Era: Start as a buyer

Chapter 239 Luo Yan went to the factory to report

Luo Cheng shivered and looked at everything in front of him, feeling bored.

Damn it, it's almost late April, but it's so cold when I'm by the river late at night, I'm shivering from the cold. Just for some chili peppers, I can start enjoying life early tomorrow, and I am still tossing outside like this. And this kind of tossing makes people really sleepy.

I was a little tired after riding my bicycle here late at night, but I had to do a full performance, and now Luo Cheng had to go back again to inform everyone to come over. When I come, I have to bring everyone here, and then I have to be busy until early in the morning before I can go home and sleep.

The peppers are piled directly by the river without any packaging. At this time of night, there is no need to worry about anyone stealing the peppers.

Without much delay, Luo Cheng rushed back on his bicycle, and it was less than one o'clock in the morning when he arrived home.

Luo Cheng knocked on the kitchen door and called everyone to get up. Luo Cheng's father suffered a lot this time. In the middle of the night, I had to go to the toilet twice, so I didn't sleep well. I was woken up again at about 1 in the morning, and I was really sleepy. However, rural people are hardworking and everything depends on their work.

It was still early, so Luo Cheng didn't take everyone out immediately. Instead, I started cooking in the middle of the night. I just made rice, and there was nothing particular about it. At that time, everyone will eat a little first, and then make more into rice balls, which can be eaten on the way back.

My sister-in-law, sister, and Ergouzi's wife are sleeping in the kitchen. With three women here, it's easy to make a meal. Luo Cheng didn't intend to wake up Yanzi and the others, but with so many people there, there would definitely be a lot of noise. Luo Yan and Hongxiu heard the sound and got up to help.

While everyone was busy, Luo Cheng went back to his room, lay down and took the opportunity to relax for a while. He also told everyone not to wait for him when the rice was cooked. After they had eaten, they would make the rice balls and pack them up before setting off. After going here and there, after the peppers are processed, they will go back to the town directly. If they take the goods and return them here, they will have to walk a lot longer.

After everything was done, it was almost two o'clock in the morning. Luo Chengcai was woken up and set off immediately. Since he was pushing the cart on foot, Luo Cheng could only lead the way by pushing his bicycle. It was already three o'clock in the morning when we reached the other side of the river.

Luo Cheng asked everyone to first load a cart with sacks. One cart couldn't hold much. After all, the peppers were hollow inside. A sack can hold 200 kilograms of rice, but only about 100 kilograms of peppers. If I hadn't brought hemp rope, it would have been difficult to load a cart with a thousand kilograms.

Before five o'clock in the morning, Master Zhu appeared on the road with his truck. Luo Cheng had already asked Er Gouzi to stand guard by the roadside. When he saw car lights appearing, Er Gouzi immediately called Luo Cheng over.

Master Zhu also brought the sacks according to Luo Cheng's request. Luo Cheng waved his hand, and everyone except him immediately started loading the peppers into the car.

"Chief Luo, this is the money given by the factory. These peppers are all from the factory."

"Well, this time in addition to being used in the canteen, it can also be used as a benefit for colleagues to buy. Of course, if the factory is generous, it is also possible to directly give benefits to everyone, but that is not my decision."

Luo Cheng took the envelope handed over by Master Zhu. There was three hundred yuan in it. Anyway, he would refund more and make up less when the time came. As for the peppers this time, neither more nor less, he didn't plan to bother with it anymore. At most, he would talk to Director Sun about the bamboo chairs and beds. Of course, there were other products, so there was no need to rush.

At that time, I will give a sack of chili peppers to the lumber factory. There are not many people in the lumber factory, and a bag of chili peppers is enough to send them away. In this way, it would be easier to negotiate with the lumber factory to take the lead. Before, Luo Cheng sold tomatoes, eggplants and eggs to the lumber factory, but he didn't let them help with anything.

Luo Cheng hasn't reached the point where he doesn't care about using people at all when he doesn't use them. This relationship should be maintained regularly so that it will be more convenient when needed.

