Era: Start as a buyer

Chapter 225 The recruitment of employees begins to be formalized

"Li Dan, your job is really comfortable. For most of the day, only two people came to ask, and nothing happened. Do you still need people in this store? Can I come to work in this store?"

"Don't hurt me. There are only a few people in the store, so the boss won't think we're taking it easy. For a store like this, do you think it still needs to recruit people? And it's not like there's nothing going on. When you're not here, we all have to Processing orders. Don’t underestimate this rice shop. Business is actually very good. A pound of rice here sells for ten yuan, and you can earn tens of thousands from just selling a few things a day."

"Rice is so expensive, so your monthly salary is just a few bags of rice."

"What do you think? After studying for more than ten years, if I had known that I would do this simple thing after graduation, I should have stopped studying in high school and come to work. With a salary of only 3,000 yuan, I don't dare to ask the boss for a raise."

"With your major, you can go to any unit. Not to mention how high the salary is, it's probably more than four thousand. You haven't received a salary increase since you came here. Why don't you change your job?"

"Then how come you have been working in several places since you graduated more than a year ago. You are still here today."

"Didn't you say that you are recruiting a statistician here, and the job will be easy? I don't care if the salary is less, I just want it to be easy."

"Then my home is nearby. Do you think my job is easy? I can go home to eat every day after get off work. In order to earn an extra one or two thousand, I have to find a house to live in and spend money on food and drink. I'm stupid."

Wang Shanshan was right when she thought about it. She obviously wanted to take it easy, but she came here just because she heard that there might be an easy job here. Her home is not far from here, of course not as close as Li Dan, but it only takes more than ten minutes by bicycle.

"Stop chatting, the boss is here, you follow me."

"Is the boss so young?"

"Didn't I tell you that the boss is very young?"


Of course Wang Shanshan knew that her classmate Li Dan had said that the boss was young, but she didn't expect him to be so young. Instead of whispering, he followed Li Dan, who had already stood up, and walked towards a young man.

"Mr. Luo, this is my classmate Wang Shanshan. Didn't you say that you want to recruit a college student to come to work to do statistical scheduling work? Do you think she can do it?"

"Your classmate, okay, when can you come to work?"

"Mr. Luo, I can come to work at any time, but can I ask what I mainly do and where I work. If it's not suitable, I may not agree to come to work."

Wang Shanshan did not expect that recruitment here would be so casual. After her classmate introduced her as his classmate, she agreed to let her come to work. But the wages here are really not that high, not to mention it’s not a shop, nor is it a shop that also sells rice. Naturally, she has to ask clearly. If the place is far away or the workload is heavy, then she may not be willing to do it.

In fact, Luo Cheng had already thought about where to go to work. He didn't think much about it before, but now he was a little worried that the other party wouldn't want to go. But it doesn't matter. If he really thinks the place is not good, Luo Cheng will rent another one. He calls this informality, but the place he chose seems to be out of place.

It was near where Luo Cheng lived. The first private house he rented was near the old street. It was also the place where Luo Cheng used to bring his things in the first two eras. The rent there has never been canceled and the rent is only about 10,000 yuan a year. Luo Cheng would still go there occasionally when he brought some small things.

But I have been going there less and less recently, and there are very few things that I need to bring with me if I need something urgently. And if he wanted to bring something small, Luo Cheng actually didn't even have to go out. As long as you stay up until twelve o'clock, you can complete the carrying in the bathroom. For large quantities, it’s better to go to the warehouse, which is farther than the private houses, but not much further.

Luo Cheng asked Wang Shanshan if she had time now. If she had time, he would take her over to have a look. If she agreed, she would be the first employee of the department established by Luo Cheng.

Li Dan was also curious about what kind of place Luo Cheng took her classmates to, so she couldn't help but suggest that they go and see it together.

There were other employees in the store watching, and Li Dan wanted to go see it, so there was nothing wrong with going together. I called a taxi directly through the mobile app, waited for a while and then set off. In fact, it’s not far from the rice store here. After all, most of the shops in Luocheng are in the same area. It's just that the local chicken restaurant will open near the center of the city in the future, which is relatively far away.

