Eternal Tranquility

Chapter 128 Treasure Selection

The monk surnamed Cheng said politely: "Junior brother is really young and promising. He has already reached the foundation building stage at such a young age, and his future will be limitless."

"Senior Brother Cheng is very complimentary." Liu Qinghuan said: "It was just a fluke."

The two exchanged a few polite words and then got down to business. Liu Qinghuan took out the jade slip of identity and asked him to add a few words on it. Then I saw the monk surnamed Cheng took out a storage bag and said: "This is your monthly routine. From now on, you can come here to get one on the tenth day of every month."

Liu Qinghuan thanked him and scanned the bag. There were fifty low-grade spiritual stones and a Peiyuan Pill inside.

Although there are not many spiritual stones, considering that there are so many foundation-building disciples in the sect, the total cost is too much.

What's more, there is also a Peiyuan Pill, which is much more precious than a spiritual stone.

Peiyuan Dan is difficult to refine, and its main elixir, Sanxialian, is difficult to cultivate. Moreover, the Sanxialian needed to refine the Peiyuan Pill must be at least fifty years old.

This is also a headache for Liu Qinghuan.

In the past, if he wanted to refine the spiritual elixir, he could just go and buy the ingredients. But even if you want to buy the elixir of Peiyuan Dan, you can't buy it. It's too short! And this situation will become more and more serious as his cultivation level improves.

If he is lucky enough to be able to form an elixir, then the various spiritual herbs and elixirs after the elixir-forming period will be even harder to find, and even one that appears will be scrambled for. Therefore, in addition to some necessary elixirs, most high-level monks rely entirely on daily meditation, and at most use spiritual stones.

Countless thoughts flashed through Liu Qinghuan's mind, but his face remained calm as he listened to the monk surnamed Cheng continue to speak.

The monk surnamed Cheng also talked about other matters related to the foundation-building period disciples. For example, during the Qi Refining period, a sect task that must be completed every year has become a non-compulsory task. However, if the sect has a designated task, it must be accepted unless there are special circumstances. regulations.

"But please don't worry, junior brother. The sect usually allows us disciples to concentrate on cultivation. Even if there is a task, it is time-limited." The monk surnamed Cheng said with a smile: "My task is once every two years. After that, I can do it for two years." No more missions.”

Liu Qinghuan said: "Thank you, senior brother, for your advice."

"In addition, the sect has another reward for newly promoted disciples. You need to go to Liangyi Hall above Taiyi Hall to receive it." The monk surnamed Cheng took out another note and handed it to him.

After Liu Qinghuan thanked him, he left the Internal Affairs Hall and flew to the Immortal Peak.

After passing the Taiyi Hall and flying up for a while, I saw a magnificent hall standing among the tall Qingqiu Wutong trees amid the clouds.

Liu Qinghuan landed on the square outside the palace. It was quiet and leisurely and sparsely populated, unlike the people at the foot of the mountain.

The main hall of Liangyi Hall is closed, and only the side hall next to it is open. Liu Qinghuan walked over and knocked lightly on the door.

There was only an old man in the hall who was lying on the table sleeping completely disfigured. There was no trace of his cultivation, so he must be a real person with a gold elixir or above.

But the old man didn't react when he heard his voice.

Liu Qinghuan had no choice but to walk in and softly called "Senior" twice, but the other party still didn't respond.

He had no choice but to stand aside and wait. After waiting for half an hour, he saw the old man move, then straightened up and stretched. When he looked up, he suddenly saw him standing in the room, as if he was startled. His beard stood up: "You little kid is so quiet, are you trying to scare me to death?"

Liu Qinghuan was speechless, stepped forward and saluted: "Senior, forgive me! I am Liu Qinghuan, a disciple of Zhulin Mountain, and I am here to receive the reward of a newly promoted foundation-building disciple." He handed over the note given by the monk surnamed Cheng.

The old man yawned and took it, mumbling: "How come there are so many little kids building foundations recently, which makes me unable to sleep well? I will tell Lao Li about this later..."

He glanced at the note, then casually threw it behind him, took out a small jade sign from his arms and threw it to him: "Go! Don't disturb my sleep." After saying that, he lay down again.

Liu Qinghuan caught the jade sign and was stunned. Where was he told to go? He searched around the house, but there was nothing except the table in front of the old man.

