Chapter 203 The folk customs are simple and simple, and the theater engages in racial discrimination? Please eat peanuts!!

“Ohmygod, this Chinese female star, a little good-looking!”

“JingTian? Is the heroine of “Mission Impossible 1″ also her last time! ”

“Yes! She also won the Oscar for Best Actress! This chick is very beautiful and sassy! ”

“Oh my God, I can finally understand why Super Su is in love with her! Her beauty is very special! ”

“Is this the ceiling of Xia Guo’s appearance? It’s really not a style with Britney! ”

“What idiom did Xia Guo use to describe it? Isn’t it? ”

“I can finally get JingTian’s charm, her acting skills are so good, no worse than our top ten actresses!”

“That’s for sure! Super Su often gives JingTian special training, she has learned some of Super Su’s acting skills, of course she will act well! ”

“Yes, the contrast is clear! Although Emmat Watson’s performance is not bad, there is still a certain gap compared with JingTian! ”

“Well, seeing JingTian working so hard, it’s not that I can’t recognize her.

After all, this Chinese female star still has a bit of real ability! ”

“Super Su’s vision is too good, let JingTian play the heroine of “Terminator 1″, very suitable!”

“Ohshit, I really envy Super Su! There are so many different styles of female hair! ”

“Super Su is already the richest man in the world, why can’t you have more women to accompany you?”

If it’s you, so will you! And his girlfriend has gotten a lot of benefits from Super Su.

They all posted it voluntarily, but Super Su didn’t refuse!

“Wow, there are so many beautiful women throwing their arms and hugs on me, and I will refuse when my brain is in the water!”

“fuck! Have you all finished watching Terminator 1? Only I haven’t grabbed a ticket yet?

Mississippi is so backward that there is only one cinema showing “Terminator 1″!

Why not more cinemas? Have those theater owners been kicked by bears in their brains?

Why not open the door yet to make money! I want to see Super Su, and I want to see JingTian! ”

“Shit, South Carolina is just as backward, there are only 5 theaters, obviously there are so many theaters in the entire state!

Are they discriminating? Protest, I’m going to protest! ”

“Not only backward states, but also many theaters have clearly not played “Terminator 1″!

Don’t these bosses want to make money? I’ve already opened most of the city and went to the cinema next door! ”

Surprisingly, the protesters saw each other’s complaints

Soon a march against racism was formed, and they gathered in front of the theater where “Terminator 1” was not shown.

The population may not be large, but things are often big!

Because people all over the world love to watch the excitement, not only Xia Country, but also the United States!

Moreover, the American people are more skilled in protesting and marching, which is an act of ‘advocating freedom and democracy’!

Theater owners, lift the office curtain, look down, are all black heads.

They didn’t say anything, and even fired shots to attract attention! After all, the American people’s ‘simple folk customs’ are not a day or two.

Now the peanut rice is placed against the sky, where it will be put in the next second, I don’t know!

The bosses were immediately taken aback, and their legs were weak.

Racial discrimination in the United States is an old traditional performing arts.

Although the times are developing, they have clearly stipulated by law that racial discrimination is no longer allowed, and even can freely work on the streets.

But the arrogance engraved in the bones of white people still allowed them not to allow and yellow-skinned people to occupy the main position in society.

Therefore, even if they don’t say it, they have a set of unwritten rules in their hearts…

So “Terminator 1” came to the door and negotiated with them.

As soon as they saw that the female lead was actually Chinese, they refused without hesitation! This is also why Su Cheng can’t subdue all the theaters in the United States!

Some theaters that can be negotiated with money, are conquered by super Su personal charm, and excellent movies.

It has long been won by Su Cheng, so “Terminator 1” can be released in 9,000 theaters in the United States at the same time, reaching an astonishing 65% screening rate!

The rest are old stubbornness in some underdeveloped regions!

What about white people who think they are superior, but do you know that the whole world has changedDo you think they are just marching to protest that JingTian was racially discriminated against?

No, no, no, in the end, it’s not because there are no movies to watch! JingTian is being discriminated against!

If you don’t touch my interests on weekdays, I can engage in racial discrimination with you every day.

But you make me uncomfortable, unpleasant?

Sorry, let’s just ‘American Style Fit’! Capital society, that’s how real!

Of course, they can speak out for the Chinese 1.9, except for the sake of Super Su’s face.

More importantly, the current Xia Kingdom, the national strength has become strong! Xia Guoren, can no longer be ignored!

Thanks to the ‘efforts’ of this group of protesters, the old diehards fear that their lives will be threatened.

I had to turn around and go to the line-up staff of “Terminator 1” and let the other party choose their theater release again!

It can be said that how cool it was to refuse at the beginning, and now I have to kneel miserably and beg to come back!

In just one night, the number of theaters showing “Terminator 1” has increased by 1,000!

So far, “Terminator 1” has been shown in 10,000 theaters at the same time! The film scheduling rate has also reached a staggering 71%!

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