Soon the three of them arrived at the private house, and Li Dan and Wang Shanshan looked shocked. It's too simple to work in a place like this. I just need a few computers and some office supplies. Get more people, keep the door closed, and only order takeout for meals. Guaranteed to be reported, this may be a pyramid scheme.

Of course, if you look at it from another angle, it will be different. These days, there are too many office environments in the form of office buildings, which have no atmosphere at all. The floor is high, so you have to wait a long time to order takeout at noon.

But this place is great. It has a ground-floor bungalow with a small yard. It's easy to park electric vehicles when you come to work here. The interior of the house looks a bit old, but some people have specially decorated it in a retro style and built red bricks in the room.

This private house is actually easy to get in and out. It is next to the old street and has many shops. It is convenient to buy food and office supplies. It's just that there is nothing inside at present, there are two rooms at the front and back, and the toilet is a public toilet dozens of meters outside.

I don’t know why, but Wang Shanshan dislikes this environment, but at the same time she wants to experience working in this environment.

As for the content of the office, Luo Cheng also introduced it. It was very simple. Luo Cheng only has a few stores in total now. As long as you get a computer, the first step is to call each store and register the current inventory of each store. From now on, if any store is out of stock, just call here.

After receiving the information here, we will notify the delivery drivers who are still recruiting and let the drivers deliver the goods. Based on this calculation, many stores only replenish their goods every two or three days. If Luo Cheng's store does not expand, he will only need to make a few calls a day. Then make a form on the computer to record the situation.

In this case, Luo Cheng would not have to take responsibility for any problems in each store. Even if he calls Liu Xiaofei to pick up the goods and replenish them. Of course, things are definitely not that easy. I make a few calls a day and then nothing happens. The salary is not high, but it is too easy.

At least he has to do payroll statistics, and now every Luocheng store has at least three or four employees. Even though he doesn't run a company or anything, they are all self-employed shops. But he already has more than 30 employees. If you include the opening of Tujiguan, the contracting of the kitchen, front desk, waiters, etc., there will be 40 or 50 people eating with Luo Cheng.

At the suburban breeding base, most people are older, and some people don’t know how to transfer money. For some people who transfer their children, their children may not all be given to them. Luo Chengdu gave him cash. As for the others, Luo Cheng still needs to transfer money one by one, so one person is needed to do statistics in this regard.

"Stating wages? Isn't this a financial matter?"

"I'm setting up a logistics department. I need finance. If there is a need in the future, I will recruit a financial staff."

"No, Mr. Luo, the company doesn't want formal financial services, so how does our company deal with taxes? Other employees don't pay social security and insurance premiums."

"The businesses I run are all self-employed, and there are many elderly people who cannot pay social security. As for taxes, self-employed individuals with a monthly turnover of less than 30,000 yuan do not need to pay taxes."

"Mr. Luo, don't the sales of your other stores exceed 30,000?"

"We only issue tickets for less than 20,000 yuan per month. If there are more than 20,000 tickets, we won't sell them."

Wang Shanshan was a little confused and looked back at her classmate Li Dan. Li Dan nodded. She had nothing but a job of 3,000 yuan a month. But during the Chinese New Year, Luo Cheng paid each employee an extra month's salary, even though she had only been working for two months at that time.

I asked Luo Cheng about his business. He used to sell eels, loaches, and turtles, and he still sells them now. He also sells local chickens and local eggs. Basically no one wants to issue invoices. Most of the rice sold here is purchased by private individuals for their own families. There is a small number of people who are rich and buy it for their own workplace canteens. But such a unit basically has a small number of people.

But in terms of finance, Luo Cheng felt that it really needed to be done. After reading so many ideas on the Internet, Luo Cheng really planned to start it. By then, he would really need professional financial personnel.

But now, Luo Cheng's place is not even a formal unit. Have you ever seen a small self-employed business that pays social security, five social insurances and one housing fund to its employees?

"Let's do it this way. After I recruit a driver, I will recruit a finance person first and pay for everyone who needs to pay social security and five social insurances and one housing fund. The driver is running around outside. If you don't pay this, it won't be safe."

"Mr. Luo, do we personally have to deduct part of the money from our wages?"