Is it going somewhere outside?

At this time, a doorway suddenly appeared silently behind the old man.

Liu Qinghuan looked at the old man and saw that he had begun to snore, so he walked towards the door.

"Only two are allowed." A voice like talking in sleep came from behind. Liu Qinghuan quickly turned around, bowed, and replied, "Yes."

The back of the door is somewhat similar to the one in Chuan Gong Building. There are many doors, but most of them are closed. Only the two doors marked "Jing" and "Qi" are open, and there is a protective cover on the door that looks like rippling microwaves.

Liu Qinghuan waved the jade sign against the door and entered the "vessel" room first.

Inside is a huge space, with large and small wooden platforms arranged at random, hundreds of them in number.

There was something on each wooden platform, ranging from ordinary sword-like objects to bizarre objects. All of them shone with auras of various colors within the light shield, which made Liu Qinghuan's eyes widen.

"Wow!" Liu Qinghuan couldn't help but let out a cheer. Can he choose two of the hundreds of spiritual weapons?

I couldn't wait to walk to the wooden platform closest to the door. I saw a dagger with brilliant colors flying around on its own in the protective cover on the platform. There were auras like flame wings extending on both sides of the blade. It looked very strange. Extraordinary!

And on the corner of the table, there are a few lines written: Suzaku Blade, a low-grade magic weapon...

magic weapon! There was no need to read the words at the end. Liu Qinghuan felt dizzy. Could he still choose a magic weapon? !

He put his face against the cover and stared at the extremely beautiful Suzaku Blade inside the cover. It's a pity that magic weapons can't be used until the elixir formation stage, so he can only put them in his storage bag.

But... Liu Qinghuan's eyes lit up: Or sell it? The spiritual stones sold for one magic weapon can almost buy a basket of spiritual weapons!

But is it that simple? Would the sect leave such a big loophole for monks like them?

Liu Qinghuan looked at the jade token in his hand, input his spiritual power into it, and shook it at the protective shield, but there was no response. I pressed the jade sign on it again, but there was still no response.

Well, he reluctantly glanced at Suzaku Blade again and walked to the next wooden platform.

On this wooden platform stood a set of full-body armor. The armor is made up of black armor plates stacked one on top of another, making it look extremely heavy.

Liu Qinghuan looked at the introduction on the side of the wooden platform: Tungsten Armor, a top-grade spiritual weapon, made of tungsten essence extracted from tungsten iron by monks above the elixir formation stage using real fire. It weighs one hundred and eighty kilograms and can withstand most buildings. Basic spell attack...

Liu Qinghuan touched his chin. I'm afraid only physical practitioners can bear this weight. If he wants to put it on, there is no need for others to beat him. He must be tired first.

But when he saw this set of tungsten armor, he had an idea of ​​what spiritual weapon he needed. He has a golden gourd and a sword of life and death. He has no shortage of attack methods for the time being, but he is in great need of such a defensive weapon.

Liu Qinghuan looked at each one and noted down the location of those he found satisfactory. There were so many things in it, so he wasn't in a hurry, so he naturally had to read them all before making a decision.

However, the quality of the things that could be taken in here was not bad, which made Liu Qinghuan very excited. He wanted everything and couldn't decide for the moment.

After looking around, he walked to the "Sutra" room. The furnishings were almost the same as those in the "Utensils" room. There was a classic book or jade slip placed on each wooden platform with annotations next to it.

Liu Qinghuan looked at them one after another, almost dazzled and extremely confused. There were so many choices that he didn't know how to choose.

Until he came to a stand where only a jade slip was placed. One corner of the table reads: Jiutian Divination Technique, a technique created by the Yuanying monk Yi Nian Zhenjun of the Wenshi Sect eight thousand years ago. There are nine levels in total, including cultivating the spirit and refining the consciousness, and dividing the spirit and forging the consciousness.

Yi Nian Zhenjun? Liu Qinghuan searched his memory and found that in the tens of thousands of years of Wenshi Sect's history, there were not even a thousand but also eight hundred Yuanying monks. He really couldn't recall this person's deeds.

There is also a line of small words below those lines: This technique is extremely dangerous, and those with weak spiritual consciousness must not practice it.

But Liu Qinghuan had already decided on this technique almost as soon as he saw it!

Thanks xchw for the tip!

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