Eternal Taoist King

Chapter 496: Publicly targeted

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Vanguard Taoist as soon as possible!

But although people have such doubts in their minds, most of them know Song Ning ’s identity. When they think that Song Ning is the one who can perform the magic technique, which makes the women in the Palace of the Temple of Heaven awe-inspiring, even if it is used It's not too strange to see a **** chase.

The monks running towards Song Ning all showed ecstatic faces. Most of them were cultivators who were stuck in the bottleneck and could not be improved. They are about to break through. Hopelessly, they are not as good as waiting for death. Song Ning was besieged when the killing order appeared. If you had good luck, you could get a chance after killing Song Ning, and you might be able to make a breakthrough in one fell swoop.

"I remember when the last Scarlet Pursuit Order was completed, there was a kiwi fruit. Taking down the kiwi fruit directly raised a small realm!"

"Song Ning, the monks who have heard about Dao District, this time the Scarlet Pursuit Order really came in time. If not, there will be another three to five years, and my life will be exhausted."

In the sky, there are old and undead sounds. Some of these people are false immortals, some are immortals, and even worse, they are still monks who are unable to break through the bottleneck and want to try their luck. of.

However, just before they reached Song Ning, someone started to fight.

"District Wendao monks, want to share a piece of soup? Don't weigh your weight!" Yixian Xian directly killed several Wendao monks who were behind him.

This kind of situation has appeared in various places. These people have not yet begun to kill Song Ning, but they have begun to kill each other.

This is the beginning of the **** storm caused by the Scarlet Pursuit Order!

At this time, Song Ning looked at the sky and looked at the blood around him. If someone in this demon realm hated him so much, then it was only some people in the Bai family, and Song Ning could think of the first This is the face that emerged after he killed Bai Yu at that time.

"That's the Scarlet Pursuit Order, everyone will hunt you down, if someone dares to help you, it will be directly wiped out by the rules." Suddenly, a voice came from Song Ning's mind, and he couldn't tell who it was. It came, but he wanted to come. Although this person is not a friend, he is definitely not an enemy. It is estimated that he does not want to fight Song Ning. At this moment, he is trying his best to avoid Song Ning's people.

Song Ning knew nothing about this **** chase, but looking at the continuous flow of people around him, Song Ning had already begun to speculate on the reasons for the rush of these people.

There is no free lunch in the world, these people must have a purpose.

There were more people around Song Ning. Song Ning lowered his body and wanted to hide, but found that the word "death" flashing red light around him was conspicuous. He wanted to hide. It was impossible, Song Ning tried Putting on the invisibility cloak, but found that the incognito cloak does not play any role, even if wearing the incognito cloak, the blood will still show.

With more and more people around, Song Ning can feel that the air in the sky has a **** smell. At this time, the monks have not waited to start killing him, but many have died. Those who want to The leaked Wen Dao monk died worse than one.

Monk Wen Dao is almost dead, and Xu Xian and Dao Xian are coming one after another. They are not in a hurry. Song Ning, a monk who heard Wen Dao, even if they were able to perform the magic technique that scared the women from the Palace of the Temple of Heaven, but now they How afraid are so many people?

Song Ning knew that he would be seen no matter where he ran. He simply did not run and flew directly to the top of the mountain, sitting on a bluestone on the top of the mountain and meditating.

In the demon domain, whether it is a powerful or a small monk, his eyes are always on Song Ning, especially those who do n’t have any hands, they are not interested in this **** chase order, although the blood chase order is to them It also has an impact, but they can still control their emotions and will not want to kill Song Ning as soon as they see it.

"Thirteen Xu Xian, four Dao Xian ..."

"Today, even if Song Ning has the ability to pass the sky, he will surely die in the hands of these seventeen people, but I don't know if Song Ning can take a few."

The Taoxian watching the battle is like watching a drama at the moment.

In Luoshen Valley, the bald head of the cloud that was originally preparing to break through to the fairyland in a few days suddenly flashed, and the voice before him echoed for a long time in his ears, the word "Song Ning" stung his mind, and thought of it Yun Hai couldn't help but feel helpless about what happened between him and Song Ning: "Song Daoyou, I wanted to compare with you to be able to light several spirit lamps when I stepped into the fairyland, but now I am afraid it is ..."

In the Chiyan Sea, in a small island, the sea water flows like flames. In this sea water, a woman floats on the sea water, she is practicing, but suddenly she is restless, **** chase order After appearing, she looked back and looked at the distant direction, muttering in her mouth: "Song Daoyou ... has come to the demon domain ..."

With a trace of melancholy in her expression, she sighed a little, and always felt faintly lost, as if she had lost her companion.

In the endless sea of ​​monsters, a huge clam shell opened, and a green eyeball was exposed in the clamshell. This eyeball reflected the figure of Song Ning. When the clamshell opened and closed, it was like a human eyelids blinking. Move the same: "Baijia? What do you want to do ..."

The sound seemed to be asking myself, the sound fell, the clam shell closed, and did not open again.

Somewhere in the east of the demon realm, a woman turned into Jianguang and flew wildly towards the northwest direction. Behind her, she followed the two. The two were black and white, and black was black wind and white. It is small.

"Master, don't worry, don't worry!"

However, whether their masters have any problems at this moment is not that they can do it by just talking about them. Thirteen virtual immortals and four Tao immortals, although they are all coming, they are all weakened, but they are intrepid dead!

Among the mountain tops, above Qingshi, Song Ning slowly opened her eyes.

The seventeen monks in the sky surrounded Song Ning, watching Song Ning's eyes as if they saw a gem.

Song Ning's eyes picked up: "Song Mou seems to have no injustice with you."

"If you want to blame you, you blamed someone who should not offend you!" A bearded virtual fairy monk sneered.

"I didn't offend you. What's the point of you coming around me now?" Song Ning looked up at these seventeen people indifferently.

"Kill you, it's amazing!" A chubby old yin and yang strange airway, speaking, fingers pointing to the sky, eyelids rolled up, the body is extremely uncoordinated.

Song Ning had long guessed that this **** killing order was not simple, but he did not expect that there would be "shocking creation".

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