Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 2002: Sky knife 9 cut

For many quasi-sages, crossing the saints ’sacrifice does not lead to eternal life, but to hell.

Now, 90,000 years have passed, and Xiao Yun has attracted holy calamities.

This immediately alarmed the gods of all races.

This kind of sky robbery is too powerful to shock the whole nine days.

Then, these powers were slightly sensed, and they found that the momentum came from the area of ​​Jiuxiao.

Immediately, they found Xiao Yun.

"Is that the afterlife going to testify?" The gods were all shocked when they saw that Xiao Yun had attracted Tianjie.

"It's only 100,000 years since this emperor's emperor's emperor has been accredited?" The uproar followed.

"It is said that this son is the son of Jiuxiao." Someone said.

"Thousands of years ago, Jiuxiao proved the sage, but now his son has to prove it?"

"One door is two days of pride, it is really the father of a tiger without a dog!"

"Well, Jiuxiao testified before. It was a good time. Now, without heavenly intervention, I'll see how his son preaches."

Demon races, everyone in the dark earth stood idly by.

Demon Emperor and Demon Ancestor were also moved.

At this moment, their faces were somber that people could not see any mood swings.

However, in their eyes, there seems to be a killing intention to save.

This killing intention was naturally perceived by Emperor Heng and Xiao Zhantian.

"Holy robbery, I don't know if Yuner can survive it?" Yao Qingyue was worried.

Xiao Yuanshan, Haotian Chunyang, and other loved ones also went out of customs.

They are all in the secret environment of Jiuxiao, watching Xiao Yun outside.

Ling Xi and others are also worried.

Holy calamity!

If you pass by, you are longevity.

But if he can't get over, his death will disappear.


At this time, the sky was completely shrouded in clouds.

This is the avenue of confusion of the mixed Yuan Qi, the vastness of Tianwei, flooding the entire nine days.

That horrible power made all powers tremble.

Some saints are indifferent.

"Everything has its own set, and you don't need to worry about it. Worrying is useless." Xiao Zhantian said to his relatives.

Then he paid so much attention to the void outside of the secret world.

The sky is falling like a thunder snake, fierce.

However, when it fell, it seemed to be repressed.

So this was a robbery of the mixed Yuan. Only then did it fall and drown Xiao Yun.

Among them, Wan Dao went up and down, attacking Xiao Yun together.

This kind of attack is too horrible, and the powers in the distance are frightened.

"The calamity that was brought about by the afterlife was actually so powerful." Some strong men trembled.

"This Xiao Yun Xiu is a mixed Yuan Avenue, the trespassing is naturally not an ordinary quasi-sant comparable." You said faintly.

"Mixed Yuan Avenue." For the Holy Land of Fortune, Chu Yunfei flew towards the place, revealing a complex expression on his face.

His fortune is strong.

However, compared with the mixed Yuan Avenue, it is worse.

You know, the saint's testimony is just like the testimony.

We can see the weight of mixed yuan.

"There are many things in heaven and earth, all beings in heaven and earth, all rules and order are all mixed in me." When the disaster fell that day, a low voice came from Xiao Yun's mouth.

Then, he evolved the mixed world to engulf the patterns of these calamities.

At the same time, his mixed world is already breaking new ground.

The agitation of the mixed yuan, with the help of the forces of heaven, opened up the world, and the yin and yang began to separate.

Originating gas.

Then, creatures will be born.

Although the heavens and the earth are open, there is a mixed Yuan area on the sky.

This is the land of the avenue.

Inside, began to breed creatures.

This is an innate soul, and it is destined to become an innate deity in the future, even to preach sanctification.

At the same time, yin and yang points, mountains and rivers, and rivers are derived.

The five elements come out, and everything begins to evolve continuously.

A world really started to appear.

The world is getting better and better.

The time inside is fast and fast.

One day outside, maybe millions of years have passed.

This is the derived being.

The outside disasters kept falling.

However, Xiao Yun completely tempered himself and strengthened the world of the avenue.

He is like the Son of Heaven.

This kind of sky robbery is not difficult for him.

In this regard, the power of the various ethnic groups did not show much.

Because this is just the beginning of the holy calamity.

The real catastrophe was the moment of proof, and the sword was cut off that day!

The prestige of the Heiyuan disaster gradually weakened.

The power of all parties is paying attention.

Xiao Yun's world is constantly improving. In the world, innate souls are about to be born.

Then, time has accelerated and the rules of the world are being constructed.

In this way, he is already considered a saint.

However, if you want to truly preach and claim sacredness, you have to spend nine punishments.

At this time, a ripple appeared on the sky, accompanied by a terrible sky.

Heaven punished the Lord, and finally appeared.

At the moment when the punishment Lord appeared, the power of all ethnic groups held their breath for nine days.

"A sage is like a thief, it is forbidden to heaven and earth ...!"

Then, on this day, the punishment of the Lord took a big step, and Xiao Yun was locked with a horrific gas.

"Are you finally here?" Xiao Yun's eyes rose, and he looked up, staring directly at the Heavenly Punishment Lord there.

"Nine swords cut, cut the flesh!" Waiting for Xiao Yun to think, the Lord of Heaven punishment has already shot.


All he saw was a flash of a long knife in his hand, which broke through the void directly, passed through the mixed Yuan, and cut to Xiao Yun.

This knife is too fast, it seems to cross time, through space, above the law of order.

One shot, nine days of silence.

Da Neng held his breath and stared at Xiao Yun's area.

Many people tighten their nerves.

Because, in the past 100,000 years, someone has been robbed, and even before the first sword was attacked, he was scoffed.

This ridicule is almost completely ridiculed, and the soul is classified into the mixed Yuan and becomes nothing.

This fate can be avoided unless the anti- heaven.

Ling Xi and others tightened their nerves, and their hearts were mentioned in his throat.

Daoguang fell, with great momentum, containing the power of heaven.

It is a power to cut everything and destroy all beings.

That power cannot be resisted.

Xiao Yun's eyes froze slightly, so he looked at the light falling.

"He doesn't resist?" Seeing this, a mighty brow bent, thinking of Jiuxiao that year.

That year, Jiuxiao was the same.

"I am a hybrid, I am the Dao, I am the Tian Dao ... the physical body is the avenue, and the avenue is the physical body."

There is a pervasive charm.

I saw the sword cut off that day.

Then ~ ~ a ripple appeared on his body, it seemed to be cut into two, and finally collapsed.

However, if you look closely, his body seems to be transformed into a hybrid Yuan **** pattern, as if into a mixed Yuan world.

"Are you dead?" Dao Guang collapsed and someone whispered.

However, the next moment, where the lines were gathered, Xiao Yun's body reunited.

He stood there in the sky, and there were lingering clouds on his head, and the lightning of the calamity kept falling, washing his flesh.

At this moment, Xiao Yun was too detached. He was like the son of a mixed Yuan and the son of a avenue.

However, at a glance, it seems that he is the avenue and he is the heaven.

His breath became stronger.

"Success!" Chu Yunfei frowned.

"This kid actually passed the first sword as easily as his father." The emperor frowned, his face gloomy.

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