Era: Start as a buyer

Chapter 111 I feel like things are going to be bad in the future

"Why don't you stop working at the construction site? It's a shame to take you out as a construction site worker. Of course, you can't do food delivery. If you don't work at the construction site, I'll be your girlfriend."

This is not a condition, but Luo Cheng actually feels that migrant workers at construction sites are looked down upon by others. When he wears work clothes and goes to certain places, people treat him differently.

But this turned out to be the condition for Liu Xiaofei to be in a relationship with him, which meant that Luo Cheng negotiated some cooperation with some restaurant owners. I will have other income soon, otherwise, how can I agree to this condition?

Just for the sake of face, I have to live without making money. Luo Cheng suddenly remembered that he was watching videos as if he had been in such a situation. How could I support him if he dropped the bricks? But how can I hug you after lifting bricks?

Luo Cheng didn't expect that he would become the target of ridicule in that video, but he could say that instead of moving bricks, he could still sell eels.

"Is that an answer or not?"

Seeing that Luo Cheng was still hesitating, Liu Xiaofei touched her lower body, but what she touched was not her own body, but grabbed Luo Cheng's~~~.

We are joking, we are talking about the conditions of the relationship, how can we be coquettish in this way?

However, the naughty expressions of girls in this era were something that people in Luo Cheng's era could not see. At least grown-up people can't see it. People will definitely say that she is like a child.

In this society, a woman over eighteen years old may really be regarded as a child in the eyes of many people. Otherwise, there would be no reason to ask Luo Cheng not to work at the construction site just to save face, as they are boyfriend and girlfriend. This is all about saving face and giving up bread. It's even possible that she would set up a stall by herself, which would be brave enough to start a business, and Luo Cheng would lose face again by setting up a stall.

Others would feel embarrassed knowing that her boyfriend was a street vendor, even if he opened a small shop.

"Okay, it's okay if I don't go to the construction site to work."

Luo Cheng responded that he was thinking of going to the construction site later to ask Master Wang to get yesterday's wages, and asked him to help convey to Engineer Li that he would not come to work in the future. At least if you have an explanation, it will be easier for others to arrange work. Many people working on the construction site often leave suddenly, but in fact, if you have an explanation, it will be easier for those who manage the construction site to arrange work.

And just Luo Cheng's promise that Liu Xiaofei would not go to the construction site to work made him experience the feeling of being as happy as a mountain without moving.

"There are no quilts in your room."

Liu Xiaofei suddenly discovered a problem. Although she had to be naked for certain things, she sometimes wanted to find a thinner quilt to cover her. The air conditioner in Luo Cheng's room was not turned on very low, so it was no problem to sleep without it on. But Liu Xiaofei wants to turn down the air conditioner. She likes to turn down the air conditioner on hot days and sleep comfortably with something to cover her.

Luo Cheng had a fur quilt, and he slept with his clothes on when he was at the construction site. There's air conditioning here, so it's good to be able to take off your coat.

Seeing that Luo Cheng really didn't have a quilt, Liu Xiaofei ran to her room and got her own quilt. Then she lowered the temperature of the air conditioner, covered her with the quilt, and then moved her head out of the way. She was tossing Luo Cheng's body under the quilt.

Damn it, I can't bear it. Even if I ask Luo Cheng to go to work today, I won't go to work. After enduring it for a while, Luo Cheng also got into the quilt, which smelled delicious.

After a long time, it was a long time, not a while. Liu Xiaofei was lying on the bed, blaming Luo Cheng for not paying attention because she was in there yesterday and just drank too much. But now that we are both boyfriend and girlfriend, we can't think about our girlfriend. What should I do if I accidentally get pregnant?

This blame also confused Luo Cheng. She was pregnant and had a baby, so there was nothing else to do. What's more, Luo Cheng doesn't understand what should happen if this is not the case.

Fortunately, Liu Xiaofei didn't worry too much about this issue. She just lay down and drew circles on Luo Cheng's chest with one hand.

"Luo Cheng, I promise to be your girlfriend, but there are some things I need to agree on first."

"You tell me."

"Let's not live together first. I don't want to set up a street stall to sell clothes. I plan to do a live broadcast to sell clothes, and I will only sell women's clothes. I can wear them myself and show them. So I need an independent space, and it's not good for you to rely on your appearance to sell clothes. Appeared. Okay?"

The clothes Liu Xiaofei ordered online were actually from a small brand, and the quality was acceptable. However, since the goods are shipped at wholesale prices, they have agreed that they can be exchanged or not returned.

So she planned to return the men's clothes and just sell the clothes online. One disadvantage of setting up a street stall to sell clothes is that there is no place for people to try on the clothes. If the price is too high, some people will not want to buy.

If you try on clothes and feel that they look good and fit you, some people are willing to pay a higher price.

Luo Cheng nodded. It happened that he also needed personal space. He knew about selling goods on live broadcasts. He always came across some people selling goods while watching videos, but he just skipped them without watching.

"Also, you can't check my phone behind my back. I need to be able to check your phone too."

This question is a bit puzzling to Luo Cheng. Why should he check the other party's mobile phone? What is there to check? It’s rare that a mobile phone is cheap and has something different. Anyway, just nod.

Liu Xiaofei said this because she was afraid that if Luo Cheng checked her phone and saw the chat with her best friend. She still has one or two close friends in her hometown, but she didn't tell them that she worked in a club.

"Third, your room has a separate bathroom. You should let it out so that I can change clothes. This room is also bigger so I can put my clothes in the live broadcast. And you are a man, so it is the same when you go to the bathroom outside. The bathroom is bigger.”

Isn't that right? The rent for your own room seems to be more expensive. But~~it’s all related, it’s basically Luo Cheng. Even if Liu Xiaofei is willing to continue giving, Luo Cheng, a damned chauvinist, will not agree.

"Are there any conditions?"

"It's gone for now. Don't move. Let me lean on your chest. I want to post to Moments. Don't cover your belly. I want to take pictures of your abs."

Liu Xiaofei, who was lying on Luo Cheng's shoulder, suddenly thought of something, so she moved her position and lay on Luo Cheng's chest. I took a selfie, but I didn’t include Luo Cheng’s appearance. I patted the area from the shoulders to the stomach, including the chest and abdominal muscles.

I added a text and posted it on Moments.

‘How about it? I have a boyfriend. This figure is so cool. ’

Totally childlike, Luo Cheng felt that after sleeping with Liu Xiaofei, she seemed like a different person in front of him. Luo Cheng had a headache and felt that his life was going to be bad in the future. A girl over eighteen years old who could act like a spoiled child, and also acted seductively. In Luo Cheng's era, such a woman would subvert many people's views.

If you are not upright, shameless, have bad thoughts, etc., Liu Xiaofei might be dragged into criticism and fighting.

"It's so comfortable. I'll lie on top of you and play a game. Luo Cheng, you want to play this competitive game."

"No, the phone is too bad to play with."

"It's okay if you don't know how. The money you save will be spent on buying skins for others after being called little brother."

After Liu Xiaofei finished speaking, she logged into her game account. Luo Cheng couldn't understand the game she was playing, which was about killing and killing, which was quite interesting to Luo Cheng. I kind of want to try playing it, but I don’t understand it at all. There are many character skins in her account. What she didn't even know was that she didn't spend any of her own money on these skins.

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