Master Zhu just pretended to move. He was a driver, a very popular profession in this era. The few times we moved things before, only Luo Cheng was there. Luo Cheng was the head of the purchasing department in the factory, so he naturally had to be polite. But with so many people here today, he just thought about it, and then stood with Luo Cheng, smoking and chatting.

Luo Cheng didn't feel inappropriate about Master Zhu's behavior. He is a driver, that is, a driver in his own factory. If Luo Cheng calls drivers from other places, he will need to eat and take cards.

This time we were transporting peppers to the factory, and when they were nearly packed, Lu Cong asked Master Zhu to pick some good peppers. It can be eaten stir-fried or you can make your own chili sauce. This driver often goes out and keeps some chili sauce in the car, which makes everything he eats delicious.

After the peppers were packed, Luo Cheng explained a little to his father. After the peppers can be pulled back, everyone will keep some for themselves and let Ergouzi contact Hei Niu to take care of the rest.

Of course, when Hei Niu is asked to handle things, external sources say that he is asked to help exchange for meat and other things on the black market. Luo Cheng never said anything about selling for money. Hei Niu was making money anyway, so he helped Luo Cheng hide it.

After explaining to everyone, Luo Cheng and Master Zhu withdrew together. The bicycle is directly hung on the car. On the way back, at least it can take a long way into the city. After entering the city, it will be much easier for Luo Cheng to get off the car and ride the bicycle home.

When Luo Cheng returned home, it was almost dawn. He had stayed up all night. When he took people there to wait for the bus to arrive, he was really sleepy. I thought I would fall asleep when I got home, but after the sleepiness passed, I became energetic again. I'm in a state where I want to sleep but can't sleep.

Luo Yan and Zhang Hongxiu had already moved back to the kitchen to sleep. Luo Cheng didn't have any worries. He took off his clothes, leaving only a pair of shorts and got into bed.


"Well, I'm going to have a good sleep. Let me hug you for a while."

"Don't pinch."

"I'll just weigh it and don't pinch it."

Luo Cheng said with a smile, this woman is pregnant, the first few months are fine. Later, the hand feeling became stronger first, mainly the stiffness. From the back, it’s big and flexible. Anyway, with Zhao Qian's current situation, it would be unreasonable to say that the child would be hungry. Lying on one side casually, according to the parlance of the future era, it means that the career line is exploding.

After lying down in a comfortable position, Luo Cheng, who was in a state of excitement just now because he had survived the most sleepy period, suddenly fell asleep as soon as he felt sleepy.

At 7:30 in the morning, many people in the yard started to go to work. The flour at Luo Cheng's house was eaten up all at once yesterday, but it was all eaten up. No one thought to mention this to Luo Cheng. Do they really want to keep eating fine grains? It's rice and noodles. What do you want? Eat whatever you want.

"Sister-in-law, the second brother didn't eat breakfast either. He still had breakfast. Does he have to go to work in the factory today?"

"He was busy all night yesterday, but I don't know about this. Hongxiu, please go to the room and take a look. If he doesn't wake up, he probably won't go to work."

"Yes, I understand, sister-in-law."

After hearing Zhao Qian's instructions, Zhang Hongxiu naturally went to the main room to check the situation, and came out not long after entering the room. But she didn't dare to face Zhao Qian, so she replied that her second brother was still sleeping, and went to the kitchen to pack things. In the kitchen, Zhang Hongxiu felt that her face was very hot and she felt that she had been too bold just now.

It wasn't until after eleven o'clock that Luo Cheng woke up. After a simple wash, Luo Cheng was playing with the monkey again. The monkey recently liked to imitate people, standing and walking, mainly because he didn't know who he learned it from. Even if I stand and walk, I still like to put my hands behind my back.

"Yanzi, come with me to the factory this afternoon. It's time to finalize your work matters. Report today first, and then you can go to work tomorrow."

"Well, brother, I listen to you."

