Era: Start as a buyer

Chapter 158 New means of transportation

Tea, why is it in short supply in this era? In fact, domestic tea production is huge. Because the domestic industry is underdeveloped, or even starting from scratch, exports mainly include the textile industry and some raw materials. Tea is a product with high domestic profits and huge export volume.

In order to export trade, even though many people in China like to drink tea and the market is huge, export is still a priority. You may be able to get one or two tea tickets during the holidays. With this tea ticket, all you can buy are some powdered tea leaves. Only a few people in China can drink good tea.

So Luo Cheng brought tea to give away, and Section Chief Li was directly exposed, which meant that everyone in the entire office building would know.

When Luo Cheng gave tea to Director Sun, Director Sun watched Luo Cheng wrap the tea in oil paper. After opening it, he found that the tea was still good. I feel that Luo Cheng is wasting his natural resources and this tea should be packed in a sealed box. So after collecting Luo Cheng's tea, Director Sun also gave Luo Cheng a small iron box to hold the tea.

But in the afternoon, Luo Cheng shared tea with everyone in his department. Luo Cheng didn't know how to drink tea, so he just brewed it with boiling water. It smelled quite fragrant, but it tasted a little bitter at first, and gradually it felt sweet in his mouth. People who are not used to drinking may not really like it.

But I don’t know who spread the news about the tea in the Purchasing Department. All departments came here to catch the autumn wind. From the Finance Department, the Logistics Department, the Organization Department, the Propaganda Department, and the Security Department.

After Luo Cheng packed the tea leaves in an iron box, he only had a small box of tea leaves. When someone came, he reported to the department. For example, someone from the finance department would take an enamel cup and say hello to the team leader Juluo to borrow some tea. As for the people who borrowed tea leaves, they basically put a little bit there. It was impossible to use the tea leaves to make strong tea.

The Purchasing Department, which used to be the least visited, became lively today. The staff of the general departments were chatting in the Purchasing Department, and Director Sun was there, as were some of the higher-ups in the factory.

Anyway, the hot water is boiled in the kitchen. People used to boil it and drink it to cool off. After all, the weather is hot. Because of Luo Cheng's tea scandal today, the hot water boiled in the kitchen was not enough for drinking. Even the director of the canteen specially asked a helper to boil water.

However, although many people came to Luo Cheng today to order tea and drink tea, Luo Cheng still had a lot of tea in a small box. When everyone comes to get tea leaves, they basically count them. The ones that were taken were only a dozen or so, and the few were only five to ten. Tea was very precious, and no one would take it randomly without knowing the rules.

When Luo Cheng came home from get off work, Zhao Qian sat at the door sewing clothes, working every stitch carefully. After seeing Luo Cheng come back from get off work, he put down his front work. There was boiled and cooled boiled water in the thermos bottle at home. He immediately poured a glass of water for Luo Cheng. The fish at noon did not need to be heated. Luo Cheng did not want to eat rice at night and wanted to drink cold porridge.

The weather is hot and the white rice porridge is cold, so it feels better to take a few mouthfuls. It is always comfortable to eat another piece of fish, but the weather is hot. If it cools down a little, the fish soup can turn into fish jelly, which will be even more delicious.

What Luo Cheng didn't expect was that in the morning, Liu Yong was asked to help find out about the preferences of the director of his grain station. I actually came to see him in the evening, mainly because it was easy to find out the preferences of the director of the grain station.

There are not many entertainment activities in this era, and my hobbies are actually very simple. It cannot be like the future era, where many people have all kinds of random hobbies. For example, if you have the ability to form your own song and dance troupe, for example, if you like playing cards, going to nightclubs, or if you are under eighteen.

In the future era, information will be developed and people will be exposed to many things. Many hobbies are not positive, or in other words, few people like to be positive. Because often things that are enjoyable, addictive and depraved are actually more attractive.

Luo Cheng had already become a little addicted to mobile games in the future era, so much so that he would want to play games when he had nothing to do in his own era. If someone likes him, he can quickly have a topic and chat with Luo Cheng.

But in this day and age, what can anyone like? There is really nothing to do. Regarding style, it would be great to find a widow. People with some culture take calligraphy, painting, poetry, and playing chess as hobbies. For people who are more vulgar, they drink, sing, etc. People in rural areas are satisfied if they can only smoke dry cigarettes. In this era, there is not even a place for hooks, and it is difficult to fall.

Some lazy people are considered useless if they sleep in. Anyway, except for crime, there are very few real projects for eating, drinking and having fun. In the future era, some programs say that leaders like to play table tennis, and then try to cater to them. Many people would not understand how a leader could fall in love with such a movement, but if it were Luo Cheng's age, it would not be surprising at all.

I just asked Liu Yong to help find out the preferences of the grain station. In fact, just ask someone who is familiar with the station manager. The surname of the director of the grain station is Wan, and his name is Wan Tian. This name really suits his status as the director of the grain station, with ten thousand acres of fertile land.

