Era: Start as a buyer

Chapter 131 Really good at being a good person

One and a half kilograms of pork belly is not finished in one sitting. It would be nice to have a small bowl these days. The remaining meat is salted or cured. If you want to eat meat in the future, just cut it into a small piece and stir-fry it with some side dishes.

Zhao Qian had only seen people making braised pork and knew the process, but she had never done it herself. When I made it at noon, the heat was not done properly and a few pieces of the skin were a little burnt. But it’s not bad, it actually tastes good.

It's better not to burn. There is a chimney and the kitchen door is closed for burning. Only a few households close to Luo Cheng's house could smell the smell of roasting meat. The smell of burning and cooking meat may have spread to the backyard.

Families with children in the yard are almost all clamoring for meat.

For lunch today, I really had to eat behind closed doors. If you don't close the door, some children will keep standing at your door.

"I don't know how to cook a braised pork, so be careful next time. This piece is a bit burnt, give it to me."

Luo Cheng picked up a piece of braised pork, took a look at it, and put it in Zhao Qian's bowl. The meat tastes good, but Zhao Qian eats very little of the food. She could eat a bowl of rice with a piece of meat. Luo Cheng was deliberately picky because he was looking for opportunities to give her more.

As for not eating the burnt ones, it's just like Luo Cheng's own roasted rabbits. The roasted rabbits taste better only if they are slightly burnt.

"Luo Cheng, that's enough. You'll get upset after eating too much."

Although they had just gotten married, Zhao Qian knew one thing about Luo Cheng. His grilled food was not as delicious as this braised pork. It's impossible to be so picky, I know I said this on purpose, but I usually eat light food, and I really can't eat too much meat at once, especially this kind of fatty braised pork.

If you eat too much, you are likely to send it all to the toilet.

Hearing what Zhao Qian said, Luo Cheng stopped being picky.

"Qian, you go to the supply and marketing cooperative in the afternoon and buy some net bags. The eggs you brought today were promised to the factory leaders. I will go to the factory in the afternoon and borrow a scale from the canteen. These things are not good and I will bring them with you. In the factory, there are many people who are jealous if they are seen.”

"Well, I'll go after dinner and clean up."

"There's no need to rush. I'm already tired from carrying these things from the station. I want to lie down for a while at noon, but the weather is too hot. Please help me fan myself with a cattail leaf fan."

"Okay, you're sweating. I'll get a basin of water to help you wipe yourself down before you lie down."


Luo Cheng responded, it would indeed be very comfortable to scrub it off.

After the meal, Zhao Qian didn't even clear away the dishes, but took the washbasin to the pool in the middle of the yard to fetch water and brought it to the room. Luo Cheng sat on the bed and waited for her to serve him, but that was what she was willing to do.

Wet the towel and wring it out slightly, then wipe it from Luo Cheng's neck down to his waist. After wiping, Luo Cheng was asked to lie down and rest while she went to get a cattail leaf fan to fan him.

When Luo Cheng was lying down, one hand was still holding Zhao Qian's waist. He was really a little tired and someone was fanning him. He quickly fell asleep comfortably, but Zhao Qian was afraid that if he stopped fanning, he would wake up immediately, so he stayed for a while before getting up to clean up the dishes.

After putting away the dishes and chopsticks, I soaked the clothes Luo Cheng brought back in a large wooden basin. They all needed to be washed. To be honest, Zhao Qian didn't feel tired when doing this, but felt very fulfilled. The whole mood felt comfortable. After soaking her clothes, Zhao Qian went back to the house and fanned Luo Cheng with a cattail leaf fan.

When it felt like the time was almost up, Zhao Qian touched the money in her pocket and prepared to go to the supply and marketing cooperative to buy a net bag. This mesh bag is very cheap. If many people eat in the canteen at work, their lunch boxes are put in the mesh bag. They cost a few cents each, and they will last for a long time without breaking.

When I was about to go out, there were four more rabbits, and they were still big rabbits. There were many children playing with the rabbits outside the kitchen door. Zhao Qian just felt inexplicably in a good mood. When she left, she went into the kitchen and took some lard residue and gave it to each of the children.

Her man is back and has something to do. Being able to help Luo Cheng run an errand is important to Zhao Qian.

"It's so comfortable."

After taking a nap at noon, Luo Cheng woke up. Looking at the clean home, although it is still very simple, it is very comfortable. The wife was not at home, so the cattail leaf fan was placed beside the bed.

After putting on my coat and walking out of the room, there was a large wooden tub at the door with clothes soaked in water.

Luo Cheng left the yard and walked to the machinery factory. He walked slowly. He went to the factory this afternoon and was not going to work. Just show your attendance statement and register with the Human Resources Department tomorrow.

When I came to the machinery factory, I found that Wang De was not here today. Although he was wearing the uniform of the machine factory clerk, he still had to register honestly. After asking about Wang De's situation, it turns out that the security department here implements a two-shift working system. Even if no one works in the factory at night, people are still sent to guard and patrol.

There is a lot of equipment in the machinery factory. If there is an accident or something, it will not work if there is no one to watch it at night. People in the security department, not to mention Wang De, even the captain here has to work the night shift.

After Luo Cheng registered in accordance with the normal procedures, and with the attendance form on him, there was no problem in returning to the factory. If he hadn't come here after the lunch break, he could have gone in directly without registering.