Luo Yan responded happily when she heard that he would take her to the factory to report in the afternoon. But Luo Cheng also laughed at her response. Luo Cheng finally understood. Once Luo Yan said, 'Brother, I listen to you. ’ In fact, she means she is very willing, but the way she expresses it will make people feel that she is following your arrangement, not that she specifically wants it. It's a bit of a performance of getting a bargain but still being good.

This is just like some women in the future era who say "I don't want it", but actually they mean they want it. If Luo Yan really didn't want what she wanted in her heart, but had to obey Luo Cheng's words, there would be no such happy and submissive response.

In the afternoon, Luo Cheng took Luo Yan to work by bicycle, but the siblings had to keep a distance. Luo Yan also sat behind the car, holding on to the back seat with both hands. In fact, let alone brothers and sisters, couples these days often walk close to each other and rarely hold hands.

When they arrived at the machinery factory, Luo Cheng asked Luo Yan to stay in his department, and everyone in the department had seen Luo Yan. After all, Luo Yan has been living with Luo Cheng in the city for several months. Everyone in Luo Cheng's department has gone to his house to buy things, and Luo Yan handles most of the weighings. How could he not know Luo Cheng? Where is Yan?

So when Luo Yan arrived, everyone greeted her warmly, and her sense of urgency about entering the factory disappeared.

After waiting until it was officially time to go to work, Luo Cheng took Luo Yan to the personnel department. Luo Cheng didn't care about what happened next. The job Luo Yan was going to do, this position was specially customized for her. Section Chief Li took the initiative to help her handle it again. She will report it this afternoon and she can pick up her work clothes in the afternoon. You can come to work tomorrow morning.

But one thing is that because of the special nature of her job, Luo Yan got to work early. Others go to work at eight o'clock, so Luo Yan has to be here at seven o'clock, and then take the thermos bottle to the back of the canteen to open the water.

But her job is also easy. After filling the water in the morning, she will check it again at ten o'clock. If there is an empty thermos bottle, she will fill it up again. In the afternoon, like some departments, there is no need to boil water in advance. You can just refill the hot water at 2 o'clock. But things like the factory director's office, the reception room, and the director's office must be prepared in advance.

But no matter what, the work is very easy.

In the afternoon, Luo Cheng was discussing with Director Sun how to purchase hairtail and kelp from other places. For example, there were hairtail fish and kelp in the seaside cities. In some places, you can get fruit and canned food.

However, Luo Cheng didn't say too much about Director Sun. He just said that he knew someone in Jiangcheng. To be more precise, it was his connections behind Changcheng, who could introduce him to contact someone in Jiangcheng.

As for whether we can get supplies or not, that will depend on the situation at that time. And if Luo Cheng wants to go to other places, he must issue a letter of introduction from the factory, and the letter of introduction must specify where he is going. It doesn’t mean that you can just open a letter of introduction and run around. Luo Cheng's first target was Jiangcheng. The reason for choosing Jiangcheng was that Luo Cheng would live in that city in the future.

In Jiangcheng, he might not be able to speak the local dialect, but he would have no problem hearing it. To be honest, the biggest problem for Luo Cheng when he goes to other places now is the language barrier.

Not to mention other people, even Luo Cheng's Mandarin is very substandard. When he first arrived in the future era, he had difficulty communicating with the workers at the construction site. That is to say, others are young and have strong receptivity. In addition, others have twenty-four hours a day, and he has forty-eight hours. If you are willing to take the initiative to practice Mandarin seriously, you will learn it faster than many people.

But even though he has lived in the future era for more than a year, Luo Cheng's Mandarin is still not very standard. The most important thing is that he has not studied systematically. Sometimes he thinks he speaks Mandarin, but in fact he just speaks in a dialect with a perfect accent.

If Luo Cheng were not selling eels or loaches, he would have come into contact with more aquatic products. When I asked him to read "A Toad" before, his accent was "Ah Dahanmao". This kind of accent was simply incomprehensible to outsiders.