But don’t listen to his name and it sounds like he is a farmer, but he has a college degree. These days, college degrees are really good. Any college student, no matter what major he studies, will directly become a cadre in a small factory or somewhere. In large enterprises, they are also trained as reserve cadres.

For a college student to get a regular job, the minimum fee is more than fifty yuan. If it is in a local unit or a town, some college students will directly serve as leaders. When working in the town, it is not unusual for him to directly work as the deputy mayor.

The webmaster has many hobbies, such as fishing, calligraphy, poetry, etc. He wears glasses. He is still a bit thin, and people who don't know his identity would never think that he is the director of the grain station. Of course, this scholar likes tea a lot. Luo Cheng couldn't do it by sending someone to exchange calligraphy and poetry with him, but it would be good to get some various tea leaves in the future and invite him out to taste the tea leaves.

That's the thing. Luo Cheng doesn't understand tea either. It's best to find someone in the machinery factory who knows some tea, and it's best to ask Nawantian out with someone who knows some calligraphy and poetry.

Luo Cheng asked Liu Yong to catch a rabbit and leave after giving him two yuan. Luo Cheng didn't want to accept the money, but he insisted on giving it. In fact, Liu Yong's idea is also very simple. He used to work in the purchasing department of a machinery factory, and his colleagues used to take care of each other's resources. Life was going very well, and the only problem he had to face was actually consolidating his own resources.

Liu Yong's network is not his own. He is borrowing his uncle's network to get resources. This is not his network of care. Sooner or later, the favor will be exhausted. Now that he is working as a statistician at the grain station, his interpersonal relationships in the purchasing department of the machinery factory may be lost in the future. So Zhou Lin was right when he took Luo Cheng to the grain station in the morning. He would only be happy if he asked Liu Yong for help. From now on, if he comes to ask for something, whatever everyone can do will be done for him.

For Liu Yong, maintaining a good relationship between Luo Cheng and Zhou Lin is a relationship that truly belongs to him and is not a borrowed one. So he insisted on giving Luo Cheng two yuan, which was rabbit money, so he was grateful. If you just take Luo Cheng's rabbit without giving you any money, it will really be a pure transaction.

This time Liu Yong packed the rabbit in a sack and Zhao Qian felt a little pity as she looked towards Liu Yong leaving. If Luo Cheng had been asked to help him kill it, the rabbit skin might have stayed again. I already have four large rabbit skins at home. I will save them until the weather gets cold and make some leather covers to keep them warm.

In the evening, the porridge in the pot was cooked. Luo Cheng said he wanted to eat cold porridge, so he filled it up in a basin and put it in cold water. After it cools down, it feels really comfortable to eat on a hot day. After the meal, it was the usual routine of enjoying the cool air and digesting food.

At night, everyone entered the house, and Luo Cheng and Zhao Qian naturally continued their married life as usual. It's a hot day, there's no fan or air conditioning, so everything is too fresh, and I'm not willing to mess around with some of the tricks under the influence of the temperature.

Even because the weather was hot and they couldn't sleep, they just struggled for a while, and the two of them fell asleep at once when they were tired.


"Xiao Fei, get up."

"Auntie is here. She feels weak all over and can't get up. Luo Cheng, I want you to transmit power to me."

"Get up, there's an aunt coming to the store today to help with work. You'll be more relaxed today."

"I really don't have the strength. Why don't you give me a breath of Yang Qi? I want to inhale your Yang Qi."

"Suck your head, get up, I'll hold you up."

Maybe it's really because of the aunt's arrival, which can bring about various states for some women. Luo Cheng could tell today that Liu Xiaofei's expression was not as good as usual, and she was not just staying in bed.

Luo Cheng picked up Liu Xiaofei, who was only wearing shorts, and Liu Xiaofei clung to him like an octopus. Then early in the morning, as if she really wanted to suck in Yang Qi, she insisted on Luo Cheng sticking his tongue out for her to suck.

This yang energy is absorbed~~ Luo Chengzhen feels that his qi and blood are rising. Is what is said in the play true? There is only one way to get the qi and blood out of the body, which may really achieve the effect of absorbing yang energy.

The interaction between the two is just a small sentiment in life, which is what people in love do. For people who have been together for several years, don't talk about this. I'm afraid if the other person eats the things they have bitten, they will be disgusted.

It's just a slight delay of a few minutes. You still have to get up when you need to. There are no more eels in stock at the private house. The eels sold by Luo Cheng and others are actually even if they are not very big ones, because they are purely wild, and there are still many knowledgeable people. Wild eels are omnivores, eating small fish, shrimps, various insects, earthworms, frogs and tadpoles.

The farmed eels are also fed some worthless small fish and shrimps, but in order to save costs, bean dregs, sugar and wheat flour are added. So in terms of quality, there is a big difference between farmed and wild.

