Eternal Taoist King

Chapter 199: Recruitment

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Vanguard Taoist as soon as possible!

"Song Ning and Xiao Yi, take a break, I have good news for you." Luo Zhengfeng called.

Song Ning and Luo Yi stopped one after another and came to Luo Zhengfeng.

Luo Zhengfeng read it with a notice in his hand.

After a moment, Song Ning and Luo Yi glanced at each other. For Song Ning, although he has been used to the life of mortals for ten years, at the same time, he also felt the helplessness of mortals.

In ten years, the flick of a finger is short for the monks. Perhaps many powerful people can close their eyes and shut for thousands of years.

For mortals, ten years is like a day. If you concentrate on doing one thing, ten years will be extremely fast.

Over the past ten years, Song Ning's face has also changed. Compared with the previous immature, it can be said that he has matured a lot. However, due to the influence of his body's skeleton, his aging rate is extremely slow.

Once upon a time, he even wanted to stay in this ancient sword city, but when he thought of the ten-year period, and thought that the demon might have started the offensive, Song Ning was uneasy.

Now when he hears the content of the notice read by Luo Zhengfeng again, Song Ning has some plans in mind.

"Dad, this notice says that it is a contest. The people who can get the top ten in the conference can go to that cold home, receive training, get training resources, and become a fairy?" Luo Yi was excited.

Luo Zhengfeng nodded: "Yes, but there is an age requirement, the age must be under 30 years old, I will not do it, but you two can try it, especially Song Ning, with your current strength, drop the feathers Among the martial arts of the country, you can definitely rank in the top ten. "

Luo Yi looked at Song Ning enviously: "Brother Ning, you are so powerful, and I have surpassed my father in ten years. You are so talented, I really can't match it."

Song Ning smiled: "Xiao Yi, let's go to participate together."

Luo Yi responded happily. Since he was a child, he dreamed of being able to fly to the sky. These words he had spoken to Song Ning countless times, Song Ning remembered them all in his heart.

Only now, in addition to being happy, Song Ning still has a trace of doubt.

The ten-year period has come, it should be the demon war, but why did the Leng family choose ten warriors? Is it true that Lengjia lacks people to such an extent?

Although I do n’t know what Leng Jia ’s intentions are, but since this notice has been posted, there must be no fakes.

Luo Zhengfeng looked at Song Ning and Luo Yi happy, and was happy for them. Although he had dreams in his life, his dreams could not be realized. Now Song Ning and Luo Yi have such opportunities, and he is very happy.

"Song Ning, you are my only disciple, and Xiao Yi is my only son. If the two of you can be together in the future, you must support each other." Luo Zhengfeng said.

Song Ning nodded: "Yes, Master."

"Dad, Ning Brother must be an immortal in the future. He will give us a panacea by then, and we can live forever." Luo Yi was very happy at the moment, although he didn't know if he could enter the top ten, but for Song Ning, he is full of confidence.

While they were talking, a sneer came from outside the courtyard.

With a sneer, a man walked in directly, and followed a dozen young people behind him.

"Interesting, Luo Yi, do you still want to participate in this contest? Do you think I might ask you to participate?"

Song Ning did not know the young man, he looked at Luo's father and son suspiciously.

Luo Yi clenched his fists: "Zhang Liang, you are just a little medicine boy, what do you pretend to be with me?"

Song Ning looked at the man named Zhang Liang, his pupils shrunk. The man was wearing a white robe. There were spiritual fluctuations on his body. He should be a disciple of a certain school, but I heard Luo Yi said he was 'Little Medicine Boy', Song Ning probably understands that this bright is probably a martial art.

The class division of the Cultivation School is very clear. Zhang Liang should be the one who is hovering at the bottom.

As soon as Luo Yi's voice fell, Zhang Liang shook his hand and slaps out.

"Indiscriminate!" Luo Zhengfeng said angrily, taking advantage of the situation.

Song Ninggang wanted to stop it, but it was too late. That Zhang Liang was very weak, but he was a monk after all. He had spiritual power in his palm. Although he could not see how his cultivation was, he was probably able to determine his Xiu was in the second and third floors during the gathering period.

Luo Zhengfeng's arm was numb by this palm tremor, and there was a burst of blood in his chest, almost spurting blood.

He took a few steps back, his face pale, and he swallowed the blood in his throat.

"Zhang Liang, how dare you do it!" Luo Yi supported his father, and the sword was about to rush up, but Song Ning grabbed Luo Yi and shook his head at him.

Luo Zhengfeng whispered: "Xiao Yi, Song Ning, don't be impulsive, you are not his opponents."

That Zhang Liang laughed wildly: "Lo Yi Luo Yi, weren't you very powerful then? Yao Wu Yang Wei like a king, shattered my Dan Tian, ​​but did not expect me to be a fairy now? I came today, just to Your blood is paid for! "

Luo Zhengfeng's expression sank: "Zhang Liang, when you and Xiaoyi were young and had a dispute, he hurt you by mistake. At that time we also paid the price and apologized, but now you come to seek revenge? Now you are a monk , Monks cannot kill mortals at will, dare you break this rule? "

Zhang Liang looked cold and took a step back, letting out the dozen people behind him: "I don't shoot, but these martial arts masters behind me are not necessarily."

Zhang Liang said, pointing at Song Ning and others, and grinned: "I have some elixir of refining made by some of my brothers, but the number is limited. Those who want to get elixir depend on your own performance. "

Hearing this, those warriors showed greedy looks, even if they were abolished panacea, it was rare for them, but if they could get this panacea, their strength would be greatly improved.

Luo Zhengfeng narrowed his eyes, his long sword in front of him, and looked at the ten or so soldiers who had come around.

Each of these dozens of people is not weak, and some of them are comparable to Luo Zhengfeng. Luo Zhengfeng looked at one of them and gritted his teeth: "Wang Xiong, we have been in friendship with you for more than twenty years. Do you want to help me now? "

"Lao Luo, I'm sorry, my son is also going to participate in the contest, this waste medicine is very important to him, anyway, killing you is also killing, it is better to let me kill you, this sentiment, I will definitely remember Wang Xiong In my heart. "Wang Xiong looked coldly at Luo Zhengfeng.

Luo Zhengfeng angered his heart, and the blood he had refrained from before spurted out, his wrist shook, and a sword flower was about to pierce.

But before he even waited, Song Ning grabbed his wrist and shook his head slightly again.

Everyone is very puzzled. At this time, what does Song Ning want to do?

Zhang Liang saw this, and grinned: "Boy, you are not the Luo family. If you are kneeling and begging for mercy now, then I will spare you. Afterwards, I will be short of an obedient dog."

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