In Luo Cheng's time, most people spoke like this. When primary school teachers taught students how to read, they all spoke in dialects. The popularization of Mandarin in China has actually been promoted in the past few years, but it only has certain requirements for some special industries or high-level people. For the grassroots, it is a voluntary principle.

So in this era, many big leaders speak in Mandarin, but the local accent is still very strong. If you listen carefully, even a certain leader speaks Mandarin with a local accent, and the comrade's voice sounds a bit like "paper".

As for Luo Cheng's request, it was for the benefit of the factory, even if he didn't buy the things Luo Cheng said. The factory is only responsible for Luo Cheng's travel and accommodation expenses to Jiangcheng. Of course, the food expenses will be reimbursed, and the factory will even give Luo Cheng national food stamps.

Of course, if Luo Chengzhen goes to other places, Director Sun will also report to the factory director~. If you are an ordinary buyer who wants to try it out in other places, just go. But if Luo Cheng goes, he is the section chief of the purchasing department, and he can always bring some good things to the factory with his own abilities every month.

This trip to another place is about purchasing. Based on the current traffic situation and the speed of doing things, it is considered fast to be back in half a month. A month is normal.

This is just like when people in a factory apply to study a certain technology in other places. Basically, they stay there for half a month. For various reasons, everything cannot be done efficiently.

If Luo Cheng goes to other places, from Director Sun's point of view, in terms of food, Luo Cheng basically has no hope when he is on a business trip.

"Director Sun, Section Chief Luo is here too. Luo Yan, come in, Brother You happens to be here with Director Sun. The matter is almost as explained to you, but which department you usually stay in, you still have to listen to our Director Sun. of."

"Oh, this is our Chief Luo's sister."

"Yes, she is the sister of the undergraduate student."

While Luo Cheng was still chatting with Director Sun, Section Chief Li happened to bring his sister Luo Yan over. What Luo Yan has to do has been clearly explained, but her position is considered a temporary addition, and which department it belongs to has not yet been decided.

Luo Yan always has a place to stay after finishing her work. At first, Section Chief Li wanted Luo Yan to go to the cafeteria and kitchen when she had free time, but after thinking about it carefully, it seemed inappropriate.

The work in the kitchen is actually not easy. Except for the cooking chef, he only cooks vegetables and does not do any chores. Others basically work and have no leisure time.

Some helpers have to come very early in the morning to wash the vegetables, and the apprentices have to cut and prepare them. After washing the dishes and cutting the dishes, I still have no time to relax. To make steamed buns and wowotou, with so many people in a factory, the preparation work is very time-consuming.

If Luo Yan was assigned to the kitchen, she would have to go to the kitchen to fetch hot water, but she would be too free. It is easy to make those who work hard to be jealous, so Section Chief Li brought Luo Yan over to ask Director Sun how to arrange her where.

Seeing that Luo Cheng was there, he jokingly complimented Luo for becoming Section Chief Luo. Director Sun also took the opportunity to make a joke on Luo Cheng. Usually when Luo Cheng came to Director Sun, Director Sun would always say, "Here comes Xiao Luo." Luo would not be called Chief Luo at all.

And Luo Cheng has nothing to be restrained in front of them. If you want to make a joke about this position level, Luo Cheng also assumes the posture of a leading cadre.

As for where Luo Yan should stay, it was decided after a little discussion. The most suitable one is actually to arrange it in the logistics department. There are several clerks there, and they are all there to make orders and receive things.

Because Luo Yan had to come to work early, the door key to this department was actually available in the logistics department. It would be most appropriate for her to go to the logistics department office, but in the end Director Sun asked Luo Yan to go to the purchasing department.

The main reason is that even if the Procurement Department has been reformed, it is still a very idle department. In other words, everyone is very free when they are in the department. At most, they can make a report and record some things. There was discussion about how to launch some new procurements, but the really important stuff was being handled outside.

In addition, Luo Yan is Luo Cheng's sister. She may be gossiped about in other departments, but she will never be gossiped about in the purchasing department. If people are still gossiping in the purchasing department, then the section chief, Luo Cheng, has not done a good job.

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