Eternal Taoist King

Chapter 131: If there is no way

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Vanguard Taoist as soon as possible!

Although Song Ning was injured, her momentum did not weaken, but became stronger. Jianguang still attacked Liu Yunfeng under the control of Yujianshu. Song Ning got up from the ground and stared at Tang Zishan.

"Are you going to kill me?"

Song Ning's voice was cold, so harsh, and led Tang Zishan to be shocked.

At this time, Tang Zishan was only fortunate that Song Ning's broken finger could only show one finger. If it was just two fingers, then he would definitely die!

At this moment, the entire Tianyuan School was quiet, and all the disciples looked at Tang Zishan. They were expecting and expecting Song Ning to be killed, but Song Ning's strength is so strong today that the masters of the middle Dan period were attacking him Was injured below.

But if Song Ning never died, wouldn't Tianyuan School suffer? If the Liu family comes, the Tianyuan School will be destroyed!

Song Ning breathed heavily. While controlling Jianguang to attack Liu Yunfeng, he stabilized the spiritual force of the collision in the body, his eyes gloomy: "Tang master, you, kill me?"

Tang Zishan's heart was horizontal, clenching his fists, without a word, he rushed to Song Ning again.

He shot with a palm, and Song Ning suddenly felt the waves of energy around him rolling and pressing, which actually played a role of restraint.

Sword Art, move!

Song Ning summoned Jian Guang to come back, and as soon as Jian Guang withdrew, Liu Yunfeng, with his long hair scattered, sacrificed several daggers to Song Ning like a lunatic, which also blocked Song Ning's retreat.

Royal swordsmanship, shift. It is similar to instantaneous movement, rather than flashing, movement requires a certain path, but at this moment, Song Ning's surroundings are all sealed, he can't move even if he wants to move.

Attacks were on all sides, and the palms of the spiritual power above the head were photographed with a destructive momentum.

Many disciples of Tianyuan sent a sigh of relief. When they saw this scene, they were finally relieved.

"Brother Song, you are dead. If you can live for so many of us, you can go with peace of mind." This disciple has had several connections with Song Ning. Now, among many disciples, the idea is good.


Lingli's palm fell and hit Song Ning's head, but instead of crushing Song Ning, he raised his hand and was blocked by Song Ning.

Song Ning was kneeling down on the squeezed legs and fell into the soil for a foot. Blood mist spewed out of his mouth. His eyes were dim, almost fainting. At this moment, a sharp tingling came beside him. Several daggers.

The dagger is an inch away from Song Ning, but Song Ning's skin is hard to reach the edge, the skin is fleshy, and the blood flows out.

Song Ning gritted his teeth tightly, his heart moved, and Jian Guang flew out.

Dang Dang Dang Dang!

Jianguang blocked the dagger, and the dagger was invincible, but was bounced off.

It is not difficult to control the spiritual power through the air, but now both Liu Yunfeng and Tang Zishan are injured. Moreover, at this moment, Song Ningming will die, and they do not need to fight with Song Ning, so they withdraw their spiritual power and are ready to attack again.

Song Ning half-kneeled on the ground, **** flesh above his legs.

During the attack just now, his internal organs were severely injured, and now every breath will cause the body to tremble due to the severe pain pulled by the internal organs.

However, he came out of a foot of soil, gasping and staring.

"I Song Ning ... killed the person who should be killed, me, and saved the person who was saved, and now, the Tianyuan School wants me to die ?!" Song Ning said, knowing where the strength came from, and raised his finger to Tang Zishan : "I saved your own daughter, you are going to kill me now !?"

Tang Zishan was about to attack again, and was so frightened by Song Ning's finger, he immediately dodged to the side, and he saw that Song Ning was not a broken finger, and he coughed uglyly: "Song Ning, I let you die Understand that the people of the Liu family, even if the crimes are heinous, are not something you can kill. This is the world. "

When Liu Yunfeng saw Song Ning in this state, he knew that he had no power, secretly relieved, but also arrogantly said: "For you, the Liu family is heaven, no matter who you are, if you kill the Liu family, you will die. ! "

The Liu family ... is it heaven?

Song Ning laughed: "Liu's family is heaven? Addicted to female sex, robbing chastity, Liu's family is heaven? What kind of **** do you cultivate? If there is no way in heaven, it can't be tolerated, let alone your local Liu family scum!

Song Ningyue said more and more mad, the body's spiritual power was unstable, and Jin Dan was trembling, as if it would burst at any time, but at this moment, no matter how strong the power inside that Jindan, there was no point for Song Ning to drive.

The two he faced were not invincible, but he was invincible now, draining his spirit and suffering serious injuries. His eyes were dizzy and his body wobbled.

The wind passed silently.

Above the Tianyuan School, suddenly silence, maybe Song Ning was too crazy, or perhaps, shocked by Song Ning's words.

However, no one will refute Song Ning at this time, because he will die, why should he argue about a dying person?

Song Ning's eyes closed slowly, all kinds of pictures flashed in his eyes, and the way of breaking the empty finger continued to emerge in his mind, but he couldn't figure out how to show the second finger anyway.

Will the end of fate be in this Tianyuan School?

He didn't want to give up easily, but at this moment, he had to give up. At this moment, even Jin Dan, who was violently shaking in his body, stabilized and stopped moving, as if he had also accepted his fate.

Song Ning sighed for a long time, recalling the days and mountains in the mountains and mountains, his uncle, brother and sister were reaching out to summon him at the moment.

When Liu Yunfeng and Tang Zishan saw Song Ning's fate, they glanced at each other and then attacked at the same time.

In the Tianyuan School, lifeless ...

At this moment, in the night sky, a ghost was flying happily, and she sang while flying: "My sword spirit, beautiful sword spirit, sad sword spirit, forgetful sword spirit, I forgot where the body is, looking around. I am the sword spirit, the lovely sword spirit, the melancholy sword spirit, the drowsy sword spirit, when I wake up, I cannot find where my body is. "

She had just returned from the glacier in the northern cold region. She ate a lot of ice there and was in a good mood. Now she is looking for the long-lost sword body.

When I woke up that year, the sword body was gone. She didn't know how many years had passed. She remembered that she should look for the sword body, but where was the sword body? Now, has that sword become an ordinary product?

She flew flying, and suddenly smelled a familiar breath. In her memory, this breath was a human monk. The monk was not very young. She met this little monk while she was sleeping in Tianhe City and ate it. The coldness of the little monk.

Thinking of the cold poison, she could not help but smack her mouth: "It tastes really good. I don't know what happened to the kid. It seems to be in front. Go and see."

She thought, speeding up, in mid-air, because of its speed, it caused a strong wind, the strong wind roared, and the leaves on the ground fell.

In the blink of an eye, she saw the Tianyuan School, saw the body shaking, dying Song Ning, saw the attacking Tang Zishan and Liu Yunfeng, but at the moment these are not important in her eyes, the important thing is that she saw The faintly weak sword light at the foot of Song Ning!

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