Era: Start as a buyer

Chapter 201 Two women are prone to slips of the tongue

Chapter 201 Let me tell you something interesting

In the town, the first and second leaders are at the department level. In terms of rank, Luo Cheng can be on an equal footing with the deputy leaders in the town. And don't talk about real power or not. Most of the cadres and leaders of Luo Cheng's era did practical things for the people. If this power is used in a righteous way, many cadres will feel that they have no power.

But if someone uses his or her functions as power, then the power of a small cadre will feel very great.

Take the Purchasing Department, for example. His responsibility is purchasing, and he must do his best to purchase for the unit. You will feel that you are just a purchaser and have no power. But if you look at procurement as a power, your mentality will be different. When you go out, you will think, 'I am in charge of procurement.'

Of course, in Luo Cheng's era, products were planned to be produced and procurement was specified. There is no private power in procurement. If in twenty years' time, I work as a procurement officer for a state-owned enterprise and China no longer has planned production, that would be really awesome.

One month after Luo Cheng became the team leader, he was promoted to a clerk level. At that time, he received a three-dollar subsidy for the position of team leader. After one month as a team leader, I received a salary of 37.5 yuan.

But now I have jumped three levels in a row, and my administrative level has reached level 24. With the addition of job subsidies, my monthly salary is almost fifty. But don’t think that this salary is very high. It is much better than workers, but compared with educated people, this is nothing.

Let’s talk about technical secondary school students first. If they become full-time workers, their salary will be more than 40, which is about the salary of a third-level worker. As for college students, they are reserve cadres when they are assigned a job, and they can be promoted to full-time jobs very quickly, which costs more than 50 yuan.

In fact, Luo Cheng's qualifications did not allow him to become a section chief, and his age did not allow him to pass the test. Shen Bing, the team leader of the Procurement Department at the time, also believed that positions that did not reach the deputy department level could actually be appointed within the unit. But it's different when the section chief in a machinery factory reaches this level.

If you don't want a rank, just a title, then there is no need to go through the organization department. For example, the director in the cafeteria, with a pleasant title, is a director, but such a director is only in a higher-level unit factory with more than 5,000 people. Otherwise, a cafeteria director just shouts nicely and is nothing if he leaves the unit.

As for Luo Cheng, who has a departmental level, he needs to pass the review of the Organization Department. Even if he is transferred to other places in the future, at least he will be assigned to the corresponding position. Luo Cheng was able to pass the review and become the section chief of the Procurement Section because his file contained a record of arresting criminals.

This meritorious service and criminal record, as long as it is registered, will generally accompany a person's life. In Luo Cheng's era, people with a criminal record could not expect to get a regular job. Even if they worked as a helper, they would be discriminated against.

People who have performed meritorious services may not feel anything at ordinary times, and many people may even have no effect in their lifetime. But when faced with promotion or some situations, this is an "exceptional" bonus item.

However, Luo Cheng's meritorious service file is more useful when his position is low. When you are in a high position, it is useless if your own conditions are not up to standard. But when you are in a high position, there are competitors. If your own conditions can meet the standards, then there will be meritorious performance in the file, and it may become a project that surpasses the competitors.

At Luo Cheng's age, unless there are other special circumstances, the deputy department level is over for the time being. And Luo Cheng didn't have any particularly big goals. If he could reach the deputy section level in administration, he would be a real cadre anyway. It was considered a level crossing, and Luo Cheng was very satisfied now.

At around one o'clock at noon, Ergouzi came to see Luo Cheng, mainly asking how to arrange Yang Quan and the others. He has no experience in leading people, so he usually listens to Luo Cheng's arrangements. Luo Cheng's team not only has a trustworthy manpower problem, but also lacks ability.

Luo Cheng himself actually doesn't have much ability. According to the future, he is cheating. I have seen and learned a lot in the future, so when I go back to my own time, I will be more organized and far-sighted when doing things. As for the others, Er Gouzi and Chen Lezi, they had no education or talent, so they could only do what Luo Cheng said.

As for Yang Quan, Luo Cheng asked Er Gouzi to try his best to arrange the things at hand for them. As for Er Gouzi, Luo Cheng asked him to prepare and do something secretive.

Hearing that he was going to do something secretive, Ergouzi became curious and excited, and chased Luo Cheng to ask what he was doing. But Luo Cheng refused to say it, and there was nothing he could do.

At around three o'clock in the afternoon, Luo Cheng got on the bus to and from the city, bringing wine and dozens of kilograms of game with him. I arrived in the city around five o'clock. The things were packed in sacks. They were packed tightly. There is a shortage of supplies in the city. If you hang wild animals on your body, even if individuals are not allowed to do business or anything, there will be trouble. Many people came up and asked if I could sell some to them.

