Eternal gate

Chapter 719 You come first

"What kind of flower is this?"

The venue was noisy and everyone was staring at the high platform.

The Auction Pavilion has a rich heritage and always produces some weird stuff, such as the fake death pill from before, and this white flower at this moment. After looking at it, I can't tell the origin.

That's right, when it comes to Buddhism, few people have heard of it.

If you ask at the scene, who has seen the Bodhi flower, I am afraid that few have seen it.

"It should be extraordinary."

Many old guys stroked their beards and said something profound.

This is nonsense.

As long as you are not stupid, you can see the extraordinary beauty of this flower, its splendor, and the blooming Buddha's light. If you listen carefully, you can also hear the Buddha's voice, which is ethereal and solemn. Combined with the drunken old man's pretentious behavior before, you will know that this lot is a Big baby, and has a good history.

"Do you recognize it?" Yan Ruyu looked at Zhao Yun.

This flower was not on the previous auction list.

In other words, this was added later.

"Bolo flower." Zhao Yun did not hide it.

"Is that the Bolo flower?"

Yan Ruyu was surprised. She had only heard of it, but this was the first time she saw the real thing.

Thinking like this, she raised her eyes and glanced at the Ge family room.

Since it is a Salha flower, Ge Yang must like it very much.

Ge Yang has a strange bloodline. I heard from his ancestor that if he melts with the Bala flower, his bloodline can transform.

I just don’t know whether it’s true or false.

Her ancestor did not lie to her.

At this moment, Ge Yang's eyes were as bright as a torch. The Salha flower suddenly appeared at the auction. To his surprise, he had also seen the auction list and there was no such thing, so it was an unexpected surprise.

"Old man, stop showing off." Someone scolded.

The photographers also started cheering, as the things they had never seen before were the most novel.

Also, anyone who sells information deserves to be struck by lightning and turned into ashes.

"This is the Brahma flower." The drunken old man smiled and said,

"Never heard of it." Many people shook their heads.

"Buddhist flowers have their own strange power." The drunken old man continued, "If the special bloodline is fused, it may help the bloodline to transform; if the ordinary bloodline is fused, it may be able to breed a special bloodline."

"Is it so magical?" There was a commotion below.

"There is a precedent in history. He didn't tell lies." The old guys spoke leisurely.

"The base price is 10 million, starting bidding." The drunken old man spoke loudly and without nonsense.

These words are quite shocking.

This is the one with the highest reserve price so far in the auction.

"Twenty million."

"You are five million older."

"thirty million."

The drunk old man finished his words, and the whole place became lively.

The bidders were so excited that they blushed and their necks were thick, and the price kept rising. In just a few moments, the price of the Salha flower climbed to 50 million, and it is still going up.

If the drunken old man hadn't lied to anyone, the flower would be worth the price.

What a magical power it is to be able to transform your bloodline.

"it is mine."

Ge Yang smiled faintly and looked at the bidding below.

Fight, you fight first, I will end it later. What kind of things are there? How much ability you have, and you are a little bit worried about it. What kind of thing is the Salha flower, and can you get your hands on it?

In a word, he has decided to take over the Boluo flower, and it will be useless for anyone to snatch it away.

"Aren't you going to take pictures?" Zhao Yun glanced sideways at Yan Ruyu. She also has a special bloodline.

"Bloodline repels it, so it's useless." Yan Ruyu shrugged.

These words have a lot of profound meaning, and Zhao Yun understands them.

Although Brahma flower is good, it is not useful for all bloodlines.

The drunken old man should have concealed this from the photographers.

"Senior, what's his bottom line?" Zhao Yun poked the handsome woman.

Chu Lan said nothing and only gestured a number.

Zhao Yun also came up and casually returned the OK gesture.

The moon god was very pleased to see him.

This combination seems to be perfect.

Chu Lan can read minds, and Zhao Yun is a drama queen. Together they are a trap!

"Three hundred million."

The shout was loud and clear, resounding throughout the entire audience.

Because of these words, more than 90% of the people stopped. By the way, they also looked at the bidder. He was not someone from the second or third floor, but an old man in black robes. His whole body was covered tightly. Maybe he was from the same family. The ancestor may be a hidden master and very rich.

Ordinary people can't shout out the price of 300 million.

If you want this flower so much, you probably have a special bloodline.

Or maybe it was taken for the younger generations of the family.

"I am determined to get this flower." The old man in black robe said calmly. The private meaning is understood by everyone who knows it. Fellow Taoists, please give me some sympathy and don't take it too hard. If you take it again...I will scold you.

This face...has to be given.

Don't tell me, no one said anything at the scene.

To put it nicely, it was to give the old man in black robe face.

To put it harshly, I have no money!

"Three hundred million just want the Brahma flower?"

A word from the third floor broke the silence of the scene.

Since Ge Yang has finished fighting below, it's time for him to come out and show off.

"You are one million older than you." Ge Yang said lightly.

Everyone in the audience looked at the old man in black robes, with hope in their eyes: fuck him.

"It's yours." The black-robed old man's response was disappointing. Three hundred million is already his limit. Even if he adds more, can he still beat the super rich? He knows as much as he can.

"But there's still a price increase." The drunken old man looked around.

However, wherever I looked, no one spoke.

Ge Yang had a playful look on his face and was full of confidence. At this moment, his skills were getting better and better. This was what he wanted. He wanted to beat everyone at the same price. I am so awesome.

"Since no one has increased the price, then..."

"Three hundred and ten million."

Before the drunken old man could finish his words, he was interrupted by someone else's words.

It is as beautiful as jade.

This girl kept silent, just waiting for this!

She is the saint of the Yan family! She is also a person who holds grudges. She still remembers that Ge Yang made trouble with her when she was filming Xuan Zhen Dan. The situation has changed. This time, it is her turn. If she wants the Bala flower, how can she do it without some blood? Don't be ruthless. I'll beat you up, you really think I'm easy to bully.

"Lady first."

"You come first, I'll come later."

Zhao Yun thought to himself, are you preparing to rush up? Yan Ruyu took the lead.

It's okay, let this girl take revenge first, and give Ge Yang some blood first.

After Yan Ruyu died, he gave Ge Yang another bloodletting. The bottom line was so high that he would die if he didn't. For this, he also found a good reason for himself, the Ge family! There is plenty of money.

“So many talents!”

The eyes of everyone present were focused here.

There were three people sitting at that table, two of them wore masks, and the third was a bad old man. Two of the three people seemed to be unhappy with Ge Yang, and now this one wanted to compete with Ge Yang.

Or maybe, he wants to trick Ge Yang.

"There are really some people who are not afraid of death." Ge Yang sneered.

"It's an auction! The one with the highest price will get it. Why don't you give me a thin noodle and give this flower to me?" Yan Ruyu looked presentable, but her gesture of stroking her beard didn't look like that.

"Who do you think you are, you're worthy of me." Ge Yang's eyes were full of contempt.

"So, everyone depends on their ability." Yan Ruyu smiled leisurely.

"Four hundred million." Ge Yang said coldly, "If you have the guts, keep adding more."

"Five hundred million." Yan Ruyu was quite calm and opened her mouth to attack.

"Six hundred million."

"Seven billion."

"Eight hundred million."

These two are talented people, a young master from a super rich clan and a saint from a super rich clan. They are both very courageous, adding up to hundreds of millions. Everyone present was very cautious, especially the drunken old man. I feel so happy! You can get a lot more commissions.

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