Era: Start as a buyer

Chapter 154: Look in my pocket and see what I have

In the afternoon, it's Luo Cheng and Liu Xiaofei's leisure time again. They can go to the store and leave after 3:40.

The 'paper' Liu Xiaofei bought at the mall last time, Luo Cheng saw that after she opened it, it turned out to be small pieces, and each piece had a simple packaging. After opening it, Liu Xiaofei actually stuck it on his pants. Luo Cheng couldn't understand what it was for.

At around three o'clock in the afternoon, Liu Xiaofei said that her aunt was here and asked Luo Cheng to open the door. Luo Cheng honestly went to the living room to open the door to greet Liu Xiaofei's aunt, making Liu Xiaofei laugh all the time.

Then he pulled Luo Cheng onto the bed and showed him what a real aunt is. Luo Cheng was an idiot. When he saw Liu Xiaofei taking off her pants to show him, he thought Liu Xiaofei wanted it at this time.

Although he didn't say anything, men can't help it.

No matter how stupid Luo Cheng was, he just didn't know that the aunt was referring to menstruation at this time. Now he understands.

At around five o'clock, the gray-black cotton thread Luo Cheng ordered online two days ago arrived again. The speed of online delivery is quite good. When Luo Cheng came back in the evening, he found that a grocery store here sold black cloth shoes and green Jiefang shoes. Luo Cheng looked at them many times and the styles were similar to those he had in his own time.

Luo Cheng didn't expect that the styles of his time were still being sold. Although they were no longer popular, these cloth shoes and Jiefang shoes would definitely not be worn by young people in this era. If it is still selling, it means there is a market.

Luo Chengdu bought five pairs of cloth shoes and Jiefang shoes, and together with the fabric delivered by express delivery, they were all placed in private houses. At the same time, I bought some off-white tablecloths online.

At night, it is said that a woman's personality is abnormal during the few days of her monthly menstruation. Liu Xiaofei was live broadcasting, and Luo Cheng was playing mobile games in another room.

When Liu Xiaofei was released, Luo Cheng was still fighting passionately in the game. The door was pushed open, and then Liu Xiaofei became angry and asked Luo Cheng if he was with her just to solve his needs. Now my aunt is here. It's been almost ten minutes since she finished broadcasting. Why haven't I come to the room to look for her yet?

Luo Cheng was confused. Usually it seemed like Liu Xiaofei was off the air, but it was she who took the initiative to tell him to go to his room to sleep. Today I am just playing games.

Because of this, Luo Cheng had to explain for a long time, and to prove that he was not with her for that reason. They all promised that after her aunt left, he would not touch her for a month to prove that he was not greedy for her body.

But that didn't work, so Luo Cheng was forced to agree to a shameful request, and Liu Xiaofei let him go.

"It's not a good idea, so don't make trouble."

"Just make a fuss."

Luo Cheng couldn't do anything against Liu Xiaofei, he was too good at observing words and emotions. Once I see you become impatient, I will act like a spoiled brat. Then when you know that a man doesn't want you, you will feel comfortable if he pulls you.

Hey, even if Liu Xiaofei deletes the video software like last time. But there are some things that are not a big deal in the eyes of many young people in this era. And some things, after Luo Cheng struggled mentally, felt that they were not unacceptable. But those who are purely for enjoyment and have no sense of morality at all, such as Xixi people.

Men, even farmers, also dream of becoming emperors. There are a lot of wives. Luo Cheng was excited at first when he saw a video with many women. Luo Cheng felt nauseated when he saw so many men. Looking back, I realized that those videos with many women were not the same thing. If it were true polygamy, it would be nothing, but it was purely for excitement.

Luo Cheng was helpless by Liu Xiaofei. In the end, he hugged each other closely and played two games of double queue before falling asleep with each other.


In the early morning, Zhao Qian cautiously crawled past Luo Cheng.

Luo Cheng came back yesterday and brought her a piece of cloth so that she could slowly sew a piece of clothing when she was free. And just yesterday I met a neighbor, Yang Hui, who can sew clothes by herself. She can just make clothes, but she is a little worried about wasting cloth. Good to ask for advice.

I made rice porridge and sweet potato porridge this morning. The eggs are gone, so I won’t be craving for the neighbors this morning. But Luo Cheng said that he would eat fish for lunch, not boiled fish, but braised fish, which would also waste a lot of oil for frying. If the fish is fried, there will be a large smell of fried fish in the courtyard.

After Luo Cheng woke up, he took out his watch from his pocket, feeling that he could still sleep for a while. But just as he was about to take a nap for a while, Zhao Qian came into the room and called him to get up and eat.

When Zhao Qian shouted, Luo Cheng gave up his plan to continue sleeping. After getting up and washing up and having breakfast, Luo Cheng pulled Zhao Qian aside.

"Qian, you take a look in my pocket to see what I have."

"Luo Cheng, stop playing, there are people in the yard going to work."

"Just take it out and take a look. I'm not playing with you."

"Hey~~, that's all. Let's go to work."

After being married for so many days, Zhao Qian didn't expect Luo Cheng to still play this trick. When they first got married, although the two of them didn't do that kind of thing during the day, they would occasionally have a little flirtation in the house. For example, Luo Chenglao lied to Zhao Qian and told her that he had something in his pocket and asked her to dig it out. Then Zhao Qian put her hand into her pocket, but Luo Cheng refused to let her hand out.

Zhao Qian originally thought that now that they have been married for so many days, the two of them would no longer play with those petty romantic things. Unexpectedly, Luo Cheng came again this morning, just before going to work.

Isn't it because she wanted to get that suit again? Zhao Qian simply unfastened Luo Cheng's waistband, put her hand in and pulled it twice, and then asked Luo Cheng to go to work without wasting time.

"I asked you to look into your pockets, you rascal, and see what this is."

Luo Cheng was a little amused by his wife's actions. Who did she think she was? He stopped playing surprise with her and took out his watch directly from his pocket.

"Watch, Luo Cheng, where did you get the watch?"

"It's a gift from a noble man. I'm sure there's no problem with its origin. But it's not good for me to take the watch to the factory just a month after I started working. I'll leave the watch at home and show you the time. I'll take it with me when I go to town. In this way, you can I usually have to go out and know the time. I will get the watch ticket later and buy you a watch too."

Zhao Qian couldn't believe her eyes. Luo Cheng actually took out a watch from his pocket. She can tell the time on her watch, just like the wall clock in the commune. But in fact, many people in rural areas don't know how to tell the time when they give them watches, and they still need to be taught.

Zhao Qian usually blindly believed Luo Cheng's words, and Luo Cheng gave her the feeling that there were noble people helping him in the city. Tobacco and alcohol tickets, and various other tickets. No matter how stupid she is, she still knows that these tickets are not the monthly welfare tickets issued by the factory to ordinary employees. I just didn't expect that Luo Cheng could even get a watch.

Taking the watch from Luo Cheng, Zhao Qian forgot about the embarrassing incident of misunderstanding Luo Cheng's meaning just now. Embarrassing is embarrassing, what's wrong with the guy who just pooped on him a few times in the morning? My own man needs a reason to lick him.

Luo Cheng didn't laugh at his wife because of what happened just now. It was indeed getting late. Luo Cheng delivered fish to the factory yesterday. Director Sun also told him that there were changes in the purchasing department and some things were waiting for him to come back.

Arriving at the machinery factory, Luo Cheng reached the door of the personnel department and poked his head in to take a look. Section Chief Li is here, so you can just sign and register the attendance form with him.

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