Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 2544: Devil Emperor's Death!

The two devil emperors confronted each other day by day.

Lingxiao Modi is still hesitating and hesitating.

He resigned, but he was worried about being deceived. After all, the World Devil Emperor lived for tens of millions of years. This fact is too incredible.

At this moment, the Demon Emperor of the World slowly raised his head and looked at the Devil Emperor of the Sky in the sky, and said: "You have lost your last chance to live!"

As soon as the words fell, the World Devil Emperor waved his hand.

The spear of war that plunged into the ground suddenly came out of the ground, pierced the void, and pierced the Lingxiao Devil Emperor, and arrived near in a flash!

This time, it is more fierce and more murderous than the impact of the spear of war just now!

At this moment, Lingxiao Devil Emperor felt the killing intention of World Devil Emperor.

He is also really determined that the other party is the ruined man of tens of millions of years ago!


Lingxiao Devil Emperor did not dare to hesitate, and directly opened up a world, as if he were integrated into the world behind him, holding a knife in both hands and slashing towards the spear of war.


A loud noise!

The Lingxiao Demon Emperor was shocked, and the world that had just been propped up was crumbling, and there was a tendency to collapse!

World Devil Emperor is just a hit, it has such terrible power, unstoppable!


Before the Lingxiao Devil Emperor took a breath, the huge body of the World Devil Emperor suddenly pulled up and jumped, carrying a black giant axe, and chopped in accordance with the Lingxiao Devil Emperor!

At the same time, behind the Demon Emperor, a huge black hole appeared, and the war was engulfed outside, and the magical energy inside was surging. It was his condensed world, the Demon Cave!

Lingxiao Devil Emperor has no retreat. He can only madly urge Yuanshen, condense the world, raise the magic knife, and put it towards the top of his head.


The heaven and earth of Lingxiao Devil Emperor are completely unstoppable, almost defeated, and directly swallowed by the World Demon Cave!


Under the gaze of countless eyes, the Destruction Axe broke open the magic knife and split on the heavenly spirit cover of the Lingxiao Devil Emperor, without any pause, splitting it in half from top to bottom!

Between the world and the sky, there is silence, and the bird is silent!

Emperor's blood stained half of the sky!

The axe of destruction not only splits the body of Lingxiao Devil Emperor, but also splits his Yuanshen instantly.

The generation of Devil Emperor who created the largest power in the Demon Realm, dominated for many years, but had no idea that he had just been born today, and he died on the spot, **** sky!

In fact, the demise of the World Devil Emperor was too great, and the other Devil Emperors who had been dormant in the Demon Realm were also alarmed.

However, these Devil Emperors did not appear in a hurry, but were hidden in all corners of the Demon Realm, silently paying attention to the situation here.

But even they didn't expect that within three strokes, Lingxiao Devil Emperor was hacked to death by the World Devil Devil Emperor, and there was no chance to escape!

You should know that cultivation to the level of emperor, unless the difference in strength is huge.

Otherwise, it is already very difficult to die.

Unexpectedly, in the face of the fierce people who were famous for tens of millions of years ago, Ling Xiao Modi didn't even support the three moves, so he died!

"Cultivating the Devil's Word, you shouldn't create any forces and get too much cause and effect. This time, if he wanted to appear as a revenge, he would not have this ending."

"Yi Shiming also, he can only step into the realm of emperor by practicing the World Extermination Demon Scripture. Facing the creator of World Extermination Demon Scripture, is there any resistance?"

"Let's go, this born, the future Demon Realm, I'm afraid it will become his world."

"Hey, not only the Demon Realm, how can the Bliss Pure Land and the Nine Xiao Immortal Realm be spared? He will be born again, and he will definitely make a comeback and fight for the heavens. When the time comes, the three thousand interfaces will be involved in a battle!"

"In recent years, chaos has been frequent, and many signs have shown that the catastrophe is approaching. Although we are emperors, we may not be spared..."

Several devil emperors hidden in various parts of the demon realm exchanged secretly, and then returned to calm, condensed their breath, and disappeared.


Lingxiao Demon Emperor's Body Falls!

This scene has a great impact on everyone's mind and vision!

Zangkong waited for the demons to pale.

Even Lingxiao Demon Emperor can't stop the World Demon Emperor axe, if this ruthless man wants to kill them, I'm afraid it's as simple as crushing a few ants!

"See the Devil Emperor, hide in the empty space, willing to submit!"

The Kangkong Demon first reacted, kneeling directly on the ground, expressing obedience.

The Lingxiao Devil Emperor has already died, and the powerful of these Lingxiao Palace cannot naturally continue to guard the Lingxiao Palace.

Lu Cang Demon King and others also bowed down.

The demons such as Hetian Demon God all have their own sect power. In fact, they are quite resistant to surrender.

But the fierce prestige of the World Devil Emperor was too strong. As soon as he was born, he beheaded an emperor. They did not dare to express it.

Seeing that the Tibetan Demon King and others were surrendering, the dozen Devil Kings such as the Dark Sky Demon God looked ugly and hesitated.

At this moment, the World Devil Emperor turned his head slightly, his **** eyes, and looked towards Hetian Demon God and others.


The back of a dozen demon kings such as Hetian Demon God suddenly burst into a chill!

Under the trembling of fear, more than a dozen demon kings didn't think about it, thumped down, knelt down, and lay down on the ground tightly, not daring to be a little bit distracted!

Even the Demon King can't bear the fierce power of the World Devil Emperor, and the demons near the Yinyin Mountain are even more irresistible.

No matter where they are or what school they are in, regardless of their cultivation level, the demons at this time all kneel down to show their surrender.

Under the pressure of the World Devil Emperor, no one even dared to escape!

Budomoto respected this scene and thought a lot.

Not long ago, there was a peerless Demon King Bozen who was born.

And just today, there are another ten thousand years ago, a ruthless person who is back in the world!

In the future, if both of them want to occupy the territory of the Demon Realm, there must be a lot of fighting battles!

World Devil Emperor was born, but he accidentally helped him solve the huge threat of Ling Xiao Modi.

As soon as Lingxiao Devil Emperor died, even if he killed Emperor Ling Xian, there would be no trouble for him.

However, although the threat of Devil Emperor Ling Xiao was lifted, a more terrifying and dangerous existence appeared.

And this existence, for him, for Tianhuangzong, I am afraid it is not a good thing!

The Budo deity did not act rashly.

He and Ji Fairy hid in this tomb of the Great Emperor, but it was possible to hide, avoiding the perception of the Demon Emperor.

If you break the void in a hurry and escape from this place, you may alarm the World Devil Emperor!

"By the way, which emperor is this grave, you haven't said yet."

The deity of Budo asked the secret spirit of Ji Yao and asked secretly.

Just now he asked about this, and Fairy Ji hesitated.

Then, there was a huge change at the top, and the Devil Emperor was born, and both of them paid attention outside.

Therefore, the fairy Ji has not been able to say the name of this great emperor.

"It's not that I don't say it."

Ji Fairy said: "In the memory of the Nine Nine Great Emperor, it is also a taboo to this emperor. It seems that the emperor's name is a taboo that cannot be mentioned..."

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