Era: Start as a buyer

Chapter 174 Got the Bicycle

The southern potatoes just look small in stature and appearance, but they don’t mean they are very timid.

In the afternoon, Luo Cheng took Liu Xiaofei's sister to work. The two were very satisfied with the environment of the old street. There was food, drink and fruit for sale here, and the prices were not expensive. In the afternoon, it was actually quite busy for one person to go to work, but it was even more relaxed for the two of them.

The eels and soft-shelled turtles in the shop can be used as toys. When the soft-shelled turtle is caught, it stretches its head so long that it wants to bite people. Liu Sixin also grabbed a big eel and attacked Zhou Ruoxue. The expressions of the two of them were very innocent, but the way of attack was a bit irregular.

Luo Cheng couldn't imagine how such an unscrupulous Lu Su could maintain a pure expression. Perhaps this kind of inappropriate joke is just a simple joke to them, so their expressions are naturally normal.

In the evening, Liu Xiaofei brought food to the two fish killers, but not to Luo Cheng and her sister. I went back to eat with my stomach open, eating snails and drinking beer. She also bought crayfish at the market. There are cooked crayfish here in the old street, but Liu Xiaofei felt that it was not clean. She fried the crayfish, removed the heads, and brushed it clean with a brush. She felt that the lobster in the deli was boiled without any treatment.

Luo Cheng had never eaten fried snails and lobsters. In his time, snails were everywhere in the fields, and they were also fed to ducks. Without oil, naturally no one would do it. If you have oil, you won’t be willing to waste it by trying something that no one eats. Shrimp like lobster has never been seen in Luocheng.

At night, Luo Cheng tried lobster and snails. They tasted really good. Liu Xiaofei cooked a lot, and Luo Cheng ate for a while, but still felt that it should be eaten with rice, and there were leftovers such as fried beef and so on at noon. Liu Xiaofei and her sister are really good at eating lobster and snails. They can eat them as meals and drink beer.

However, Liu Sixin and Zhou Ruoyu couldn't drink enough. They had to work early tomorrow and didn't dare to drink more.

Luo Cheng had almost finished eating, so he went back to his room alone. After taking a shower in the bathroom and then lying on the bed, Liu Xiaofei and her two sisters were able to eat until after nine o'clock when they returned home, eating several kilograms of lobsters and snails.

As for the lobster meat and snails, the meat is in your mouth as soon as you swipe your mouth. That little mouth is chatty~~~.

Luo Cheng felt that Liu Xiaofei had not eaten enough. After taking a bath this time,

"Ruoyu, how long has it been since there was no sound?"

"It seems to be over. The sound comes and goes."

"It was so exciting the first night we came here. Do you want to record it next time? If Sister Xiaofei and her current brother-in-law are not married, and she marries someone else in the future, we will blackmail her and give her a big red envelope. , treat us to a big dinner again, and won’t let her go.”

"Forget it, let's not joke about this~~~."

After a long time, Luo Cheng and Liu Xiaofei lay awkwardly on the bed. They didn't want to make any noise at first, but sometimes they really couldn't control it.

Go to sleep, as long as you don't feel embarrassed, the other person will be embarrassed. But you really need to be careful in the future. If you do this often, your two sisters will miss men. Don't come here when the time comes, it will be bad to have a boyfriend.


In the early morning, Zhao Qian was secretly crawling out of Luo Cheng again. But this time Luo Cheng didn't let him succeed. When he climbed to the middle, he was hugged by Luo Cheng. But thinking about Zhao Qian's ability to withstand beatings, she might as well just give her a hug.

Luo Yan also got up early. Luo Cheng had to put on his pants if he wanted to sleep in, so Luo Cheng just got up too. I don’t know if I can get the bicycle today. They are about to be transferred to the north. Luo Cheng is anxious to get it, and the other side is also anxious to sell it.

Moreover, we have to go to the poultry factory today. One is that the machinery factory has to serve chickens and ducks and let Zhou Lin pick them up. In the future, if the factory needs to serve chickens and ducks, just ask Zhou Lin to pick them up. The other one is that Luo Cheng was able to discuss cooperation with the poultry factory as a representative of the following townships. Based on his understanding of the current situation, the poultry factory should need such cooperation more than Luo Cheng.

