Eternal Taoist King

Chapter 438: State of mind

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Vanguard Taoist as soon as possible!

In a trance, Zhang Tianqi seemed to feel a trace of sadness. In Zhang Tianqi's view, everything Song Ning had just done was so calm, as if it were all right, the panacea worth tens of thousands of spirit stones, priceless and no market The panacea of ​​Lei's attribute is all inexplicable. Song Ning took these things out and gave him Zhang Tianqi ...

Song Ning revealed his true face and treated Zhang Tianqi kindly ...

There is also Song Ning's last sentence, "The two don't owe each other." At this moment, even a fool can hear it. From today on, Song Ning and Zhang Tianqi are no longer at odds.

For Song Ning, Zhang Tianqi's matter was also a setback. It was the first time he started to borrow money from others but was rejected by others. Even though Song Ning probably knew Zhang Tianqi's situation, he was not a sage, even if he knew that Zhang Tianqi did not borrow money. It's nothing wrong, but Song Ning's heart still has some awkwardness.

He is not a man with a small belly, so he did not talk too harshly, and he is not a stingy person, so he just gave Zhang Tianqi a lot of panacea. Even the last sentence of "the two do not owe each other" was also said by Song Ning after careful consideration. Song Ning wanted to express the meaning: "You and I don't owe each other, we can be friends in the future."

But because Zhang Tianqi was ashamed in his heart, he thought that Song Ning still remembered what he had done after he heard Song Ning's words, which showed that he had become a stranger with him since then.

At first glance, the realm of the human mind is visible.

Song Ning is indeed a bit tired. He just felt tired when he refined the soul of the thunder property as the Elixir. Now his soul is being nourished by the Soul Elixir and needs to be cultivated to make the Elixir work as soon as possible. In this way, he can quickly resume his cultivation.

Tang Chuan has already prepared a room for Song Ning. This room is not very large, but it has been carefully decorated, and Song Ning can see at a glance that this room was decorated by the hand of a woman. He was also very careful, but Song Ning didn't care about it. He took off his coat and lay on the bed, closed his eyes and went to sleep.

He didn't know how long this was the first time in the real sense of closed eyes sleeping.

In another room of Elixir, Zhang Tianqi and the old man were escorted away. On the way back to the restaurant, the old man marveled incessantly, but Zhang Tianqi didn't say a word, but only sighed in his heart.

"We all misunderstood Song Daoyou before, sad, ridiculous!" Zhang Tianqi said bitterly.

The old man patted Zhang Tianqi's shoulder: "Master, help people also have the ability to do it. At that time, you did have difficulties. He didn't understand you. That was his narrow-mindedness."

"I was able to help, but I didn't. Is this my narrowness?" Zhang Tianqi asked back.

The old man was silent, and his young master knew of course that Zhang Tianqi's character was indeed the same. It was just the situation at that time. I am afraid that no one would borrow the money for another person.

"He wouldn't harm us, after all, we rescued him. If he really had that kind of heart, he wouldn't say anything that didn't owe him just now," said the old man.

Zhang Tianqi sighed: "Don't you owe each other? I always feel that we lost money to Song Daoyou. Song Daoyou was there at the time. It was estimated that he would be fine by himself. We brought it back and gave him a pill. Only, Nathan medicine is not worth mentioning to him. "

The old man also wanted to comfort a few words, but Zhang Tianqi stepped up and returned to the restaurant. The first thing he did after returning to the restaurant was taking the Elixir. The competition was to recruit relatives soon. All he had to do was speed up time to refine the Elixir. Only then can I play well in the competition.

In a flash, a day passed.

Tang Chuan, the boss of the elixir, has sent away several waves of people. These people are all directed at Song Ning. Refining the fifth-grade elixir can almost make the elixir into a six-stripe alchemy master with one accident. For anyone, it needs to be drawn, even if it is a fairy family, if you see such an alchemist, there is no reason to refuse to authorize him the title of the sixth-grade alchemist.

"It's a coincidence that Master Song is taking a break, and when Master Song comes out, I will surely convey it, and I will definitely convey it." Tang Chuan said to several people in front of him.

"Then there is Boss Lao Tang. Let's go back first. Boss Tang must not forget, Wangfenglou." A middle-aged monk clenched his fists.

Tang Chuan responded: "Remember, please rest assured."

After sending off this wave of people, Tang Chuan took a long sigh of relief. After these people came, they bought a lot of medicine from his medicine shop. The business of the medicine shop these days is more than usual a year. Okay, Tang Chuan looked at the counter that had been largely empty. "They all thought it was a panacea made by Master Song. These people are also interesting. So can you buy a lot of panacea for decoration?"

At this time, Song Ning has been awake and Anshen Pill is also effective. After the soul is nourished, with the cooperation of the Ningxin Law, Song Ning ’s present soul has been temporarily restored, and his soul has been restored, and his cultivation has become natural. Reached the peak, but in order to hide people's eyes and ears, he will still be repaired to suppress the Yuan baby.

"What decoration?" Song Ning walked downstairs to hear Tang Chuan's words.

Tang Chuan saw Song Ning awake and immediately stepped forward and said with a smile: "Master Song, I mean those people, come to me and buy a lot of Elixir. Those Elixirs are estimated that they can't use them at all. I bought it with face. "

Song Ning smiled: "That's fine, boss Tang, I'm going to leave. Should the previous Lingshi also give me?"

When Tang Chuan heard it, he took out the 150,000 spirit stones without saying anything: "We sold so many medicines in our shop are also stained by Master Song. Just take the 150,000 spirit stones, even take what you want to sell. How about the immortals, 150,000 spirit stones? "

Song Ning put away the spirit stone: "Thank you boss Tang."

Tang Chuan laughed, he would make no gains in this sale: "Where is Master Song going? Isn't he going to participate in the martial arts recruitment?"

"No, I didn't plan to participate in that." Song Ning replied.

Tang Chuan heard the words and casually said: "I thought Master Song also studied the formation method, and it was for the Chi family's formation classics. It turns out that Master Song really just passed by here."

"Array classics?" Song Ning stepped.

"Yeah, the Chi family's ancestors have a lot of research on the battle method, but no one in the Chi family now understands the battle method. This time, the Chi family competes to recruit relatives. The classics will also be the dowry. Thinking of the Chi family's formation classics, there was a legend that was widely circulated at that time. "Tang Chuan talked happily, his eyes full of enthusiasm.

"What legend?" Song Ning became curious.

"It is said that Chi's family stripped a living person from a formation!" Tang Chuan lowered his voice.

[The author's off topic]: 1 chapter

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