Huo Zhiming's act of building a street specially for the film is obviously in line with Jiang Se's temper, as if every plant, tree, object and scene in the story appeared vividly in front of him.

Jiang Se almost ignored the surrounding Huo Zhiming, Mo Anqi, and Huo Dao's assistant. With her hands in the pockets of her jacket, she seemed a little cold, but she subconsciously smiled briskly because her wish was about to come true.

If it wasn't for Huo Zhiming muttering:

"Your pay is too high, otherwise the rest of the money can be used to improve this street."

Part of the money invested by the investor went into the pockets of the two main actresses, and Huo Zhiming withheld every penny of the remaining money.

When building the streets for live-action shooting, he negotiated the project with people in person regardless of face, staring at the progress every day at the construction site where the mud was flying, clutching his purse tightly, and keeping an eye on every penny he needed.

He has also repeatedly reduced the food and drink of the crew, and the reimbursement of the transportation expenses of the members.

Even the hotel where the film crew stayed was not chosen in a tall five-star hotel because of the fame of Jiang Se and Tao Cen, but in a little-known hotel closest to the set.

Because the hotel knew that "The Criminal Suspect" was going to be filmed here, and was willing to give Huo Zhiming a discount.

The old man's 'button' is reflected in all aspects. When Jiang Se came here, the car he was riding in was also worn out, but he was willing to spend on the plants and trees on the street.

The signboard of the hotel, at first glance, seems to have been deliberately paid a high price to make it half-new and old, and great effort has been put into every scene.

He complained that Tao Cen and Jiang Se were too expensive, and the assistant looked embarrassed, fearing that Huo Zhiming's temper would anger Jiang Se.

The investor was willing to pay, not for the movie itself, nor for the story of "Suspect", but for the fame and box office appeal of Jiang Se and Tao Cen.

What's more, Huaying, the largest among them, had a close relationship with Jiang Se. When investing in the filming of "Xian Yuan", it is said that Jiang Se's film salary has reached as much as 80 million, not including the subsequent share of the box office.

From this point, it can be seen that Hua Ying is special and different to Jiang Se. Huo Zhiming secretly complained that Jiang Se was paid too much, but if he said the same in front of Jiang Se, it would inevitably embarrass the assistant.

He stretched out his hand to pull Huo Zhiming, Huo Zhiming looked unhappy, shook off the assistant's hand, and pointed to the street scene in the distance:

"It should have been repaired over there. Looking at it like this in the camera, the real scene will be much better."

He put the thumbs and index fingers of both hands together, like a camera gesture, and put them in front of his eyes, and he looked very regretful when he mentioned a street that was less repaired.

Although she didn't get along with Huo Zhiming for a long time, Jiang Se probably knew a little bit about his character. At this time, she heard him worrying about her, and she also saw the assistant's small actions, but she didn't get angry because of Huo Zhiming's words:

"I didn't get paid much for acting in "The Criminal Suspect." This was the price set by the company. At that time, she was asked to accept it purely to create the illusion that she and Tao Cen could still live in harmony. Luo Yin personally The remuneration discussed is far lower than the income of "Xian Yuan".

"Agreeing to play the role of 'Su Yi' has nothing to do with remuneration. If Director Huo thinks the street is not perfect, you should apply to the investor for more funds."

Huo Zhiming hesitated for a while, Jiang Se looked at him for a while, and he hummed:

"Is that the case? We have to watch the movie and start shooting."

He led Jiang Se into the already built hotel. All the facilities inside were fully prepared. Everything in the hall was very particular, and details such as the carpet, the front desk and the customer opinion book were all prepared.

"Taking advantage of the few days before the meeting, you should familiarize yourself with every corner of this place as much as possible. I will ask Xiao Zheng to give you the street map later."

He had a tough attitude, and when he said these words, he did not allow Jiang Se to refute.

The assistant showed helplessness, but he didn't expect Jiang Se to nod every time Huo Zhiming said a word. Such obedience made Huo Zhiming look at her several times in a row.

Actors who have worked with them in the past, regardless of their status, fame, or age, as long as they are well-known, they generally don't like someone who directly orders them like Huo Zhiming.

