Eternal gate

Chapter 461 The Immortal Mountain... Qianqiu City

"Space... small world?" Zhao Yun's eyes lit up again when he heard this.

The Taoist Book of Heaven has a brief introduction to the world of space. It is opened up by great supernatural powers. It can be as big as the vast universe, or as small as sand and dust. It all depends on how deep the understanding of space is. Mortals cannot create it on their own, even if they are aloof. Immortals, if they don't understand enough about space, they won't be able to create it. This field has always been obscure and difficult to understand. Even if he is studious, he only knows a little bit about it. His teleportation involves some space, but it's just the fur within the fur.

"Is there a space world here?"

Zhao Yun's head was like a rattle, looking up, down, left and right.

Unfortunately, he didn't look at anything. It's strange that he could look at it. If anyone could see it, how could it be called a small world in space? The reason why the Moon God said this Immortal Mountain is interesting is that even an immortal might not be able to see it, let alone a mortal.

"Where is it?" Zhao Yun was still looking.

The Moon God was silent and only shed a golden light.

To be precise, it was a piece of bright gold characters.

Zhao Yun looked at it and realized that it was an ancient spell.

"Recite to the Big Dipper..." Moon God said calmly.

Zhao Yun immediately stood still, then raised his head, he could see the stars in the sky, and he knew the Big Dipper. The Big Dipper was the one he saw most when looking at the stars. The Big Dipper tonight was also extremely bright and could be found at a glance.

Without thinking much, he revealed the spell passed down by the Moon God.

Accompanied by the chanting of mantras, a ray of light hung down from the Big Dipper and landed on the Mountain of Immortality.

Immediately, there was a thunderous roar, and the entire Immortal Mountain shook with the roar. Perhaps it was unexpected, and he couldn't stand firm on one step, and almost fell from the top of the mountain.

When I stood firm, I saw a scary scene: in the center of the Immortal Mountain, there was an ancient city, rising out of the ground. The legendary tall buildings rise from the ground. It seemed like such a big scene. I don’t know whose ancient city it belongs to. It is really majestic and majestic, three times bigger than the ancient city of Wang. It is ancient and majestic. Because it rises out of the ground, the entire Immortal Mountain shakes violently. From every peak, gravel rolls down, shocking the forest. The birds and beasts neighed.

" the world of space?" Zhao Yun opened his mouth.

"The only flaw is that it is broken." Moon God said regretfully.

"Is this still broken?" Zhao Yun grinned.

"The real world of space cannot be seen in its entirety when viewed from the outside. For example, this city has been around for too long and the space has been damaged. Otherwise, you would not be able to see the outside."

"What senior! Such a courageous person."

"Stop looking and go in quickly." Luna urged.

The silence is too great and has stirred up troubles in all directions. Many strong men have come over. The master of the small space world has been buried for countless years and is now an ownerless thing. Whoever enters first and carves his own mark first will be the winner. The master of the small space world.

Zhao Yun was stunned and rushed over.

When we got to the city, we realized how majestic and majestic it was.

The walls of this city are higher than those of the imperial capital. In front of the city are two huge stone lions squatting. How huge are they? Just like two small mountain peaks, the carvings are so lifelike that they are intimidating to look at.

After looking at the stone lions, he looked at the city gate plaque.

Upon entering the building, you will see the words "Qianqiu City".

"Unify the world for thousands of generations?"

Zhao Yun muttered and stood at the foot of the city, looking up at the plaque. The three characters "Qianqiu City" were engraved bravely and vigorously, and there was an ancient connotation hidden in them. He couldn't breathe through it. It can be seen that writing these three words No matter how high the writer's cultivation is, he must be an immortal. If he were not an immortal, he would not be able to create this world of space.

"Melt your blood on the plaque." Luna reminded him.

Zhao Yun did as he was told, cut his finger, and a drop of blood soaked into the plaque.

Suddenly, his mind trembled. Something seemed to be missing. What was missing? With more things of his own, this space world called Qianqiu City is now his. This sudden surprise made him dizzy.

The world of space! He actually became the master.

It's good to be the protagonist, and you can get the treasure without paying for it.

When his head was spinning, the city gate had slowly opened, and what followed was a ray of light that shone out from the city, bringing with it a sense of peace and simplicity, and besides... it was particularly dazzling.

Zhao Yun glanced at the Moon God first, and then tentatively walked in.

What you see is another vast scene. The whole place is shrouded in clouds and mist. You can see mountains and mountains, gurgling water and rivers, extremely lush vegetation and leaves, and extremely strong spiritual power. It is a world of its own! For a moment in his daze, he seemed to be able to see cranes dancing gracefully in the clouds, and he seemed to be able to hear the sound of heaven, echoing endlessly in the sky.

Pure land on earth.

This was his first feeling.

Indeed, there is no trace of dust or dirt here.


Zhao Yun licked his tongue and felt his mouth was dry.

Moon God smiled after hearing this. This was far from the fairyland. It was just a small world in space. It was right when you think about it. Martial arts cultivators cannot compare with gods. Even a small world is novel enough.

Zhao Yun did not move and gently closed his eyes.

Having become the master of Qianqiu City, he could see the panoramic view of this ancient city with his eyes closed. It was like a God's perspective looking down from the sky. It was truly a fairyland on earth, roughly estimated to be as big as half the imperial capital. Everywhere There is a kind of mysterious power lingering in them. It should be the legendary power of space. There are also secret restrictions and many complicated formations carved on them. It should be a kind of fairy formation. Although he can't understand it, he knows this fairy formation. It was broken, that... Luna didn't lie to him.

