Eternal Taoist King

Chapter 465: Inside the fairy coffin

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Vanguard Taoist as soon as possible!

Looking at the octagonal stone platform, Song Ning suddenly seemed to think of something.

If it is an ordinary building, it should be from low to high, and the palace group he has seen today is also the same, but Song Ning knows that this is a fairy tomb, but all the tombs should be the coffin at the end, rather than put At the beginning, now when I see these eight chains and see the skeleton before combining them, Song Ning finally makes a final conclusion.

This is not the starting point of the fairy tomb, but the ending point!

It must be that these eight statues are not enough to suppress the octagonal stone platform, so the palace building was used to form a repression trend, plus the feng shui and spiritual power here, which was able to suppress the existence within the octagonal stone platform.

"If the form of this building is placed in feng shui, should it be called the king of the earth?" Song Ning muttered to himself, the first building was the tallest, and then lowered once, in order to suppress the rear, from before From the thirty-six palaces, Song Ning finally understood it. It seems that it used thirty-six repressive forces to suppress the octagonal stone platform here, and then it seems that this power is insufficient, so it was used. Eight statues were chained to the octagonal stone platform to suppress it.

With so much power to suppress, what exactly exists in this octagonal stone platform?

Song Ning took a deep breath, which was completely cold when she entered the body. At this time, Song Ning felt more gloomy around her, and the bright light seemed to turn green again.

If you want to go out from here, you have to walk from this end point to the starting point, and find a way to leave at the starting point. It is interesting to envy. Usually, the tombs are entered at the starting point, and the end point is out, and here is the opposite.

Song Ning sighed, Why did you come to such a fairy tomb? I used to think that it might be a good thing to come here, but now it seems that it is the safest to be with this octagonal stone platform now.

However, Song Ning, who has already realized these things, will naturally no longer regard the octagonal stone platform as an ordinary stone platform. He is very happy now. He just wanted to sit on the octagonal stone platform for a rest. Otherwise, I do n’t know how I died.

Song Ning stared at the octagonal stone platform for a while, and at this moment he didn't know what to do. The next room was the most difficult room in the 36 palaces. In the battle, Song Ning had little confidence to think that he could pass the most difficult palace.

Suddenly, Song Ning seemed to hear a voice near her ear.

His hairs were all erected, to be precise, this was the first time he had spent so long with the corpse. He felt the coolness behind him at the moment, and the light from the surrounding stones was more green , Looks just like the wildfire before.

Song Ning's hair was tingling, and a voice came out of her mind.

The voice was too weak, and Song Ning could not hear it at all, but Song Ning could feel that the sound seemed to be calling him, and seemed to want him to pass.

"Come ..." Suddenly, such a voice appeared in Song Ning's mind.

Song Ning naturally knew that the voice was definitely from the corpse lying inside the fairy coffin. He thought it would be very harsh, or hysterical screams, but now it falls in Song Ning's heart, but Song Ning found The sound was not as he thought it, because it was very weak, without harshness, and the sound was very light and nice, as if it were made by a beautiful woman.

Song Ning hesitated for a moment. He didn't want to go, but the voice came again in his mind.

"Come ..." This time the voice was louder than before, but still there was no scream like that. It made Song Ning a little surprised. Song Ning thought about it. After all, this is a fairy tomb. It ’s a fairy coffin, and among the fairy coffins is the fairy corpse, so many suppressions should n’t be able to run out, even if he used to be.

But these are all secondary. The important thing is that Song Ning can't go out now, so he can only go over and see.

Thinking of this, Song Ning walked towards the fairy coffin step by step. However, when he walked up beside the fairy coffin, he suddenly felt his body instantly cool. Although the temperature dropped suddenly, it rose immediately, but just At the moment, Song Ning felt that there was a little less of his inner spiritual power!

At the same time when Song Ning felt that Lingli was inexplicably missing a trace, the voice in the fairy coffin came out again: "I borrowed a trace of your spiritual power in order to talk to you."

噔 噔 噔.

Song Ning stepped back a few steps in shock. He looked at the fairy coffin in horror. This was too scary. Isn't it the body lying inside? Even if the corpse can speak, Song Ning can think that it is a trace of residual power, but the residual power can borrow spiritual power? This is obviously not feasible.

Song Ning does not understand immortals, and naturally does not know what happens when immortals die. Now in this situation, his heart naturally collapses.

"Don't be afraid, I won't hurt you, nor the power to hurt you, I want to make a deal with you." Fairy Corpse said.

Every time this voice is introduced into Song Ning's mind, Song Ning will feel that this sound is a little more pleasant than before, just like the appearance of a seriously ill person.

"Who are you? Why can you still talk after you die?" Song Ning was not interested in the transaction. He didn't believe that the other party said it wouldn't hurt him. He was still very vigilant at the moment.

The voice sighed: "I ... It's been too long, I don't remember who I am, I don't know if I am dead or alive, but I don't want to lie here, I want to see the sun again."

Song Ning panicked, if Nima let you come out of the fairy coffin, it would not be called goodbye to the sun, it would be called a corpse!

"Since you are dead, just lie inside the coffin, how bad it is to come out, and the outside world is definitely not the same as the world you existed before, you might as well ..."

"Xianshu, do you want to learn?"

Song Ningzheng said, the voice suddenly said.

Immortal technique is a temptation for Song Ning, but if it is due to immortal technique, Song Ning is naturally unwilling.

Seeming that Song Ning did not answer, the voice continued: "Yes, you are just a spiritual realm monk. Immortality is too early for you. I want to leave here. Can you help me? What conditions do you want? "

The voice said while sighing: "No one has been here before you. The only time someone broke into the thirty-fifth hall, but was shot into the sieve by the three thousand skeleton archers, ghost fire He was ridden, burned to the ground, and fell to the depths of hell, suffering from the flames of hellfire. "

The voice seemed to be regretful, and there was a trace of excitement. If the tone was not false, Song Ning could be sure that her words were true.

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