"No, I'll just hand over those. I guarantee you'll get three thousand."

Luo Cheng replied, like many individual stores, one is that the boss is unwilling to pay this to employees, which is equivalent to an extra burden. Another thing is that the various insurances and social security are not all paid by the unit. Instead, both individuals and units bear a proportion, but the unit bears more.

But even so, many employees themselves are unwilling to pay this. For example, if you work as a cashier in a milk tea shop, you will ask others to pay you five insurances, one housing fund and social security. You may quit your job after working for only a few months. Or someone's business is not doing well and they close down within a few months.

But I heard people say that three insurances and one fund are enough. Five insurances and one fund are basically for large units.

Li Dan was very pleasantly surprised when he heard that Luo Cheng said that he would hand this over for everyone later. As long as Luo Cheng doesn't go bankrupt, this easy job shouldn't be too good for someone like her who has no pursuits. But I feel embarrassed to tell my relatives about my work during the Chinese New Year. They don't care about you so much. A college student only earns three thousand. I really don't know what the use is of spending so much money to train him.

But not to mention paying five insurances and one fund, three insurances and one fund plus social security, you can still get a salary of more than 3,000. And live nearby, if~~.

"Mr. Luo, can you provide another working meal here? Although I live not too far from here, it takes half an hour to cycle back and forth. As long as we provide a lunch meal, a box lunch will be fine."

"I have a shop on the old street in front, and there are people delivering food there at noon. When you come to work here, I will ask the food delivery person to bring you a portion every time. There will be more people working here in the future. , it’s all arranged. Li Dan, you can also provide a working meal at noon, I’ll find a way to have someone arrange it.”

Wang Shanshan hadn't joined the job anyway, so she could have made all the requests she wanted to make before joining the job. After joining the job, she was afraid that she wouldn't dare to make too many requests.

Li Dan, who was on the other side, was feeling like she was on a roller coaster. She did want these benefits, but the work was too simple and easy, and she was really afraid to express her request. Luo Cheng had told her to get out if she didn't want to work, but now she just got a meal at work, which was a big saver for someone like her whose salary was only 3,000 yuan.

Li Dan's main reason is that there is no one at home at noon. Even though she lives nearby, in fact, she often goes back to eat at noon when she has food for the next day at home. If not, find a fast food place nearby.

Now Luo Cheng has agreed to three insurances, one fund, plus social security, and he also has meals on the job. Even if the salary is lower, there will be no need to talk about work among relatives because of the low salary.

Once this benefit comes up, even if you get a salary of 3,000, you can show off how easy your job is.

As for the private housing, just adding some desks and a computer can allow Wang Shanshan to work. There is a network cable here, which was installed by Luo Cheng before. You can get broadband for free by using their mobile phone number package.

In addition, the bed in the inner room can be thrown away and replaced with a sofa or something. If Luo Cheng comes here, he can have a place to sit.

Regarding this, Luo Cheng just asked Liu Xiaofei to buy it. She was at home every day, either playing on her mobile phone or playing mahjong. The only thing I care about is promoting my local chickens and eggs in some groups.

Liu Xiaofei was actually willing to ask her to do something, but it was just because of her heart. She is happy to run errands and buy things. But now if she is asked to visit the store and help with the checkout, she feels bored.

After agreeing to Wang Shanshan's conditions, he asked her whether she would come to work. After getting the answer that she could follow the arrangements at any time, Luo Cheng asked her to come here tomorrow. Although there is nothing here now, letting her and Liu Xiaofei go to the market to purchase tomorrow is considered work.

The configuration of the office computer and the choice of desks and chairs are all what is needed for the office, so just buy them. Anyway, Liu Xiaofei had a car at home, so the most she could do was drive slowly. Luo Cheng had also ridden in her car a few times, but he just had to be careful not to turn the turn signal on to wiper when turning.

After the explanation, Luo Cheng also added Wang Shanshan's mobile phone number to contact her friends. If she changes her mind, she will tell her if she doesn't come to work tomorrow. Because if she comes, Luo Cheng will also come and explain the specific work. Then he and Zhou Meng would go to the center of the city to deal with the matter of opening a local chicken restaurant.

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