Era: Start as a buyer

Chapter 139 House Matters

The movie was very good, and both Luo Cheng and Zhao Qian enjoyed watching it. There was a wall clock at the entrance of the cinema. When I came out, it was already half past four.

On the way back, the two kept chatting about the funny clips in the movie. A movie can indeed bring a lot of joy to people in this era.

Back home, Zhao Qian was busy with her business, and Luo Cheng was wiping the gun again when he had nothing to do. I was going to bring it back to town the day after tomorrow. I used to set traps on the mountain, walk around the mountain, check and repair the traps, and then come back to deal with some of the things I caught. The day passed quickly.

But now that I'm back in town, there seems to be nothing to kill time other than catching rabbits. Even if I don't hunt, I just go for a walk in the mountains. But when going for a walk in the mountains, it is best to bring a gun. If you are lucky enough to encounter something, you can still have a shot or two.

The sun was setting and when everyone was making food, someone came to notify Luo Cheng. Uncle Wu called everyone in the front yard to his house after dinner in the evening to discuss something.

Luo Cheng guessed that it might be because he needed to install a water pipe in his house. They have said that the additional water meter and water pipe will not go from the main water meter in the yard, and the water bill in the yard will be equally shared by the family. There should be no reason to object to this.

But the person who informed me didn't say anything. Anyway, I'm bored at night this year, so I might as well go and listen to what Uncle Wu has to say.

Some people want to ask, can a young couple still be bored at night? The person who said this must be ignorant. There is no entertainment at night these days, and everyone goes back to the house to rest early. Even if it is hot, it is not too late to enjoy the coolness at the door and then go back to the house to rest later.

No matter how young you are, if you can't sleep in the hot weather, you can't do that for a few hours every day.

Now Luo Cheng no longer has the energy to touch women when he first got married. At that time, even if the weather was hot, he would always want to be close to Zhao Qian at a distance and not be separated. Until recently, I still continued to give birth every day, but I no longer had the same feeling of worrying about getting dark before.

After the meal, Zhao Qian cleaned up the dishes and happily followed Luo Cheng to Uncle Wu's house to listen to the excitement. In her opinion, it shouldn't be a matter of installing water pipes in her home, because her men are willing to share the water bill in the yard equally, and she can't think of any reason for them to refuse. If other residents in the yard installed water pipes like Luo Cheng, she would definitely not have any objections.

As expected, this time we are not talking about the water pipes of Luo Cheng's family. The house that Wu Kaishan lives in is as big as Luo Cheng's family. To discuss this matter, one or two people from each family in the front yard come to the living room and it is not too crowded. The older ones sit there. , the younger ones can stand against the wall.

Uncle Wu first introduced the situation of Aunt Liu's family. There are eight members of the family living in one room. The main reason is that the second oldest child in the family is over the age of marriage and has been unable to find a partner due to housing issues.

Of course, Uncle Wu not only introduced the situation of Aunt Liu's family, but also introduced the situation of other families. This is not to say that every household is in a housing shortage, but it is normal for a family of three or five to live in a separate room, with several generations of the family living together.

But Aunt Liu's family is indeed the most difficult family. Zhao Qian stood next to Luo Cheng and listened, and told Luo Cheng heartlessly that the daughter-in-law of Aunt Liu's family was Xu Cui'e, and it was she who invited her to eat noodles last time. He is a very good person, but the housing conditions at home are too poor.

In fact, according to her family's situation, she should have been able to go to the street office and ask for another house. Difficulties cannot be assigned to this yard, or even to the west area here. The house may be ordinary, but it can indeed be assigned.

But the problem is Cui'e's brother-in-law, who doesn't have a job and just likes to hang out with some people all day long, but he actually makes trouble and hurts people. Just hurting someone, it really doesn't matter these days, it mainly depends on the reason for the fight. Otherwise, monetary compensation and an additional two days of detention will be required. Generally, the police station will not keep a record of such a person.

These days, if you have a criminal record, even for stealing a chicken, it will be a big problem. It will be difficult to arrange work in the future, and it will be equally difficult to arrange housing.