After entering the factory, we first went to the personnel department of the office building, where Section Chief Li was working. In departments of this era, compared with other clerks, the section chief only has one more desk with drawers. The offices are all in one room, with no partitions or anything.

Only those at the level of director have a separate office. Of course, the director of the cafeteria is not a high-ranking person, so he can be called nice.

"Come on, Ronaldinho, let's go outside and have a smoke."

I saw that it was Luo Cheng who came to see me, because of the egg thing I mentioned last time, whether he got it or not, or other things. You can talk outside. It is inconvenient to talk in an office with many people. What if we were talking about eggs and others heard it, and they would be passive if they had the shamelessness to point it out.

"Chief Li, you're welcome, I won't."

"If you don't know how, just learn. How can a man not know how to smoke?"

Luo Cheng and Section Chief Li left the office building directly and went outside to talk under a tree. Before they started talking, Section Chief Li gave Luo Cheng a cigarette, but Luo Cheng really couldn't smoke.

I heard Section Chief Li say that he didn’t know how to learn, but looking at the cigarette without a holder, he thought it would be better to go to the future time and space to learn. And last time I went to Dai Tiande’s place, his sister-in-law gave him some tobacco and alcohol tickets. The cigarettes that require tickets in this era are basically good cigarettes. Many cheap cigarettes are free of tickets. There are also cut tobacco and paper for sale, so you can roll your own cigarettes. smoke.

It's not that Section Chief Li can't afford to smoke cigarettes with holders, but those who actually smoke don't have so many cigarette tickets.

"Chief Li, we have got the eggs, but we can no longer bring them into the factory. The last time I brought something into the factory, a colleague asked me privately to help bring something. It's not good to refuse. If you don't refuse, this thing It’s difficult. It’s not easy to collect my eggs, and the price is higher than at the purchasing station.”

Section Chief Li nodded after hearing this. He knew very well how difficult it is to get supplies these days. The market price for eggs is indeed over 60 cents per pound, but where can I buy them? If you want to buy eggs at the pigeon market, the price is much higher, and it also depends on your luck.

So Luo Cheng charged him 80 cents per catty and sold him five catties of eggs. Section Chief Li thought that Luo Cheng didn't make any money, so he used his channels to help him collect five catties of eggs.

The last time I brought him flour, someone saw it. Luo Cheng brought it in with a cloth bag during working hours. When a person from the purchasing department brings something in, who wouldn’t think twice about it?

After asking about the place assigned to him by the subdistrict office, Section Chief Li said he knew it. It was a little far from where he lived, but it was worth the trip for five pounds of eggs.

"Chief Li, do you want lard? If you want it, I can get you a kilogram, but it's hot now and it won't solidify. If you want it, you have to bring something to pack it with."

When he heard that there was another pound of lard, Section Chief Li looked at Luo Cheng differently. The oil in the ration these days is all oil squeezed from soybeans, which doesn’t have the flavor of lard, and the ration is not much. One pound of lard is enough for one person to eat for several months.

For today's pigs, once the pig's fat is cooked into oil, it takes at least one and a half pounds of fat to make one pound of lard. If it is a third-class pig that has not gained much fat, it will take one pound to two pounds of good parts to produce one pound of oil.

An ordinary person's monthly ration is two taels of meat. How can he get two kilograms of meat to cook in oil? Therefore, the price of one pound of lard may not be expensive, but in terms of demand, it is not much worse than five pounds of eggs.

"How much?"

"One dollar and a half."

When he heard that a pound of lard only cost one yuan and a half, Section Chief Li gave the money on the spot and said that he would go home after get off work and get a small jar to put it in.

"There are also rabbits, two yuan each."

"You kid, can't you finish your sentence at once?"

Section Chief Li just took out the money and paid one yuan and a half. Those who had one yuan and those who didn't had fifty cents were given ten cents. Just as he put the money back in his pocket, Luo Cheng said "There is a rabbit" again. But he also knew that this was the last time he gave someone else a rabbit, and he didn't arrange it for himself, just to make up for him. For someone as young as Luo Cheng, he is quite good at life.

He took out another two dollars from his pocket with a smile and handed it over, but he thought that last time Luo Cheng came to give him flour, the rabbit he brought to Director Sun in the sack was already killed, which was very convenient.

"Luo Cheng, can you help me kill this rabbit when the time comes?"

"Okay, come to my house then, pick one out, and I'll kill it for you on the spot."

You really know how to be a good person, Section Chief Li nodded with satisfaction.

Luo Cheng agreed without any hesitation. If he had been like this before, he would have at least muttered in his heart, "Get you a rabbit. One as big as that is already cheap." If I want to help you kill him, then you won’t be a good person.

But in the future, if someone buys an eel, he or she will have to kill it for him. Not to mention that he helped others kill eels, after all, it cost dozens of yuan per kilogram. They will kill three small fish for you for ten yuan. There is also a meat seller. If you want it sliced ​​or minced, they have specially prepared a machine to help you. Just ask the watermelon seller to cut it for you piece by piece.

Moreover, those who sell watermelons must not only provide cutting services, but also keep them ripe. If you want to sell melons, you have to pay attention to some customers in the future. When the customers ask you if the melons are cooked, you may encounter a ruthless person.

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