Entertainment Godfather

Chapter 757 Phenomenal level

[The Divine Eagle makes a comeback, Luoyang’s status is unshakable! ]

["The Legend of the Condor Heroes", a martial arts novel that takes love to the extreme! ]

[The Legend of the Condor Heroes, the second martial arts work "The Legend of the Condor Heroes", is hailed as the most perfect sequel in history! ]

[Some experts predict that the martial arts novel "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" may become Luoyang's third phenomenal work, and he is worthy of his reputation as a national writer! ]

The media will never care if their reports are contradictory. They have selectively ignored the previous reports that badmouthed Luoyang while they were still fresh in their minds.

Everyone in Shuimu Culture was quite stunned. During the previous Shuimu Conference, Luoyang ordered 50 million more copies of "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" to be printed. Except for Hua Qi, who didn't say anything, everyone at the top of Shuimu Culture thought Luoyang was crazy. When the sales volume was declining, Zhong Xiaye, as the deputy general manager, went to Luoyang several times to persuade him to change his mind and avoid causing greater losses.

"Looking back now, the boss's decision-making can be said to be undecisive."

Zhong Xia Ye's voice was filled with shock. She really didn't expect the turnaround to come in such a timely manner.

With the passage of time, the Dragon Girl Sect has not only not become a stain on the Condor Heroes, but has even been talked about by many readers. Under such circumstances, "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" seems to have wings, and sales are rising steadily. Many bookstore owners were so excited that their faces turned red and they couldn't help themselves. Several senior executives of Shuimu Culture were also excited and jumped up and down, applauding!

On October 4th, the Divine Eagle bottomed out and rebounded, launching a true Jedi counterattack!

On October 5, Shendiao completely got rid of the shadow of Dragon Girl Gate and sold nearly 20 million copies!

On October 6, the sales volume of Shendiao was slowly declining, but it still had 18 million copies, and its momentum was unstoppable!

Today is October 7th. "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" has sold 10 million copies. Although sales will inevitably start to fall, there is still hope to read 15 million copies before dark, which is even more terrifying. What's more, the supply of goods in major bookstores across the country is still very tight. "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" almost completely replicated the grandeur of "The Legend of the Condor Heroes". Although it failed to surpass it, it also shocked countless people in the Dragon Kingdom. So called experts.

Falling into a cycle where continuing writing will make things worse?

The first part was too classic, so I couldn’t write the second part?

Break break! Everything is broken, "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" completely lives up to expectations!

Luoyang does not blame Zhongxia Ye for not being able to see the form clearly. Even Luoyang himself is so confident because he knows some things about his previous life. Although Zhongxia Ye has a good vision, he cannot judge the true value of "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" It was normal. How could Hua Qi see through it? It was just a habit of trusting Luoyang. After all, Luoyang had won many games in the past three years.

In the end, Zhong Xia Ye still couldn't suppress her curiosity: "Why is it reversed?"

She is not naive enough to think that Wang Tianquan’s book review can guide martial arts readers’ purchasing intentions.

In fact, the biggest role of teacher Wang Tianquan's book reviews is to provide a way for a concentrated reversal of public opinion.

Luoyang said with a smile: "The Dragon Girl Sect will indeed cause turmoil, but the turmoil is not as exaggerated as you see. Behind it are the sneaky hands and feet of the navy of Youlong Culture and other colleagues. If "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" "If the follow-up plot is not self-explanatory enough, then there may be no chance, but unfortunately the book market ultimately depends on quality, and the Eagles can withstand the test, so they are destined to become clowns."

Stretching, Luoyang Yanyan said firmly: "Word of mouth is something that cannot be hacked by just the navy."

Generally speaking, the sailors leave a sentence of fifty cents, take the money and leave, but the tens of millions of readers who complained about Dragon Girl will actually continue to watch "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" after they finish complaining, and after watching it, They will naturally be relieved of the so-called ntr in the early stage. Even if they see the plot of the Sixteen-Year Promise, they will find that the Dragon Girl is raped or Yang Guo breaks his arm, which is simply not worth mentioning.

“In the final analysis, it’s still confidence in the work.”

"No, I just have faith in the readers."

I also have confidence in the divine sculpture. This book attempts to use the character of Yang Guo to express the constraints that worldly etiquette and customs have on people's minds and behaviors.

Rites, laws and customs are temporary, but while they exist, they have great social power. The concept that teachers and students cannot get married certainly does not exist in the minds of modern people. However, in the era of Guo Jing and Yang Guo, it was a matter of course. But is it possible that many of the rules and customs that we take for granted today will be considered meaningless hundreds of years from now?

This is the rare thinking meaning of the divine sculpture.

The martial arts novels written by Jin Yong are indeed no longer pure martial arts novels. The humanistic thoughts contained in them cannot be avoided. At least Luoyang does not dare to say that he has fully understood the author's intentions. He can only add them based on his own knowledge. I understand. For example, when many people read the book "The Legend of the Condor Heroes", they simply think that the main plot of the book is "Dragon's Love" which affects the plot of the whole book.

But in fact, there is another hidden thread that runs through the story.

That was the dispute between Guo Jing and Yang Guo. There is also a saying that it was a dispute between Taoism and Confucianism.

Yang Guo advocates freedom, pursues an unfettered life, and has a free and easy nature, which symbolizes the core ideas of Taoism.

Guo Jing is the embodiment of Confucian righteousness. Judging from the whole story, the conflict between Yang Guo and Guo Jing is actually evenly divided. Guo Jing finally recognized Yang Guo and Xiao Longnu’s identity as husband and wife, and Yang Guo also accepted Guo Jing’s idea that “a great chivalrous person serves the country and the people.” "The teachings.

This is a conflict without victory or defeat, because Yang Guo's nature was not changed by Guo Jing in the end.

However, Luoyang will not talk about these things and need readers to feel them. At the point where Luoyang is, he actually has a characteristic, that is, whatever he writes may trigger some so-called interpretations from readers. This interpretation can be good or bad, and it can have a certain meaning. It can stimulate readers' interest in secondary creation, and it can also misinterpret Luoyang's original intention to a certain extent, which is a double-edged sword.

After exhaling, Luoyang read the market report.

The birth of "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" has been full of ups and downs, and the graph has a thrilling flavor, but one thing is now becoming clear, that is, the sales volume of "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" this month has exceeded 100 million, which is almost a certain fact. Well, after "The Three-Body Problem" and "The Legend of the Condor Heroes", there will be a third phenomenal masterpiece under Luoyang's name!

The craze for shooting eagles has ended, and the craze for divine eagles has begun——

Although it cannot match the momentum of "The Legend of the Condor Heroes", "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" is better because of its more sophisticated and perfect plot structure. In terms of sales and popularity, it is not inferior to the pace of "The Legend of the Condor Heroes". Previously, the popularity of "The Condor Heroes" How lively and noisy it is, how vigorous the Shendiao craze is!

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