Especially as he got older, his fame became more and more disproportionate to his status. The investors didn't like him, and the actors didn't like him either. However, this old man still had a serious attitude on the set, and he said nothing, which was extremely disgusting.

There were more and more people arguing with him on the set, and Huo Zhiming's reputation for being eccentric and mean didn't go away.

The two argued a few words about the remuneration earlier, but now that Huo Zhiming mentioned filming, she seems to have restrained her temper. No matter how serious Huo Zhiming's tone is, the tone of asking Of course, Huo Zhiming's assistant was anxious, but Jiang Se still just nodded obediently, which made Huo Zhiming slightly change his opinion of her.

In the plot, Su Yi is thoughtful, she is a woman with high IQ, calm, and excellent psychological quality, so smart that even a policeman like Shen Xunran feels helpless when facing her.

After Jiang Se came to the set on the first day, he went around the set first. The extras haven't settled in here yet. Once the filming officially starts, this is the crime scene in the Wangjin area that shocked the whole province and city in the plot.

Huo Zhiming brought Jiang Se over that day and soon left beforehand, but Jiang Se stayed and asked Mo Anqi and others to help her take pictures of every corner of the set with her mobile phone, and was going to go back to the hotel to do it again Preparation.

Although Huo Zhiming mentioned that there would be a distribution map of the scene sent to her room, but before the blueprint was delivered, in order to strengthen her memory, she walked the street and drew a sketch.

For the next two days, she forcibly took down the photos taken on the set that day in her room, and on the evening of the 16th, Tao Cen also flew to Wangzhou and stayed in this hotel.

On the day Tao Cen moved in, something troublesome happened.

A waiter in the hotel was bribed by a reporter, who helped the reporter enter the hotel by pretending to be a guest, secretly took photos of Tao Cen in private, and was discovered by Tao Cen's assistant.

This action also made Tao Cen's assistant dissatisfied with Huo Zhiming's living in such a place. Before he settled down properly that night, Tao Cen's agent proposed to Huo Zhiming to change the place for Tao Cen, but was rejected. Huo Zhiming flatly refused.

Just like Jiang Se came to Wangzhou to meet Huo Zhiming on the first day and left the impression on him, this Huo Zhiming is extremely stubborn, he did not take the initiative to shoot "Suspect" because of Tao Cen's identity He looked at Tao Cen differently.

"Song Yi thinks that the hotel's security measures are not trustworthy. The conditions here are too simple. After the sneak shooting incident, Tao Cen's working team did not trust the hotel's waiters and wanted to change their residence."

Tao Cen's room is next door to Jiang Se's. The hotel's sound insulation is not very good. The noise of the dispute in the room is slightly louder, and you can hear it clearly with your ears against the wall.

Song Yi felt that since Tao Cen became famous, no matter whether he worked at home or abroad, he had never stayed in such a bad hotel, and the management was not comprehensive. He listed all the reasons, but in the end, Huo Zhiming stopped him with a single sentence. :

"Tao Cen has no experience of staying in this kind of hotel before, so she can take this as an experience."

This old man has a tough temper, and he has no intention of giving in to Song Yi's questioning. Mo Anqi leans against the wall to listen to the movement next door, and at the same time relays the story to Jiang Se.

"What's more, the hotel mentioned by Song Yi in Wangzhou City is far away from the shooting location, and driving to and from every day also delays time."

Huo Zhiming obviously doesn't want to waste unnecessary time on the journey. Although the small hotel here has many inconveniences, and the living environment may not be as good as a five-star hotel, the advantage is the special location.

In the final result of the dispute, Huo Zhiming won. Tao Cen released the news that he was going to shoot "Suspect" in advance that day, which was a kind of restriction for Jiang Se, and it was also for her.

The old man has a stubborn temper and is merciless, as if Tao Cen didn't want to shoot if he was dissatisfied.

Everyone knows his nature. Tao Cen is not as strong as him, and he cherishes his reputation. The news that he is going to shoot "Suspect" is her own. .

After the incident subsided, all members of the No. 17 team gathered in Wangzhou to officially open the chapter of filming "Suspect".

The relationship between Jiang Se and Tao Cen, most members of the crew who follow the gossip between the two know a little bit.

Due to the development trend, the two of them have not been on good terms in the past few years. They obviously belong to the same brokerage company, but their respective assistants never say hello in private, nor do they smile when they meet.

