Entertainment Godfather

Chapter 787 Born to be a King

The new pit of comics is "Zhenhun Street".

It's not a new work, but a new pit, Luoyang thinks so.

At the meeting, Zhong Xia Ye asked Luoyang how long the comic would be. Luoyang hesitated slightly because this work was still being serialized in its previous life and the ending was still in the author's mind, so Luoyang planned to make "Zhenhun Street" already The published content is serialized, which can be regarded as the spice of the New Year——

As the old saying goes, his main job is as a writer, and the career of comics can only be regarded as a hobby.

As for how to fill this hole in the future, Luoyang didn't think deeply about it. This is just like Luoyang's first martial arts work "Seven Weapons". It only included six weapons in full, and the seventh weapon was stillborn, while Luoyang was still born in the Ming Dynasty. Even though I knew this pitfall, I still didn't change the title of "Seven Weapons" to "Six Weapons". In the same way, although "Zhenhun Street" has not ended yet, the content it has released is solid. It's wonderful, so Luoyang wants to draw it first and then talk about it...

After the meeting, Luoyang returned to the office.

Zhong Xia Ye appeared again and asked about the comics: "We are going to contact the contemporary comics community to promote the boss's new comics. Has the boss figured out when to start writing? We can do activities in advance."

Hearing this, Luoyang hesitated again.

Sure enough, it still takes a lot of courage to draw a comic about a doomed eunuch!

He thought for a while and said: "It's better not to promote it. This work can only be regarded as a leisure work, there is no need to make a big splash."

Zhong Xia Ye thought that Luoyang had confidence in the work, so he nodded and said: "Okay, then we won't contact the contemporary comics community for now. The boss will use the comic author account to publish it himself. If you need it, feel free to contact me. Digital Tools such as screens have been placed in the back room of the boss’s office.”

Luoyang nodded.

Midsummer Eve left.

Entering the office room, Luoyang saw that the digital screen had been installed. The digital screen is used by many cartoonists and is a must-have for large touch screens. It can synchronize the computer screen to the digital screen and is very strong against accidental touches. And it is more convenient than a digital tablet, but of course it is more expensive.

Many cartoonists like this.

To be precise, paperless painting is more popular in China as a whole, which means that computer painting is respected. The so-called computer painting refers to using tools such as tablets or scanners to draw directly on the computer. This not only improves the efficiency of painting, but also And it’s convenient and fast.

Then some computer painting software will be born. Nowadays, most domestic professional cartoonists also have computers to draw.

But Luoyang's "Dragon Ball" was hand-painted. As a relatively traditional person, he likes the feeling of hand-painting, so he naturally plans to finish "Zhenhun Street" by hand. It just so happens that the office has all the comic tools available, so he can now Just start, and his hand-drawing speed is faster than those cartoonists who use software. This has always been Luoyang's talent, a talent that is very reliable whether he is drawing comics or writing novels.

Speaking of "Zhenhun Street"...

In fact, there are two versions in Luoyang’s memory.

One version is the animated version, and the other is the comic version. The comic version is naturally created by the original author, while the animated version has been adapted appropriately. Luoyang decided to use the animated version because he watched the animation first and made up for it later. Comics, so I have a stronger sense of immersion in animation.

Having decided, Luoyang began to write.

The first episode of the anime is the scene where Guifu Santong meets Xia Ling for the first time.

There is nothing much to say about this scene. The key point lies in the line from Guifu Santong:

"This world is not as simple as we seem. Everyone has his own destiny, destined by God. Some people are born to be kings, and some people become bandits. If the road under your feet is not your own choice, then the end of this journey will be nowhere. You know, it doesn’t matter where you go or who you meet.”

At that time, Xia Ling was an atheist.

The murmuring words of ghost talismans and three links are fortune-telling.

So she naturally didn't take it to heart, and then Xia Ling was hit by a scooter. The rider was Cao Yanbing, the male protagonist of "Zhenhun Street". His fiery and arrogant temper was revealed at the beginning. And out——

He scolded Xia Ling.

Xia Ling was very unconvinced, thinking that the other party was just a food delivery person.

Then Xia Ling went to apply for a job, but no company was willing to hire her, which made her very disappointed. After returning home, after taking a shower in the early morning, her phone suddenly received a text message, saying that a company had asked her to go for an interview!

Xia Ling was very excited and went directly. The interview location was called Rakshasa Street.

This street had a very eerie feeling. Xia Ling became more and more frightened as she walked. Only then did she realize in hindsight, which company would interview in the middle of the night?

She decided to go back, but at this moment, a large number of evil spirits appeared around her. These evil spirits began to chase Xia Ling. As an atheist, Xia Ling was completely frightened at this moment. She was about to be separated by the evil spirits. While eating, the hero and his brother appeared!

That Cao Yanbing who delivered food during the day!

It turns out that this is a world where humans and spirits coexist, and Rakshasa Street is one of the countless soul-crushing streets on earth!

After human beings die, their souls will enter Soul Soul Street. These souls are waiting to enter the legendary spiritual realm. Those who wait too long will have evil thoughts for some reasons and mutate into evil spirits. Evil spirits have little sense and strength. Be powerful and do all the bad things!

Every soul-suppressing street has a soul-suppressing general.

The Soul-Suppressing General guards Soul-Suppressing Street, and Cao Yanbing is the Soul-Suppressing General of Rakshasa Street!

In addition, Cao Yanbing is also a spirit sender. It can be said that every soul-suppressing general is a spirit sender. The so-called spirit sender is a person who has his own guardian spirit and can summon the guardian spirit to fight together!

This is the most eye-catching setting of "Zhenhun Street".

There is no doubt that Cao Yanbing's strength is unprecedented. Even the evil spirit army is no match for Cao Yanbing. They were beaten and fled. At this time, the boss of the evil spirit army appeared and fought a battle with Cao Yanbing. .

After Cao Yanbing sneered, he summoned his guardian spirit!

One of the most ferocious subordinates of Cao Cao, the most evil hero of the Three Kingdoms, Xu Chu, the tiger fool, wiped out his opponents in a snap!

"Everyone has his destiny, destined by God. Some people are born to be kings, and some people become bandits. If the path under your feet is not your own choice, then no one knows where the end point of this journey is. Where will you go, and where will you go? It doesn’t matter who I meet! And I will embark on a journey with no end, because on that day I will meet the real king!”

In the first episode, the evil spirits were scattered, and Xia Ling's inner monologue sounded.

In the picture, Cao Yanbing is holding a weapon with both hands. Behind him is Xu Chu, who is wearing a golden armor. Under his feet are blazing flames. The burning feeling can almost penetrate the paper and hit people's hearts directly.

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