The person injured by Aunt Liu's second son had connections in the city and did not sign the mediation agreement at all. They even relied on connections and several people had criminal records.

The second child cannot share a room, but the eldest brother, who is Xu Cui'e's husband, still has a chance. But people have their own ideas. Even if they can go out to the street to apply for housing allocation, they still have to declare it to their work units.

My wife and I have three children, so we are in a hurry to apply for a house, and we may not be able to get a good house in a short while. This is his quota, so why should he give it to the second child?

Even the courtyard house where he lives now, in the eyes of the boss, belongs to him. There are three children in the family. When he wants to share a room, he will leave it for the children. Then the eldest will live with his wife Cui'e and their parents. He is responsible for providing for the elderly, and the family often quarrels over this matter.

Zhao Qian was mindlessly listening to the stories about each neighbor's house, but Luo Cheng thought of the first time he came here to look at the house. It seems that Aunt Liu is clamoring for the street clerk to change rooms with her family. Damn it, Uncle Wu can't just call everyone to introduce the housing situation of each family.

Moreover, Luo Cheng moved here later, and the others are all old residents. It is impossible not to know what is going on with the others. So this introduction of the situation does not mean that it is introduced to him alone.

Sure enough, Uncle Wu's introduction was almost complete, and he also introduced Luo Cheng's current housing situation in a serious manner. He also praised Luo Cheng's family for living in a really nice place. The couple lived in two rooms. Although there is a kitchen in one room, it is large enough for a family to live there. Then suddenly the conversation changed and he said that at the end of last year, when Li Wubao was still there. I just wanted to exchange houses with Aunt Liu's family to solve the housing problem of Aunt Liu's family.

But who would have known that before Li Wubao and Aunt Liu's family could go to the street office to go through the replacement procedures, the cold weather during the Chinese New Year would make them sick and they would disappear within a month.

When Li Wubao disappeared, the neighbors in the courtyard accompanied Aunt Liu to the street office, hoping to change their houses.

"Luo Cheng, in fact, the house you are living in now was the one that Li Wubao promised to exchange with Aunt Liu. It was just that he left suddenly, and now the street office has given it to you. Several neighbors sitting here know this matter. As a resident of this courtyard, Manager, I personally feel that you and your wife can live in a big room, and you can save a few cents a month on rent."

"Yes, Xiao Luo, what Uncle Wu said is right. Before Li Wubao left, he actually said that he would switch places with Sister-in-law Liu's house. If it's cold today, the house faces the west, where there is more sunlight and it is warmer."

"Yes, yes~~~."


Luo Cheng didn't say a word. Zhao Qian didn't expect that Uncle Wu's good words would suddenly involve his own house. Her house indeed occupies two rooms in the yard, and she also feels that her house has the most spacious accommodation. But that's because there are not many people in her family now. She has been in the hospital for so many days, and there are also two large rooms in the backyard, but there are still many people in the family.

But she had a small family, so Zhao Qian felt that she could give birth. She and Luo Cheng had been together for almost a month. People have said that many women can tell whether they are pregnant within two or three months of getting married. She plans to have at least three children, which will make her a family of five. In a few years, when the children grow up, two rooms will be just right.

But now Zhao Qian doesn't know what to say, and she also knows the situation of Cui'e's family. From what everyone thinks, it seems that due to an unexpected incident, Luo Chengcheng's house actually occupied the house that Aunt Liu wanted to change.

Now everyone thinks that it would be best for Luo Cheng to change housing with Aunt Liu's house. As compensation, the kitchen of Aunt Liu's house is a bit small, but everyone can help repair it. If you don't want to, just let a kitchen come out. Luo Cheng's family has to pay the rent to the street office, and they pay half of it. It's not bad to pay half the rent for using a kitchen.

Anyway, Xiaozhi moved with emotion and reason. Although Zhao Qian was a little reluctant, she felt that it was not impossible to agree. But this house was a big deal, and she wouldn't say a single word of her opinion. She didn't directly object, but she was kind enough at heart.

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