Eternal gate

Chapter 712 Return to Daxia

The mountain forest under the moon is dry and dark.

In front of the rock wall, the atmosphere was depressing.

The majestic commander of the Red Flame Army, a genuine pinnacle of Quasi-Tian, ​​actually lost all his cultivation at this moment.

"How could this be?" the handsome woman murmured.

Based on her experience, it is difficult to explain such strange things.

Zhao Yun also murmured, his eyes dimming uncertainly, "Is it that evil spirit causing trouble?"

And this guess he thought was very reliable.

Apart from evil spirits, he really couldn't think of any other possibility.

Thinking of this, an inexplicable guilt flooded his heart. If it weren't for looking for him, the handsome female would not be affected by the spatial changes. If not be affected by the spatial changes, the handsome female would not be in a weak state. If not weak, she would not be in a weak state. Let the evil spirit take advantage of the loophole. If it weren't for the evil spirit, the handsome woman would also...

In this way, he can hardly escape the blame for the handsome female's complete loss of cultivation.

"It has nothing to do with you, sooner or later this will happen."

Moon God told the truth. She knew that there was an evil spirit in the handsome woman. However, she did not tell Zhao Yun, and it was useless to tell Zhao Yun. With mortal means, there is nothing that can be done to deal with such evil spirits. Everything depends on the handsome woman. For herself, this can be regarded as an alternative kind of practice.

"How could this be?"

The handsome woman was still murmuring and stood up in one step.

But she didn't stand firm at this step.

In other words, I have lost all my cultivation, have no strength, and can no longer stand.

"Senior." Zhao Yun hurriedly stepped forward and supported him.

"Go back to Daxia."

The handsome woman's face was pale and her breath was weak.

With all his cultivation lost, Ji Hen can no longer be protected. Staying one more day will be a burden.

She couldn't figure out why, so she had to ask Tianwujing to see a doctor.

Zhao Yun didn't think much, untied the seal and shackles, picked up the handsome woman on his back and left.

The female commander was exhausted and had practiced martial arts on her own. She had never been so weak as she was at this moment.

My hands don't have the strength to restrain the chicken, and it's difficult to even stand firm.

This trip to the Southern Region was truly a disaster for her.

Zhao Yun sacrificed the true essence and poured it into the handsome woman's body continuously.

However, the body of the handsome woman was like a deflated rubber ball at this moment. No matter how much true energy was poured into it, it was difficult to leave a trace. He had taken a peek and realized that the handsome woman's Dantian had been closed.

"My fault." Zhao Yun whispered.

"It is destined that I should suffer such a calamity." The handsome woman smiled tiredly, maybe she was tired, her beautiful eyes were dim, and an unprecedented sleepiness overwhelmed her consciousness, and she fell into a deep sleep.


Zhao Yun used the Quick Travel Talisman, which was like a golden light streaking across the sky.

Half a day later, he landed on the Bai Family Island.

As he expected, the Bai family had evacuated.


The elders who stayed in the Bai family were stunned for a while when they saw Zhao Yun and the handsome girl. Especially when they saw the handsome girl's state, their expressions changed drastically. What's going on? They haven't seen each other for a day or two. How come they have lost all their cultivation.

"Where were you evacuated from?"

Zhao Yun didn't say much, and just said his purpose. He had to go after the Bai family. Only with the protection of many strong men could he keep the female commander safe. He was the only one who might not be able to protect the female commander if he encountered a war.

The seniors hurriedly took the map and pointed out the route.

"Thank you."

Zhao Yun said and soared into the sky again.

Before leaving, he took a look back. These old seniors were all approaching the end of their lives and were preparing to die on this island. He did not force it. It was their choice whether to leave or stay.

The southern region is vast and the waves are turbulent.

Zhao Yun flew all the way, heading straight to the borderland sea area.

The handsome woman seemed very tired. She slept peacefully for the whole day. Zhao Yun's back was also very warm, which dispelled the chill in her body and made her no longer shivering, as if she was bathing in the sun.