The price of Luo Cheng's eels is now lower than that of other people's eels. Now in Luo Cheng, not to mention the two or three kilograms of eels, all the eels over one kilogram are basically sold out. If you are willing to spend money to eat eel, you really don’t care if it costs ten or eight yuan.

When Luo Cheng and Liu Xiaofei arrived at the old street store today, there was a fat woman in her forties standing at the door. In Luo Cheng's era, you had to call yourself aunt at this age.

Liu Xiaofei chatted with the other party and confirmed that she was applying for the eel-killing job. She briefly explained when the salary would be paid every month. In addition, if she did not perform well this morning, that is, she did not know how to kill eels, she would work for a while. Just let her go.

There is no signboard contract, it is just a verbal agreement, and there is no five insurances and one housing fund. The form of recruitment for small shops is completed in this way.

As soon as the shop opened, it didn't take long for customers to come to the door. The aunt who came to work was named Liu. She was a little unfamiliar with the work at most. Plus she said it herself, she used to sell eels, loaches and the like in fish shops. Just selling by the way. The eel kills less, so the killing is not bad, at least it is much better than Luo Cheng did at the beginning.

With one more person helping out, Luo Cheng and Liu Xiaofei felt particularly relaxed. Liu Xiaofei can now just be responsible for weighing and collecting money, and Luo Cheng doesn't have to sit on a small stool for hours without moving as before.

After finishing their work in the morning, Xiao Fei and Luo Cheng were quite satisfied with the aunt who came to work and asked her to come back to work at four o'clock in the afternoon. Liu Xiaofei will bring dinner. With employees, Liu Xiaofei feels like a real boss lady. These so-called bosses and proprietresses are just false titles if they don’t have their own employees.

After the shop closed, Liu Xiaofei took Luo Cheng to spend money in the old street again. With this income, fruit consumption has been achieved freely.

After taking a break for lunch, Luo Cheng and Liu Xiaofei had another means of transportation. Contact someone who sells electric cars online. There are a lot of second-hand electric cars sold online now.

The area where Luo Cheng and Liu Xiaofei live is fine, not in the city center. Electric vehicles are now strictly controlled in urban areas. People must wear helmets, the vehicles must meet emission standards, and people are not allowed. Even if you have finished all the exams, there is still a last resort, please show your electric vehicle driving license.

Anyway, there are various penalties. In the past, they were usually warnings, but now there are various fines. Some people thought they were smart at first and could avoid it by taking a small route. Later, the cars that did not meet the standards on the sidewalk were directly towed away by tow trucks. If you take the initiative to accept the punishment, if you really want to get your car back, it will definitely be more cost-effective to buy a second-hand one than to get it back.

You are required to pay parking fees and show various vouchers, even if you spend money to get a car out. You go into the place where electric cars are parked and look around. There are thousands of cars, but you are asked to find them by yourself.

If you can't find it, they won't be responsible and will just let you keep looking. If you can't find it, it won't be under their control. If you suspect that they disposed of your car, you need to find evidence. If you find that your confiscated car was used by someone else on the road, and then a temporary worker did it, all you need to do is pay for your car and apologize.

Anyway, out of tens of thousands of cars, less than 1% can be taken back.

Therefore, in urban areas where electric vehicles are popular, many people are directly selling electric vehicles. The area where Luo Cheng lives can only be said to be okay. If you are caught, you will be fined 20, and your car will not be towed away. And they don’t check your vehicle type, only things like wearing a helmet and not being able to bring people with you.

A new battery car costing more than 3,000 yuan will have an invoice and purchase date. It has been purchased for more than a year. If someone rides everywhere every day, the battery and the condition of the car will be very poor after more than a year.

But the owner of this electric car owns a car. If he buys an electric car, he just buys groceries and takes a ride occasionally. So the battery quality is pretty good and the car is in very new condition, so it costs more than a thousand yuan.

Buying an electric car will make it much more convenient for Luo Cheng and Liu Xiaofei to go shopping in the future, especially in the morning, when they go from the community to the old street, they don't have to drive a tricycle.

There is a yard next to the private house, so the tricycle is responsible for delivering the eels from the private house to the shop. However, Luo Cheng planned to bring eel and loach over next time and go directly to the shop to lie down and get a folding bed there. Bring things from your own time and bring them directly to the store.

If there is no room for it in a store, then put it in a private house. But in this case, tricycles will not be used every day.

Luo Cheng has never ridden a two-wheeled electric bicycle, but when he first bought a bicycle, he wanted to improve his sense of direction before buying an electric bicycle. Now that there are electric cars, Luo Cheng drove them out for a walk in the afternoon.

Liu Xiaofei didn't buy this car for Luo Cheng, she bought it for her own use. She had to deliver the meals to the store every afternoon, so it was inconvenient to have an electric car.

Luo Cheng drove his electric car in the afternoon and slipped away to the tea shop. This time when he went to the tea shop, he also started asking about various tea varieties and flavors, instead of just asking about the price.

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