Under such circumstances, some people in the crew were a little worried that the two actresses would appear to be in a situation where the king did not see the king on the set, and they made a scene in public.

But on the day of the start-up, after Jiang Se and Tao Cen formally met, there was no scene of swords being drawn. Compared with the cold faces of the assistants on both sides, the two actresses were smiling. Face.

Due to the influence of the weather, some scenes need to be filmed first. The first filming scene happened to be Jiang Se's scene. She had to walk out of the hotel at the scene of the crime.

For Jiang Se's scene, Huo Zhiming officially filmed it at six o'clock in the morning.

Before the filming started, there was still some preparations to be done. Jiang Se knew that she would be woken up very early, so she went to bed early the day before, and didn't even participate in the crew's dinner to celebrate the official start of the filming. She took a shower and went to bed at midnight. It was called at two o'clock.

The temperature difference between day and night in Wangzhou is huge. When I put on my clothes and drove from the hotel to the set, the assistants were shivering from the cold.

It was pitch black along the road, and the lights were on in the car. Jiang Se was still reading the script of today's scene, feeling the atmosphere of the plot in advance, so that he could immerse himself in Su Yi's world faster.

The studio was brightly lit, and the staff was still busy. As soon as Jiang Se got out of the car, she wrapped her thick down jacket tightly. The cold wind blowing in front of her made her shiver, and felt that the hairs on her face and body were standing on end. stand up.

The makeup artist is already waiting in the dressing room on the set. The makeup for this scene is simple, and the most important thing is to express the scene and the actor's demeanor and micro-expression.

Jiang Se's hair was pulled up, revealing a delicate and flawless face. The stylist changed her into a black one-piece dress with a deep V, a pair of stiletto heels, and a long beige windbreaker that just reached her knees. Properly revealing a pair of slender and long calves, sitting there, even the reflection showed a graceful feeling.

The most eye-catching thing about her is her rose-colored lipstick, which makes her face whiter than snow, and the dimly lit dressing room seems to be enhanced by her delicate and beautiful face.

Huo Zhiming came very early, and it was just after four o'clock after Jiang Se finished packing, and there was more than an hour before the official shooting, so he lifted the curtain and entered the dressing room.

For this movie that Huo Zhiming put a lot of effort into, he seemed to attach great importance to it, and he did everything by himself, and he did not allow any details to be missed.

When he came in, Jiang Se was wearing a thick blanket and reading the script under the light. When Huo Zhiming saw this scene, his tense expression suddenly relaxed.

Originally, he thought that Jiang Se would take the opportunity to sleep for a while and take a rest at this time, but he didn't expect that she was still working overtime.

"Have you got the topographic map of the street?"

As soon as he came in, he took off the gloves on his hands, rubbed his hands, took a breath, and asked a word.

It was very cold in Wangzhou in February. Even though he wore thick gloves from head to toe, his hands didn't warm up at all. They were already so stiff that they ached.

Jiang Se nodded, "Remember it."

When Huo Zhiming made the request to her, she had already taken advantage of the time before the official start of filming to familiarize herself with the terrain of the set, and even brought Mo Anqi here a few times in the middle. She walked this street dozens of times, and she has already very familiar.

"You should have read the script. Although this scene has no lines, it is very important."

As the name suggests, "Criminal Suspect" is just a suspicion, and there is no real evidence to prove that he committed a crime. This is also the most important reason why Shen Xunran and Su Yi compete with each other in the movie.

How to show that Su Yi is suspicious and make the audience "believe" that she killed the person, but like Shen Xunran in the play, they can't catch Su Yi's real handle. Only by working hard can the essence of the plot be performed.

Huo Zhiming was afraid that under Jiang Se's reputation, he would not be able to act out the feeling of "Su Yi" in his script, so he took the trouble to explain it again and again.

At 5:40, before the official start of filming, the makeup artist applied Jiang Se's makeup again, and the crew members were already in their positions.

To Jiang Se's surprise, Tao Cen also appeared on the set at the other end of the camera.

She also has a play today, but not in the early morning of this early spring. Jiang Se was a little surprised that she woke up so early just to come to the theater to watch her performance.

Two more in one~!

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