"Exotic treasure."

"There's another rare treasure."

When passing by a sea area, Zhao Yun suddenly heard a hissing sound.

That's right, another treasure fell from the sky, a red meteor.

Zhao Yun didn't look at it, and he didn't intend to look for the treasure.

The most important thing at the moment is to find the Bai family fleet as soon as possible to avoid any more accidents.

He didn't want an accident to happen, but there was an accident.


As soon as they left the sea area, they ran into pirates. They were searching warships. There were flying mounts in the air. Each of them was carrying a ghost-headed sword and looked fierce. They specialized in blocking roads and robbing.

"Keep the money."

"She's staying too."

The bandit leader smiled faintly, his eyes full of evil.

Zhao Yun snorted coldly and bumped into it, showering down explosive symbols.

The robbers were caught off guard and were blown up all over the place. Many of them were destroyed on the spot.

"Good boy."

The bandit leader shouted loudly and came swinging a knife.

Zhao Yun didn't even look at it, but moved Long Yuan with his soul, and knocked him over with a sword.

He didn't want to fight, so he turned around and left.

"Baby, he's got a baby on him."

The bandit leader was also interesting. Instead of chasing Zhao Yun, he shouted loudly behind him.

He was not idle, because in the sea ahead, another figure appeared. They were two men in black robes. They probably saw the shooting star and dared to grab the treasure. How cultivated it was! A perfect quasi-heaven realm.


Hearing the pirate's roar, the two old men raised their eyebrows.

Seeing that Zhao Yun's cultivation level was not high, the first man in black robe immediately reached out.

It's a matter of one palm, don't give it up in vain.

Looking at the pirate leader again, he howled, turned around and ran away.

Not only does he rob, but he also deceives people? If you blow up my people, don't even think about leaving.


Zhao Yun shouted loudly and knocked over the first black-robed man with one punch.

The second man in black robe was shocked when he saw it, this little thing is very strong!

"Where to go."

The first man in black robe was furious. He had suffered a big loss because he had not used all his strength before.

This time, he had to find a place to come back. It would be strange for such a powerful Ksitigarbha realm to have no treasure.

The second man in black robe was not slow and kept chasing after him.

boom! boom! boom!

The quiet sea suddenly became lively.

Zhao Yun fled all the way.

The two men in black robes behind him chased and beat them all the way.

Zhao Yun's face was ugly. If he had to protect the handsome lady and couldn't use his fists and kicks, he would definitely fight and send these two shameless old people and the robber to the west.

"Put me down!" The handsome woman woke up and said weakly.

"I will take you home." Zhao Yun smiled and his speed increased sharply.

Maybe he was running too fast and hit something he shouldn't have hit: a spatial change.

"Where are the people?"

The two old men were stunned for a moment, and the two living men said no and disappeared.

"Good luck." Luna muttered.

This space change is safe and there are no space cracks.


As soon as the moon went down, a roar was heard.

It was Zhao Yun and the handsome woman who fell out of the space. By coincidence, they hit the eaves of someone's house. Perhaps because of their heavy bodies, they made a big hole in the roof of someone's house. They landed with a loud thud.

"Uncle, why are you here!"

The confused Zhao Yun seemed to have heard such a sentence.

He had heard this many times.

The girls in Qinglou welcome guests like this.

Green building.

This is a Qinglou, and they smashed into a room in the Qinglou.

And the picture in the room is also particularly fragrant and gorgeous. A man and a woman are naked, looking at him and the handsome woman with wide eyes. What's going on? The beam suddenly collapsed, and two people fell down.

Embarrassing, the scene was once embarrassing.

Zhao Yun's eyes were bright and round.

The handsome woman's cheeks were crimson.

To be honest, this was the first time she had seen this scene. She didn't know whether it was because she had fallen too hard or was injured, but she actually had a nosebleed. Just because of these two nosebleeds, her good image was completely ruined.


Chapter 4 is gone today.

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