One is a purchase cooperation, and the other is a cooperation in supplying chicks. But all they need to do is to show cooperation. Chickens will be very cheap in the future. The native chickens and eggs needed in the future are not a matter of breed, but a matter of growth process.

After breakfast, we had rice porridge. Getting up early today, Luo Cheng asked Zhao Qian to bring a grain book and face coupons (coarse grains), and asked Luo Yan to go to the grain store to buy his monthly ration together. When they returned to town, these whole grains were given to the people who were helping Luo Cheng, mixed with rice and noodles.

It's just that Luo Cheng doesn't have many coarse grain stamps. In the future, cornmeal will really be made from pure corn. The pancakes made are all sweet and delicious. Cornmeal and cornmeal are not the same thing at all. You can’t buy cornmeal in supermarkets and stores. But among the feeds for pigs, chickens and ducks, there are feeds made of whole sticks for sale.

When Luo Cheng planned to return to the town, he would go to the future era to look for those selling feed to see if they were selling similar coarse grains. There is no other way. In the future, rice, flour and other things will be easy to buy everywhere, but there will be no corn noodles. Whole grains are also made very delicate, but you can also buy some to mix and match.

To purchase a ration, you need a grain book and you have to come in person, as you are afraid of claiming falsely. Luo Cheng brought someone to the grain store to say hello, and then he could leave after proving it was him. Whole grains Let Luo Yan and Zhao Qian choose whole grains or miscellaneous grains.

When Luo Cheng came to the factory, he naturally promised to lend him money yesterday, and those who had not yet been given had to come over.

Section Chief Li gave the money to Luo Cheng and told him that the car seller would come directly to our factory today, and Luo Cheng would not need to go there. This was mainly because there were many people interested in his car. If Luo Cheng went there with someone, he was afraid of running into an acquaintance. In order to make more money, don't sell to strangers.

But there is often a problem. Without the presence of strangers, acquaintances will never give high prices. Once they sell it to strangers and are seen, they will say that they can't afford the money. If you don't want that much money, just say so.

So the seller planned to get the car directly to Luocheng Factory to sell it, not to mention that the transaction would require two people to go to the police station to get it stamped, and the transfer certificate would need to be written on the car book.

This means that Luo Cheng can have a bicycle this morning. He has a legal car. For him, this bicycle will not break down for decades. If there is a problem, just replace a part in the future era. As long as the stamped part remains, everything can be replaced with a new one.

In fact, Luo Cheng had money hidden on his person, but he still went to Director Sun and asked for the money, and his department also collected it. In fact, most of the students in my department borrowed the money they wanted to lend to Luo Cheng yesterday. After all, if you pay 5 or 10 yuan, you still have more to carry around.

Luo Cheng has candies and quail orders at home. If I bought a car this morning, I would ask Zhao Qian to boil the quail eggs at noon and give some to everyone to taste.

It was a little after eight o'clock when Section Chief Li came to call Luo Cheng. The car seller had arrived at the factory gate. Now quickly go to the door and have a look. If you think there is nothing wrong with the car, then go through the transfer procedures together and then give the money to them.

Luo Cheng was also a little excited to legally own a bicycle in his own time. I quickly followed Section Chief Li to the door to see the car. When I arrived at the door, I saw a middle-aged master holding a very clean car waiting.

Without further ado, Luo Cheng scattered a cigarette with a holder, briefly looked around the car, and then went directly to the police station to register the transfer. The transfer procedure is very simple, that is, the owner writes in a blank space on the bike book that he will transfer the bike to someone, and then has someone from the police station stamp the written word to complete the transaction.

Luo Cheng rode his bicycle back to the factory and called Zhou Lin to go to the poultry factory with him. The poultry factory is also located in the suburbs, which is a little far away. I don’t have to ride a bicycle to go there. Anyway, the shuttle bus can be reimbursed.

The bicycles were parked in the factory, so the two of them walked to the bus stop first, then got off at a point nearby and then walked there.

These days, let alone the clerks who can't walk, most of the investigation cases at the police station rely on their legs to carry out investigations and interviews.

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