Eternal Taoist King

Chapter 136: Curse blood

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Vanguard Taoist as soon as possible!

The two monks in the late foundation period beside Wang Long were frightened, and they struggled to resist.

Song Ning's palm was just blocked, and the two immediately shouted: "This Daoist, you must have heard of the Wang family. What happened today is a misunderstanding. The two of us here apologize on behalf of the young master. Well, if the Wang family is disturbed, then depending on your cultivation at the beginning of the foundation, I am afraid that it would be difficult to live. "

Wang Long was originally terrified, but as soon as he heard that Song Ning said that Song Ning was the 'early foundation', his eyes fell immediately: "You two waste, my grandfather raises you, so you come to apologize to others "It's just a monk in the early stage of foundation building, kill me!"

Originally, these two people had a good attitude, and Song Ning was a little shaken. But when he heard Wang Long's words, Song Ning smiled: "You apologize? But you young master seem to want to kill me."

Song Ning said, and his tone fell: "I don't like killing people, but if I kill someone, I can't stop. The two of you will either roll or die."

Although the two monks in the late period of foundation building were terrified by Song Ning, they were even more afraid of the cold blue light at the foot of Song Ning, but now Song Ning is determined to kill Wang Long, how could they both leave ?

The two stared at each other and rushed towards Song Ning.

They comforted themselves that in front of them was only the monks in the early stage of foundation, no matter how strong the monk was, they were no match for both of them in the later stage of foundation.

But their thoughts were too naive after all, and cultivation reached their level, and they felt extremely deeply about the crisis of death.

Just as the breath of death came, they quickly backed away and wanted to escape.


Song Ning just slapped them and killed the two together.

During the foundation period, no one could live under Song Ning's blow. This is the beauty of the triple method of the "Shen Dao Jing", which cannot be solved.

"My words are usually only spoken once." Song Ning looked at the dead two, his eyes were indifferent, letting the figure in Jin Dan fall, he didn't care.

Wang Long, who had no reliance in mid-air, began to fall. He exclaimed while crying for help: "Predecessors, seniors, please help me. My grandfather is Wang Zhentian, who is known as Zhentianwang. It may be a breakthrough. Our Wang family is now a Level 4 Cultivation Family. As long as I do n’t die, I will definitely give you benefits, great benefits. "

Song Ning looked at Wang Long quietly. As Wang Long fell faster and faster, Song Ning's figure declined faster and faster.

A smell of urine came from Wang Long's crotch, and Wang Long cried: "Senior, I beg you, I don't want to die, I don't want to die! The sister Li family, I don't want it, I don't want anything, I just I want to live, I just want to live! "

"Save you?" Song Ning said lightly.

Wang Longmeng nodded, at this moment he was less than ten feet from the ground.

He looked at Song Ning longingly, hoping to be rescued, but hearing Song Ning's mouth was desperate.

"Song Ning, the one I hate the most in my life is the one who plays with women's bodies. If you wait for such a scum, I will kill one if I see one."

Wang Long's eyes were covered with bloodshot eyes: "Song Ning ... Song Ning! My grandfather will avenge me, you wait for death, you wait for death! Our revenge from the Wang family will make you regret coming to this world, will ..."


Before Wang Long's words were finished, he fell heavily on the ground and became a patty.

If he weren't a monk, I'm afraid it was already a puddle of meat at the moment.

Song Ning also landed, looking at the dead Wang Long, and said with a chuckle: "I will kill the Liu family, let alone your Wang family?"

He walked slowly past this Wang Long, but at this moment, suddenly a drop of blood flew out of Wang Long's storage ring, and this drop of blood touched Song Ning's body at a speed that could not cover his ears.

Song Ning was shocked and wanted to remove the blood, but found that the blood was as if it had grown on him and could not be removed at all.

The air in the air suddenly dignified, and a two-footed **** face appeared out of nowhere, staring at Song Ning: "Dare to kill my grandson Wang Zhentian, I want you to die without a whole body!"

After this sentence, the **** face dissipated in the air, but the voice echoed in Song Ning's ear.

In the later stage of the complete formation of the Tandan, it is really not that ordinary monks can compare, and it is not a little bit stronger than that of Tang Zishan.

However, Song Ning was just taken aback and stopped thinking about it. The people of the Wang family only knew who was killed by Wang Long, but did not know why he was killed. If Song Ning wanted to run, a few of them Can catch up?

Song Ning thought of Li Qingxue and others outside Fang Cai that city, his feet flickered, the blue light flashed, and he moved to the city gate in a blink of an eye.

Li Qingxue also looked anxiously into the distance, but suddenly found that Song Ning appeared beside her. Everything happened so fast that he didn't even arrive at the quarter hour.

Li Qingxue was short of breath, staring at Song Ning: "Senior, they ..."

"It's all dead." Song Ning smiled.

Li Qingxue couldn't help but take a breath. Although this person seemed to be the only one who built the foundation at the beginning of the foundation, they could kill Wang Long and three people, and it seemed to be nothing.

"Thank you senior, it's just ... the background of the Wang family, I am afraid that the senior does not know much. Now the senior killed Wang Zhentian's only grandson, I am afraid that Wang Zhentian will never die with his predecessor." Consolidate worry.

Song Ning listened a little awkwardly and smiled: "It's okay, you don't have to call me a senior. Your sister Li Qingling is in the same door as me. I usually call her a sister."

Same door?


In any case, Li Qingxue could not think that the person in front of him turned out to be her sister ’s sibling, and even more unexpectedly, she called her sister Sister.

If this person and his sister are called sisters, then the sister's cultivation is ...

Li Qingxue was overjoyed: "Dare to ask seniors, my sister's practice is ..."

"Don't call it senior, just call Song Ning. Your sister is now practicing Huiling in the early stage, maybe it is already in the middle of Huiling."

Hearing this, Li Qingxue was slightly lost, but why did the monk Build Foundation call Master Hui Ling?

The old Zhang and several others had already come down from the horse, bowing at Song Ning: "Thank you, Senior."

Lao Zhang was extremely embarrassed: "Just before getting offended, please invite seniors ..."

Song Ning raised his hand: "Don't call it senior, just call Song Ning, Qingxue Taoist, why don't you go to your house and sit down?"

Only then did Li Qingxue find himself too rude, and he stood here with Song Ning and said, "Please, Senior, my family is in the city."

Song Ning nodded with a smile and went forward with Li Qingxue and others. The Li family was not far away. The high-walled and wide courtyard was very generous. There is an ominous hunch in Song Ning's heart. Perhaps the Li family is not just because of the marriage, it seems that they are worried about something else.

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