Eternal Taoist King

Chapter 512: Counterattack

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Vanguard Taoist as soon as possible!

That glorious glance is still difficult to disperse in Song Ning's mind. If it weren't forcing these people to do it, Song Ning wouldn't use the immortal technique, because once it was used, then he would soon be squeezed by space and received The unknown monk who pretended to be "Tian Dao" who wanted to kill him attacked.

"This Song Ning is not crazy!" Li Fengzi's eyes twitched. At this moment, he was also shocked by Song Ning's fairy technique, which was divided into several levels, and Song Ning used the highest level.

Normally, False Immortals become Tao Immortals and Taoist Enlightenment, so they should be able to use Taoism, but their comprehension is not enough. Although they have become Tao Immortals, they cannot integrate Taoism with Immortal Techniques at all, so they cannot use the Demonstration Act. All the techniques used now are immortals.

But even the immortal technique, the strongest immortal technique they can exhibit is only at the level of Song Ning. If they are carefully compared, it is slightly inferior to that of Song Ning. This immortal technique cracks the ground even if it is away from the Temple of Heaven. There is a very strong presence in Zhongdu. Above the cracked ground, there is only one fairy technique they know-the sky collapse!

Under the collapse of the sky, if the cracked ground is regarded as the second, then there is no one that dares to call the first.

In the battlefield, Song Ning felt that the power of his palm was much stronger than before. If it could only exert less than 10% of its power before, then now, the power of this immortal technique is still less than 30%.

Before Song Ning ’s palm fell, the mountains above the earth were strongly squeezed and began to collapse. The space below seemed to be compressed. Those monks who were less than fairyland immediately knelt on the ground and even raised their heads. Can't get up, at this time they resented in their hearts, they resented those who used the **** chase order to Song Ning, not resent Song Ning.

Because they ... dare not.

Nine Taoist Immortals are shocked. Although this immortal technique does not represent death in front of them, they really can't figure it out. Even the spiritual monks can display such a powerful immortal technique?

"It's really unreasonable to make people like you so powerful!" When Sanyuan Dao immortal drank, Xianshu shot out.

The other eight Dao immortals also popped out of the immortal force, rushing towards the palm in the sky.

At this time, in the eyes of these monks, there was no color anymore. In addition to the light of the fairy technique, the light in the sky was completely covered by Song Ning's palm. , The entire demon domain may disappear.

In the sky, Song Ning smiled angrily: "Godly reason? Nine Dao Xian encircles and kills a spiritual realm monk, do you still tell me heavenly reason?"

During the talk, the immortal art had already fallen, and the two immortal arts bombarded together, and indeed there was a crack in the space again. The nine people quickly retreated, but Song Ning stared at the space turbulence, he wanted to see clearly. Is it Leng Yuexiao? I want to see where and where, and what happens inside ...


The space around Song Ning was suddenly squeezed, and Song Ning originally wanted to see a scene in the crack, but his body was bound and could not be observed at all.

The space exploded below due to the confrontation of immortal art set off a cloud of fire like a mushroom. Even if the monk on the ground was tens or even hundreds of miles away from this cloud of fire, they were all bleed by the true Qiqiao.

This is a disaster in the demon domain. At this moment, they can't see what Song Ning is doing above the cloud of fire, but they have already surrendered. If they can, they will never care about the **** pursuit order. And coveted Song Ning, but at this moment, in their eyes, everything is late.

In the air, Song Ning was struggling, and the Burning Sky Sword in his hand was trembling violently, but even so, the space around Song Ning tightly locked Song Ning like a rope.

Somewhere hundreds of thousands of miles away from the Orchid Continent, the prosthetic arm monk controlled with his hands, his expression was mad, and he was ruthless in his eyes, killing him: "This time I think you are dead, not dead!"

No one can hear this sound except Song Ning, but Xiu Wei has already reached the realm of Dao Xian, and can vaguely see what seems to be restraining Song Ning in the sky, but they do n’t see very clearly, just feel that It seems like a certain rule, with an irresistible force.

"Is it the rule of heaven?"

"There are rules in heaven and earth. Spiritual monks must endure a certain degree of anti-bite if they want to perform immortal magic, even those weaker immortals. Nowadays, Song Ning exhibited the best immortals in the entire Orchid mainland. This must be the force of anti-bite! "

The nine Dao immortals looked at this scene. Although they had the idea of ​​going up and attacking in their hearts, they thought that Song Ning was suffering a counterattack at that moment, and that the power of counterattack was Heavenly Dao.

"Song Ning is too rampant, and it is normal to have such an ending."

"This xianshu level is too high. With one of his spiritual realm monks wanting to perform this level of xianshu, the power of anti-bite will surely erase it alive from this world."

But as they evaluated these, they suddenly heard a roar from the sky, and this roar came from Song Ning.

Duo Yin!

At this time, Song Ning even had a double chant, even if he roared. He was angry. He wanted to see the picture in the crack below. He wanted to find it, but now he was bound by the so-called "Tian Dao".

"Go! Go! Go!" Song Ning's voice was crazy, and blood choked directly from his mouth, but let alone a double chant, even if it was twenty heavy at this time, how could a monk who is far away in hundreds of thousands of miles? Will it be affected?

Song Ning could feel that the cracks below had already unfolded, and in a flash, the cracks might disappear. He used the technique of immortality, he ignored the bite, he risked his life in order to see everything in that crack. , But now ...

"Xiaofen!" Song Ning roared inwardly: "With my cultivation practice now, can there be a more powerful technique?"

Xiao Fenwen panicked in her heart. At the moment, she was also shackled. She wanted to break free but couldn't break free. She could feel Song Ning's mood, but if she talked about stronger techniques ...

"Is it!" This is the first time Song Ning was so angry. Even before Song Ning was angry, she wouldn't growl at Xiaofen like this, and Xiaoyun's heart trembled. She nodded gently: "Yes, only. just……"

"No, just cut this shackle to me!" Song Ning didn't care what Xiaofen wanted to say next.

Song Ning waited for the outbreak of Burning Sword, but at the moment, Burning Sword seemed to be motionless, and he didn't even want to do what Song Ning wanted, nor did he bring the image of a little trick to Song Ning's mind ...

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