Chapter 194 The myth continues, “Star Wars 1” has a total global box office of 5.5 billion meters of knives!!

Two days later, “Star Wars 1” was also released in the United States.

At the same time, the total box office in the United States was also announced.

That’s 1.2 billion meters of knives!!

Following the first-day box office of “Star Wars 1” in the United States of 120 million, it exceeded the first-day box office data of “Fast [and Furious 2” of 80 million meters.

“Star Wars 1” took off directly, which also exceeded the total box office of “Fast and Furious 2”, and easily stepped into the ranks of movies that broke 1 billion meters in the United States

“Star Wars 1″ is a dusty data, I’m afraid it will have to make movies look up to it for a long time after that!

“ohmygod! Super Su once again creates a box office myth! ”

“1.2 billion meters knife, Super Su fulfilled his bold words! “Star Wars 1″ really exceeded the 1 billion box office in the United States, and exceeded 200 million meters of knives! ”

“The increase does not fall at the box office! According to our statistics, since “Star Wars 1” was upgraded from Christmas. The daily box office not only did not fall, the whole process was an upward trend, higher and higher day by day!. The box office chart of “Star Wars 1″ is soaring, all the way to the 1.2 billion meter knife mark! ”

“The myth of Super Su continues, and the movies of the eight major film production companies in the Christmas schedule can’t touch Super Su’s self-directed and self-starred “Star Wars 1″ at all!”

“This year is also the year ruled by Super Su, Super Su seems to have dominated Hollywood!”

Compared with the high-pitched tone reports of European and American newspapers, ordinary people even cheered them out of the room and into the street, shouting wildly.

“Super Su, you are our god!”

“A Xia man who can be compared to Jesus!”

In the United States, where the free nuclear is flat, there are many fans who are most emotional and directly raise their guns to the sky.

Use the way of sudden shuttles to express your love and admiration for Su Cheng! They thought that this was an imitation, and the way Xia Guo set off firecrackers was a love for Su Cheng!

Facebook Twitter and other social software are all discussions about Su Cheng.

Overwhelming! You can find relevant topics everywhere!

Because there is not a single American who is not discussing Super Su and his movies.

“holyshit, Super Su is so good, if only he were American!”

“shutup! Super Su, even if not American, is worthy of our admiration! It was Super Su who led our Hollywood into the Golden Age! It is he who let the Hollywood blockbuster genre he created go into the world and let the world know! ”

Not only that, but he also generated a lot of revenue for the Los Angeles business category. Thanks to Super Su’s amazing annual taxes, Los Angeles where I live has become a lot safer! ”

“Yes, I also live in Los Angeles, right near Beverly Hills. We super Su are really peace-loving people, because with his Blackwater security company, I dare to walk home at night! ”

“Call up, we should all thank Super Su, he is the one who makes our lives interesting!”

“I’m really curious, what kind of brain is Super Su and the movie made by the child is more wonderful than the other!. I want to watch the sequel to Star Wars so much, Star Wars 2 hurry up! ”

“Terrifying Xia country men, are all Xia country people monsters? It’s amazing! ”

With the release of “Star Wars 1” the total box office in the United States has 1.2 billion data.

Soon, the total global box office was counted.

5.5 billion meters of knife!!!

The total global box office is 5.5 billion meters knife!

In one fell swoop, it surpassed the 3.5 billion meter knife of “Titanic”! That’s a lot more than 2 billion meters of box office, it’s terrifying! New myths, new wonders!

As soon as this data fell on the table, the world was in an uproar.

The total global box office of Su Cheng’s “Titanic” of 3.5 billion meters has already made the world look up to the mountains.

There is simply no one in the world who, daring to say, can surpass the Titanic data again.

Even if you can get a third, it’s already ecstatic! And Su Cheng demonstrated again, what is called:

Not only do I want to surpass, I want to surpass greatly!

It’s just 3.6 billion is not good, it must be more than 5 billion, and it is easy to jump on the threshold of 5.5 billion!

The devil, the absolute devil.

Sure enough, you can beat Super Su! Just Super Su herself!

Americans are just lamenting that “Star Wars 1” can get an astonishing box office of 1.2 billion meters in the United States.

Turn your head and see the terrifying 5.5 billion meters of knife data at the global box office of “Star Wars 1″!

This time, it is no longer enough to sacrifice the chin, and the knees are not enough to step up, so you must throw all five bodies to the ground!

“god! god! Please tell me, did you descend on Super Su? If not, why did I see the gods! ”

“Super Su is a holy son! Otherwise, there is no way to explain why he can be so powerful! ”

“The total global box office of 5.5 billion, this is a data that I never dreamed of! Oh my God, what the hell can stop Super Su from dominating the pace of global entertainment? ”

“Block? No, we don’t need to stop it!. Super Su is our god, he brought us so many classic and beautiful movies! Also please Super Su keep going, I want to see more movies! ”

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