That is to say, Luo Cheng was wearing formal clothes. Otherwise, if he was walking around the city with dozens of kilograms of wild animals, the street inspectors would come to check him if they saw him.

Luo Cheng's bicycle is kept at the station. If you leave it here, you don't have to come back from town every time. If you bring something with you, you have to carry it back. There are bicycles here. If you go back, you can go to Dai Tiande's house first.

Now Luo Cheng has a very good relationship with Dai Tiande. They always send him something every month. In the past, they often sent him food. At that time, I was very grateful. With Dai Tiande's status, it was not impossible to get some food a year ago, but he would not ask for it. That's a favor to be owed.

After the New Year, when food was tight, Dai Tiande did not ask others to get things to nourish his grandchildren. Some relatives even asked for help.

When Luo Cheng rode his bike to Dai Tiande's side, Sissi and his brother just came back from school and were both doing homework in the living room.

"Luo Cheng, you're here, sit down quickly and I'll get you some water."

"Sister-in-law, no need. I just came back from town and collected some wild animals. I'll give Sissi and his brother a patch. Sissi, there are live snakes. Do you want to come and see them?"

"Mom, I'll do my homework later. I want to see snakes."

"Aren't you afraid of snakes? What's there to see?"

"Uncle Luo Cheng is here. He protects me, so I'm not afraid anymore."

"If you want to see it, hurry up. Your uncle Luo Cheng will go back later."

When Sissi heard her mother's permission, she immediately put down her pencil, got up and followed Luo Cheng. Sissi's brother was much smarter. He also wanted to see snakes, but he would not speak first. The mother agreed to his sister, so he put down his pen without saying a word and followed Sissi to watch the fun.

After going out, Luo Cheng asked Sissi's mother to pick two birds. Luo Cheng was teasing Sissi with the snake bag. Seeing that Sissi wanted to touch the snake, Luo Cheng grabbed a snake and pinched its head for her to touch. She huddled in Luo Cheng's arms and slowly touched the snake.

In this day and age, there are really very few good-looking little girls like Sissi, and the kids in the city go out and have fun every day in the summer. In the courtyard where Luo Cheng lives, there are only a few fair children.

"Uncle, you secretly kissed me again, but I won't tell my parents."

"Uncle is leaving. Do you want to eat snake meat? If so, I will kill one for you now."

"Uncle, my sister is too timid to eat snake meat."

"I'm not timid, I dare to eat."

Luo Cheng smiled inwardly. Sissi's brother was really smart, and he knew how to use provocation at such a young age. It's just that it's very obvious in front of adults, but Luo Cheng won't say anything. I asked Sissi's mother directly for a pair of scissors, and in a few minutes I skinned a snake and removed its internal organs.

People born in the mountains can basically skin snakes. This snake is cold in nature and should not be eaten by pregnant women. It is suitable for people with strong deficiency fire. For example, people who often stay up late, and people who get angry. Of course, ordinary people, adults and children can eat it. Snake soup and snake meat are still very delicious.

"Luo Cheng, you are so polite."

"Sister-in-law, it's okay. I have to go back quickly, otherwise it will get dark. But I will come over in two days. I have something to do with my uncle."

"If you have anything to do with my dad, tell your sister-in-law no, and maybe I can help you."

"It's just a hobby. I work in a machine factory. I feel that bicycle construction is not difficult. I want to ask my uncle to help me research it. It would be great if I could build a bicycle myself. I know many friends who need it."

Hearing this, Sissi's mother was a little disappointed, but also found it funny. What's disappointing is that she really hopes that Luo Cheng will ask her for help or something. It seems that he has been taking advantage of Luo Cheng since they met. Although Luo Cheng was given a lot of notes during this period, Luo Cheng gave them more.

What made her feel funny and interesting was that she already knew Luo Cheng's background very well. He was just an Orion in the town and had little education or professional ability. It turns out that such a person would think that the structure of a bicycle is simple and want to build a bicycle by himself.

But even if Sissi's mother thought Luo Cheng was a bit whimsical, how could ordinary people build bicycles? But she didn't say anything to hit Luo Cheng. After all, this was also a sign of improvement. When Luo Cheng tried it, he would understand his shortcomings. Then if you are still interested, you can learn culture and knowledge just because of your hobbies.

Even people in this era encourage personal invention and creation. You must have the ability to build a car or even an airplane, which can be reported by major newspapers. In the future era, flying inventions will not only be discouraged, but you will also be fined if you fly into the sky. Said there was no proof.

Encouraged by Sissi's mother, Luo Cheng took his things on his bicycle and left. Luo Cheng is really interested in bicycles, mainly because there will be assembly instructions in the future. He feels that if he can read the assembly instructions specifically, he will be able to fool others in his own era.

Moreover, the bicycles organized these days can still be used on the road as long as the source of materials can be proved to be legal. But it is easy to learn to assemble structures, but the principles of organization involve many things. Luo Cheng couldn't teach himself without a teacher, so he decided to ask Dai Tiande, an engineer, to 'help'.

