
All the movie fans couldn't make a sound. Some fans covered their mouths with their mouths, while others showed panic and fear.

Even Tang Anning stared at Stan's dark muzzle with his big eyes.

There may be a reversal...

There should be a reversal!

At this moment, all the movie fans in Kyushu deceived themselves in their hearts!

They are eager for a big twist in this movie so that Leon can survive under Stan's gun.

But ruthlessly, the cold gunfire echoed from the big screen into every theater.

This shot almost shattered the strong hearts of countless movie fans.

boom! !

The cold bullet passed directly through Leon's chest.


The fans closed their eyes in pain. They could not accept this scene and the ending of Leon's death.

Even though everyone knows that death is an extremely common plot in Lin Qiu's film and television dramas, and even though the knives Lin Qiu sends out are all logical and foreshadowing, unlike the old thieves who drop guillotines from the sky, movie fans still can't help it. accept.

I could only watch helplessly as Leon's body fell straight to the ground, struggling on the ground covered in blood.

By now, it can be said that all movie fans are desperate.

Because under such an environment, Lyon is already in a certain death situation and there is no chance of survival.

From the plot arrangement of the movie, Leon is also destined to die. There is not even a second option. Only death can bring an ending to this relationship.

In this movie, the relationship between Maltilda and Leon needs an ending.

From the perspective of the sublimation of the movie's plot, Love Can't Be is always more profound and moving than Happy Reunion, and it also resolves the moral risks of the movie. Otherwise, if the normal relationship continues to develop, there will be a lot of confusion between Maltilda and Leon in the future. What it will become, no one knows.

It's just that there is a possibility in everyone's heart, and this possibility is very likely to become a reality, just from the emotions depicted in the movie.

Leon fell before the approaching light.

Stan directly stood on Leon's fallen body in a victor's posture, facing Leon with his crotch.

Leon's weak voice appeared, Stan...

Stan's face was full of pride. Looking at the big trouble he had killed in front of him, he maintained his usual grace and said crazily:

Waiting for dispatch.

Leon used his last strength to push a buckle into Stan's hand and said:

This is……

Maltida wants to give it to you.

Stan spread his hands and realized that something was wrong when he found that the last thing Leon gave him was a zipper. He pulled open Leon's shirt and saw a scene that made everyone's scalp numb.

On Leon's body...

Loaded with grenades! !

Lyon had been prepared for the worst long time ago.

At the end of his life, Leon wanted to use his own life to exchange for the stability and peace of Mathilda in the rest of her life, so that Mathilda would no longer be surrounded by hatred.


When Stan's expression was dull for a moment, there was a terrifying loud bang!

A shocking explosion came from inside the building, and the fire spread!

In such an explosion, it is impossible for anyone to survive.

In the theater, many movie fans couldn't help but shed tears when they saw such a decisive scene, feeling panicked in their hearts.

In the end, Leon chose to die with Stan, or perhaps, Leon had no choice.

If he had a choice, how much he wanted to escape and continue living with Mathilda, but in order to let Mathilda survive, Leon had to do this!

Logically speaking, the audience at this time should scold Lin Qiu, the damn director, for making such a sad film during the Spring Festival, but this is not the case, because almost all the fans are immersed in the story and cannot extricate themselves. !

Is the relationship between Leon and Mathilda love?

From the audience's direct perception, maybe yes.

Leon is a dull killer. It can even be said that before Mathilda appeared in his world, his world was so blank.

The extremely rigid and regular schedule, as well as the investment in watching TV, all show that Leon still needs to be nurtured mentally.

Needless to say, the immature Mathilda's feelings for Leon need not be said, as she has expressed her feelings more than once in the film.

But what about Leon and Maltilda?

In the film, although Leon did not respond directly to this question, he always maintained a relationship with Matilda that was ambiguous like family affection and also like master and apprentice. However, at the last moment of parting, Leon still said I love you. These three words.

It is precisely because Leon knows that this kind of emotion is very abnormal that he wants to separate Mathilda from this relationship again and again.

No matter how pure Lin Qiu's film appears, the relationship between the uncle and the little girl is deformed and immoral no matter how you look at it. This is true in any state. It is precisely because of this that Leon's death is inevitable.

The reason why this plot of Leon dying together with Stan for Maltilda can be so moving to the audience is because this plot contains both heroism and romanticism.

At this moment, the audience couldn't help but recall the conversation between Leon and Mathilda in the movie.

“Is life always this hard, or is it just when you’re a kid?”

What Lyon said was, It's always been that way.

But as the explosion sounded, all these memories disappeared in the blazing flames!

In all of Lin Qiu's previous films, the audience's emotions are very intuitive, which means that various emotions are intuitively given during the movie watching process.

For example, the anger during Su Yuan and The Furnace, the emotion during Eight Gongs, and the shock during The God of Medicine.

But this time, the viewing experience of The Killer Is Not So Cold was extremely special. Almost all fans did not want to express their opinions, but sat quietly in the theater, watching the movie that had suffered so much. Matilda returns to the world of her own.

Leon is dead.

Not just Xiazhou Cinema, many theaters in Jiuzhou were eerily quiet at this moment.

Unlike many films filmed by Lin Qiu, even the climax of the ending where Leon and Stan die together is not the kind of boiling emotion.

The many soundtracks in the movie add an artistic atmosphere to the entire movie.

In a short period of time, it was difficult for movie fans to review and analyze this work. They just watched Mathilda holding the pot of plants belonging to Lyon and returning to the school she had escaped for a long time.

For Mathilda, this will be a new beginning.

In the days to come, there was no hatred in her life, but there was also no Leon. All of this was just like a dream.

It was a nightmare at first, but then Leon's appearance made Mathilda smile.

The story of This Killer Is Not Too Cold has come to an end.

At the end of the story, Mathilda planted Leon's potted plant downstairs in the dormitory.

Emily is still that dirty, yet delicate and charming person, making people feel pitiable.

Plants without roots can grow here.

Leon, we'll be fine here.

Mathilda muttered in the sunshine.

This is the final line of this classic work.

As the movie camera moves upward, the brightness of the sky seems to indicate that all the darkness and dark clouds have passed. At the same time, the classic song Shape of my heart that has long been popular in Xiazhou sounds again.

When this song played again, all the fans had countless feelings.

Many movie fans are reminiscing and enjoying it.

“He deals the cards as a meditation—(He deals the cards as a meditation)”

And those he plays never suspect——(He never hesitates to play cards)

The artistic-level film came to an end with the performance of this classic song.

But fans are still thinking about it.

When they heard this song at Lin Qiu's concert before, they just thought it sounded good. But after watching This Killer Isn't Too Cold and listening to it again, almost everyone had different feelings.

At least now, many fans seem to understand that this song is Lyon's inner monologue.

A ruthless professional killer who has always lived in his own world.

There was once an unforgettable love, but after losing my lover forever, I started a journey alone.

He is used to walking alone, going to the supermarket alone, drinking milk alone, sitting on a chair alone, sleeping with one eye open, without worries.

However, everything changed the moment Leon opened the door for Mathilda.

Leon was changed by Maltilda.

As for what kind of emotion between Leon and Mathilda is, does it really matter?

Love is not just a simple emotion.

As long as it comes from the deepest part of the heart, it can be called love. Perhaps Leon himself did not look directly at his feelings for Mathilda until his death, just like the song Shape of my heart The lyrics of the song are the same.

Until the end, it was never revealed what the shape of the heart is.

...(End of chapter)

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