinghuan and Jingjue both looked surprised and quickly gathered around.

Yunzheng's whole body was wrapped in the rich spiritual light, and the magic formulas quickly hit the magic circle, and the buzzing vibration became louder and louder!

The wandering white light slowly approached the damaged area that had been repaired, and Yunzheng suddenly shouted in the midst of his busy schedule: "Little monk, hurry up and say, 'We will definitely succeed'!"

Jingjue was stunned for a moment and repeated: "We will definitely succeed!"

If it weren't for the most tense moment, Liu Qinghuan almost laughed out loud.

He suppressed his laughter, and when he saw that the white light had reached the first damage, he held his breath involuntarily.

There, the deep sword marks have been filled in with various materials, and the color is exactly the same as the surrounding ground. Each formation pattern has been painted and connected with the original formation patterns on the ancient teleportation array. The lines are beautiful and smooth. , can't see any flaws.

Accompanied by a buzzing sound, the white light flowed from one of the formations to the edge of the sword mark. Without any pause, it flowed along the formations drawn by Yun Zheng, and then entered the intact line on the other side.

Jingjue let out a small cry, and although Yunzheng and Liu Qinghuan also showed a bit of joy, they both knew that this was just the beginning.

Yun Zheng had stopped playing the magic formula at this time and stood beside the two of them, waiting for the final results of the test array.

Until the white light quickly flowed through the circle, the entire ancient teleportation array suddenly emitted a dazzling white light, flashed three times amidst a huge buzzing sound, and then slowly stopped.

"Hahaha, it worked! Great!" Yunzheng laughed loudly: "I am indeed a genius!"

Liu Qinghuan was also very happy and shouted: "Ah, I can finally return to Yunmengze!"

Jingjue clapped his hands excitedly beside him and said, "Success, success!"

The three of them happily high-fived each other, and it took a while to calm down.

"How's it going?" Yun Zheng looked at Liu Qinghuan: "Should we leave right away?"

Liu Qinghuan suppressed her excitement and glanced at the main hall: "The furnaces and cauldrons are not finished yet, so pack them up first. Besides, you are now exhausted of spiritual power and energy, and we don't know what is going on on the other side. We can take advantage of the opportunity to not return to the ruins." There are still three days left, so it’s best to rest before leaving.”

On the second day, Yun Zheng took out several high-grade spiritual stones and pressed them into the pits in the teleportation circle one by one.

Jingjue held up the wooden sign: "Ah, do you want to use so many spiritual stones?"

Yun Zheng said with heartache: "What else? This is a cross-continental teleportation array, and a teleportation consumes a lot of resources. Fortunately, I still have some savings..."

He whispered softly, and when he saw Liu Qinghuan also taking out the high-grade spiritual stone and pressing it upward, he said twice: "Go, I don't need you, you can take out a piece of empty crystal stone as big as that."

Liu Qinghuan rolled her eyes and ignored him.

Jingjue touched his head in embarrassment: "I don't have any high-grade spiritual stones."

"Just stand there."

After finally placing the spirit stones, Yun Zheng straightened up and said, "My mother, this teleportation is so painful that I cry."

Liu Qinghuan deeply agreed. Fortunately, he got a lot of high-grade spiritual stones from Xue Ming, otherwise he would really cry.

Yun Zheng carefully took out the fist-sized empty crystal stone and looked at Liu Qinghuan and Jing Jue: "Are you ready?"

Seeing the two men nodding, he took a deep breath and pressed the empty crystal into the middlemost pit.

Immediately, the teleportation array buzzed, which was much louder than when the array was measured before. Yun Zheng quickly played the magic formula, and all the complex formations lit up, and the dazzling white light rose up one after another, illuminating the entire hall like daylight.

The three of them stood in the center of the formation, and as the light became brighter and brighter, their figures were gradually submerged.


There was a loud noise, and white light exploded, and the force of the impact made the entire Zhao family's hill tremble.

Xu Su, who had just emerged from the lake behind the mountain, turned his head, looked deeply, swallowed a sigh, and whispered: "Are you leaving now..."

The hall deep underground soon returned to calm, all the light gradually dissipated, and there was no one in the ancient teleportation array.

As soon as Liu Qinghuan landed on the ground, he didn't even care to look at his surroundings. The strong dizziness made him unable to stand, and he fell to the ground uncontrollably, feeling extremely tight in his chest.

There was the sound of vomiting nearby, but Jingjue was lying on the ground, retching.

Yun Zheng was barely better than the two of them. He immediately looked around: "Well, it's a cave. There is no danger for the time being..."

Seeing Liu Qinghuan finally getting up from the ground, he handed him the empty crystal in his hand: "I didn't expect that this crystal didn't use up much power. It can be used again in the future."

After they felt better, the three of them walked up the stone steps connecting the cave, and soon saw a bright light ahead.

Liu Qinghuan rushed out with great anticipation, but when she saw the scene outside, her expression changed drastically!

Yun Zheng, who followed closely behind, cursed: "What the hell is this place!"

Sea, sea, endless sea as far as the eye can see! And where they were standing was on a rock in the sea that was only a mile or two in radius.

"No! Are we still in Sao Feng Continent?" Yun Zheng said in disbelief, and quickly shut up when he saw Liu Qinghuan's dark expression.

If you expect too much, you will be disappointed.

"Okay, maybe this is the Sea of ​​Eastern Wasteland." Yun Zheng consoled him, "Maybe we can fly a short distance and reach your Wenshi sect directly."

Jingjue also came over and patted him.

Liu Qinghuan forced a smile and regained her composure: "Forget it, let's look around first and see if we can tell where this is."

The three of them aimed towards the west and flew forward without stopping.

After flying for several hours, we didn't even encounter an island. At a glance, it was just sea water. The sky is as blue as a wash, with floating white clouds. The sun is setting in the west, and the afterglow sprinkles a piece of gold on the sea.

Liu Qinghuan suddenly stopped and shouted: "Yunzheng, do you feel something is wrong?"

"Ah, what?" Yun Zheng turned around and looked around: "What's wrong?"

"Is the sea here too calm? We didn't see any sea animals along the way, not even a few seabirds."

"It's true." Yun Zheng nodded, glanced ahead, was stunned for a moment, and then suddenly took a breath: "Look, what is that?"

Liu Qinghuan quickly looked in the direction he was pointing and backed away in shock: "Space crack!!!"

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