Machinery factories actually manufacture machinery and equipment, but they also process some parts appropriately. For example, if you want to make gears, the machinery factory does not produce this, but the machinery factory produces equipment for manufacturing gears.

However, many newly designed parts require special equipment to be processed, and the models are first developed at the machine factory. Once it can be produced through some equipment, some machinery and equipment will be produced for other factories to produce.

In the future, as long as you have all the parts, electric vehicles can be easily assembled for you, let alone bicycles. Luo Cheng wanted Dai Tiande to produce some component drawings and have the machinery factory produce the components. Luo Cheng then went back to the future era to assemble it, and then brought it back after assembling it, making it convenient for anyone to ride.

Riding his bicycle, Luo Cheng returned home to the yard. It was almost six o'clock. It was getting dark. When Luo Cheng got home, he didn't expect there were guests at home, but the clothes he wore looked familiar. And Luo Cheng has lived here for more than half a year. Even the people in the backyard have seen him, and he doesn't know whose girl comes here to visit.

"Second brother, you are back from town. You haven't eaten this meal yet."

"No, I went to my uncle in the south of the city."

Luo Yan saw that it was getting dark and her second brother Luo Chengcai came back. She immediately stepped forward to ask, and she also knew that the uncle Luo Cheng was talking about was an uncle he recognized from the city, not a real uncle. In Luo Yan's eyes, he was a great person. She didn't know what an engineer was, but she knew that his monthly salary could be hundreds or tens of dollars.

Luo Yan took the things from Luo Cheng's hands, went to the kitchen to tidy them up, and made some food for Luo Cheng.

"Second brother~Hello."

Luo Yan went to the kitchen, but this girl, whom Luo Cheng didn't know, greeted him shyly and followed Yanzi to the kitchen. This made Luo Cheng look confused. Whose girl is this? Not to mention, she is quite delicate.

Zhao Qian didn't expect Luo Cheng to come back today, because the cold weather started last year, and Luo Cheng didn't go back to town so frequently to do errands. The time to go back and forth is also unstable. It may take one day and then come back, or it may take seven or eight days to work. But most of the time I go there for three to five days.

Hearing the noise outside the house, Zhao Qian quickly went out and called Luo Cheng into the house.

"Qian, let me tell you something interesting, but let me touch it first."

"What's there to touch? I can't touch enough when I sleep at night."

Zhao Qian said this, but she still let Luo Cheng touch her belly. There was Luo Cheng's baby in her belly, so it was normal to want to touch it. Originally she had something good to tell Luo Cheng, but when she heard Luo Cheng said he had something interesting to tell her, she decided to wait until later.

Luo Cheng touched Zhao Qian's belly for a while, then leaned his ear against her belly to listen to what was going on inside. He just started talking about what he wanted to tell Zhao Qian.

"What should I do? Isn't it okay if he has a wife? He's just a little young. He can have a baby two years later."

"No, alas, did you see the girl who was following Yan Zi just now?"

"I saw it. It's strange. He's not from the yard. Which neighbor's family is he?"

"The girl who escaped from famine was taken in by me. You said before that you would help Chen Laizi find a wife. I took her in with the intention of introducing her to Chen Laizi as my wife. She also agreed. You said that Chen Laizi already has a wife. What should we do now, drive them away."

"What, a wife for Chen Leizi~~~!"

After hearing what he said, Luo Cheng was shocked and didn't bother to ask Zhao Qian how old she was and how long she had hair.

There are so many poor people these days, and we can't help but pity them. The road is frozen to death, but the more I see it, the more calm I feel. But if you take people in and give them hope, then driving them away would be a bit cruel.

If my family can't live well, I'll drive them away, but they can still live well. At this time of year, I feel a little guilty about driving people away.

"Forget it, let her live with Yanzi first. But we can't let her eat and drink for free. I'll ask her what she knows tomorrow."

It turns out that the daughter-in-law kindly took her in for Chen Leizi, but it just happened by chance. You can't blame anyone, Zhao Qian will give birth in a month or two at most, and she needs someone to take care of her. But you can't just leave your sister alone and let her go back to the commune in the town to farm with poor food and clothing, and let an outsider do some easy work of serving others at home.

It is impossible to raise a person for nothing. If you have no relatives or connections, you really cannot use him. Then give her some money and food, consider it a fate, and let her go. But if she was a little bit educated and could write and calculate, Luo Cheng could keep her to help.

Luo Cheng was in short supply of people with the ability to help him in his own era. Even if he had some education, he would be very good. No culture, no matter how handsome he is, he already has a wife.

"When you give birth to a baby, you will know when I ask him and his wife to come to the city for a meal. You haven't said how old you are yet. Tell me."

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