Eternal Tranquility

Chapter 270 The Abyss

Tainan Land is a very huge island with undulating mountains and complex terrain. Looking at it, apart from stones and land, there is not even a hint of green in the wind barrier.

Liu Qinghuan has been walking for five days since he left the cave.

The wind here is silent. It is not as roaring and violent as the Howling Sea, but it carries a stronger pressure. If you are not careful, you will be blown away without even being able to see your shadow.

"Bang!" Like the sound of a watermelon exploding, Liu Qinghuan turned around and saw that on a hillside to his right, a foundation-building monk had exploded into pieces of flesh and blood that filled the sky.

He has seen such scenes several times in the past five days.

Not only the foundation-building monks, but also the Jindan masters suffered the same fate in the wind barrier that was suppressed by their cultivation.

As we go deeper into Tainan, the power of the wind barrier becomes stronger and stronger, and more and more people cannot withstand the pressure and retreat. Those who forcibly advance will either be blown away by the wind and disappear into the horizon, or they will end up being shattered into pieces.

Only a very small number of people can continue to walk.

Liu Qinghuan nailed himself to the ground, and unspeakable pressure came from all directions, trying to crush him.

With each step, the power of the surrounding wind barriers will undergo great changes.

He closed his eyes, and with the help of the small wind realm, he could "see" some vortices spinning in the wind like flywheels. These wind vortices travel quickly and slowly across the ground and sky, and anything that hits them will be torn into pieces.

Liu Qinghuan was avoiding these elusive whirlpools while looking for places where he could borrow strength.

What he is looking for is the kind of small vortex that allows him to use the power of the rotation under his feet, so that he can save a lot of energy when using the Pingxu Wind Control Technique.

In addition, the location is also very important. It should not be too high and should be close to the ground to prevent sudden changes. Don’t get too close to a large wind vortex, and be on guard against small whirlpools suddenly becoming larger.

To be able to get here, Liu Qinghuan has put in a lot of effort, every step is extremely careful, and it consumes a lot of energy and mana.

After walking like this for another day, the monks walking around him could hardly be seen. He turned around a hill, and a chasm appeared in front of him.

The chasm is two to three hundred feet wide, bottomless, and winding in all directions. The cold wind blew out from the abyss, making Liu Qinghuan shiver intelligently.

However, there was a hint of joy on his face, because on the other side of the chasm, there were green mountains and green waters, and the lush forest was swaying in the breeze.

"It should be beyond the range of the wind barrier over there!" He said to himself, looking at the gradually darkening sky, and then at the abyss in front of him.

Hope is right in front of us, but it is blocked by the last dangerous place. The abyss is probably more difficult than the journey ahead.

"Ah..." A long bird song came from under the chasm, and a large black shadow drew vaguely across.

Liu Qinghuan swallowed nervously and retreated to the foot of the hill.

It's better to rest for a night before venturing in to be sure.

That night, he was holding the spirit-gathering stone in his hand to restore his spiritual power. He could not calm down as he listened to the various shrill sounds coming from the abyss outside the magic circle.

The chasm looked extremely ominous and insurmountable, and he was not sure of it.

He looked at the spirit beast bag and saw that Xiao Hei had fallen into a deep sleep since he came out of the cloud jellyfish last time, and he still hasn't woken up yet.

"Master?" A clear and childish little girl's voice sounded in his mind.

Liu Qinghuan was stunned for a moment, but saw Chu Yi blinking his big eyes and looking up at him: "Master, can't you get wet?"

Liu Qinghuan hugged Chu Yi out in surprise: "Ji Yi, can you speak now?"

The little girl's cheerful voice sounded again, and Chu Yi jumped on his hand: "I can say flowers, I can say flowers!"

Like a child who has just learned to speak, his mouth is a little slurred.

Liu Qinghuan nodded its nose and said with a smile: "It seems that it needs more practice. Why can it suddenly speak?"

Chu Yi rubbed his palm aggrievedly: "Brother Xiaohei tells the master every time he gets angry that he wants a lot of flowers, and I want them too!"

Liu Qinghuan laughed and rubbed its little head, feeling relaxed a lot.

The night passed.

On the second day, just as the white fish belly started to appear in the east, Liu Qinghuan put away his defensive array and approached the abyss step by step.

The early morning mist floats among the mountains on the opposite side of the chasm, but strangely flows downward as it approaches the chasm.

Seeing this scene, Liu Qinghuan's expression changed.

But when things came to a head, he could no longer retreat.

He took a deep breath, closed his eyes, and looked for a way through.

The wind above the Rift Abyss was extremely messy, moving upwards, downwards, and left and right, without any rules, like a mess, and it was changing all the time, and there were many invisible large wind vortices lying across the road.

But as long as you make good use of it, avoiding those strong wind vortices and relying on the characteristics of the Void Wind Control Technique, it doesn't seem to be difficult.

Liu Qinghuan recalled everything in his mind and suddenly moved!

His black clothes flew up, and he jumped up to the sky above Duanyuan.

But in the next moment, as if someone was pulling from below, his body sank suddenly!

Liu Qinghuan's eyes were as calm as an ancient well, and his left foot traced a blue path. With a slight tap, a high-speed rotating vortex suddenly emerged from under his feet.

The sinking force suddenly stopped, but an upward force was born, causing Liu Qinghuan's whole body to rush high into the sky like a bolt of lightning.

Seeing that this new force was about to dry up, the pulling force under the abyss reappeared. But he saw that he took a step forward with his right foot, stepped on another vortex, and flew out again.

In this way, Liu Qinghuan constantly adjusted his position and jumped to the other side like a dragon. He quickly covered half of the distance of two to three hundred feet.

"Quack quack quack!"

Like a shocking and strange cry coming from the abyss, Liu Qinghuan's heart trembled, and the direction of his body that was flying forward suddenly changed.

The chilling sound of wind sounded from his side, and a thin, half-moon-shaped light blade passed through the position where he was just now, stirring the surrounding wind and causing chaos.

Liu Qinghuan staggered to maintain his figure, his feet kept moving, but his consciousness reached downwards.

Two big copper bell-like eyes appeared in the dark abyss, glowing green.

The monster soon showed its shape. It had an extremely ugly bird head, a flat mouth, and a pair of extremely large eyes. It looked quite funny. The gray-black feathers on the body seemed to have been pulled, and they were bunched here and there, very messy, revealing the red skin.

Liu Qinghuan did not dare to release the magic weapon. The suction force here is so strong, who knows if the magic weapon can be recovered if it is released.

The strange bird squawked twice more and opened its mouth - Liu Qinghuan's disturbing magic suddenly activated!

The bird seemed to be choked, its two fleshy wings flapped wildly, and scattered lightning flashes came out of its mouth.

Liu Qinghuan took the opportunity to distance himself, his feet became faster and faster, and he ran towards the other side with long strides.

At this moment, a croaking sound sounded from under the chasm, and the sound was astonishing!

There will be another chapter later

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