When he opened his eyes, he looked up to the sky again.

Above, there is a hazy area, different from what is seen in the outside world. There is no sun or moon in sight. There are only bright stars, shining. They are not real stars. They should be the embellishments of some kind of vision.

"Close the door." Moon God said suddenly.

After Zhao Yun heard this, he immediately thought about it.

With a buzzing sound, the two majestic city gates were closed. He was already the master here. He closed the city gates. Without his permission, no one could come in. I just don’t know if powerful people like Hong Yuan can come in. We can force our way in. After all, this small space world called Qianqiu City has an immortal formation, but it is broken. If we insist on attacking by force, I don't know if it can withstand it.

At this point, he raised his feet and walked inside. As he walked, he looked left and right. He had stopped under the trees, and they were all real trees with thick branches, hanging vines, and surging vitality. He had also stopped by the river and reached out to lift up the trees. There is a piece of river water, which is cool and clean, with a wisp of clouds.

"There are four city gates in the east, west, north and south."

"Hmm...ninety-nine peaks."

He muttered as he walked, and clicked his tongue as he walked.

This is not a small world of space, it is clearly a big world of space!

He is like a tourist, walking around and stopping.

At some point, he climbed up a small mountain peak.

On the mountain peak, there is a seven-star altar.

"Xiu'er, this is a magic circle!" Zhao Yun looked curious.

"Spirit Gathering Array." Moon God said, "It can gather the spiritual energy of heaven and earth."

"No wonder the spiritual power here... is so strong." Zhao Yun came forward and looked up and down again and again. After looking around for a long time, he still couldn't figure out the way. It was because he was too low-level to understand it.

He went to other mountains.

As he expected, there was a seven-star altar, all gathering spirit formations.

With this formation, the aura of Qianqiu City should not be exhausted.

"Good place."

Zhao Yun was extremely pleasantly surprised and already had some calculations in his heart.

When you get out from here, you will pick up everyone from the Zhao family.

Hiding in Qianqiu City is safer than in Forgotten City. He no longer has to worry about Zi Yihou causing trouble, and he has no worries anymore. He can go for revenge. But he can't do it anymore, so he hides here. After growing up, he can do it again. He would have plenty of time to run out and jump around. One day, he would reach the height of Hongyuan. By then, he would no longer have to hide.

This place will be a safe haven for his Zhao family.

He walked around in circles and appeared again at the highest mountain peak in Qianqiu City.

Here, he saw something interesting.

What is it: a sand table.

That's right, it's a sand table, the kind of sand table used during marches and battles. Large terrains such as mountains, rivers, plains, valleys, and basins are made into models, and small flags are placed on them to facilitate the deployment of troops. , and what this sand table performs... is actually the whole picture of the Immortal Mountain. Small models of tens of thousands of mountains can be seen at a glance, but it is not the reality but an illusion.

"How did you do this?"

Zhao Yun touched his chin and looked around the sand table again and again.

Without seeing home, he is really like a country bumpkin. Everything he looks at is novel. He even reached out his hand and touched it lightly. The model inside, no matter the mountains, rivers, vegetation, is all illusory.

After studying for a long time, he looked at Moon God.

"This city is connected to the Big Dipper and is blessed by a special secret method." The Moon God replied, "To put it bluntly, the Big Dipper... is used to see the whole picture of the Undead Mountain, and then it is reflected on this sand table."

"Is it so magical?"

Zhao Yun scratched his head and continued to look at the sand table.

From this sand table, he could see every peak of the Immortal Mountain.

Not only can you see the mountains, but you can also see people.

Yes, someone entered the Mountain of the Immortal.

That's right, Qianqiu City must have shocked everyone when it rose from the ground and made such a big noise.

It does not matter.

The important thing is that he can clearly see from here how many people have come in, what their cultivation level is, what they are wearing, what they are doing there, including their facial features... everything is clear.

"Good stuff." Zhao Yun's eyes sparkled.

This is the first time in my life that I have seen such magical things.

I don’t know who created it, it’s such a masterpiece!

As he watched, more people entered the Mountain of Immortality. What made his eyes strange was that those people didn't seem to have eyes. They seemed to be like headless flies. After entering the Mountain of Immortality, they wandered around as if they were lost. Generally speaking, most people just sit there and scratch their heads, looking very depressed.

"This..." Zhao Yun looked puzzled.

"Qianqiu City has its own formation extension." Moon God said leisurely.

"What do you mean?" Zhao Yun said blankly.

"This city's formation will take root when it lands on the ground." Moon God said leisurely, "The so-called taking root when it lands on the ground means that it has extended to the entire Immortal Mountain. It is an immortal-level mysterious formation. Anyone who enters the Immortal Mountain, unless he has great supernatural powers, will Or if the special eye opens the way, it will be difficult to find the direction.”

"No wonder they all seem lost."

Zhao Yun smiled, his charming little eyes even more dazzling.

How about saying this is an immortal-level mysterious formation? It's really interesting.

In this way, he had to bring the Zhao family here.

Qianqiu City sits in the middle of the Immortal Mountain, surrounded by tens of thousands of peaks, and it also serves as an immortal-level lost track. Only he can come in and out at will, and it is difficult for outsiders to come in. Once you enter the Undead Mountain, you will be trapped in the lost track, let alone We have found Qianqiu City. Even if we can find Qianqiu City, it will be difficult to enter.

In the whole of Daxia, I'm afraid I won't be able to find a place... safer than this.

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