Entertainment Godfather

Chapter 703 Holmes reaches the top

Of course, this does not mean that Guo Jing's image is inferior to Yang Guo.

It's actually because Yang Guo's character is obviously much more complicated than Guo Jing's.

Looking at all of Jin Yong's works, we can see that he has already created a large number of artistic images with ideal personalities and a chivalrous aura.

Among them there must be Guo Jing, who is chivalrous and respectful; Hong Qigong, who is upright and forthright; and Qiao Feng, who is mature, steady, righteous, and rich in strategy, etc. These heroes have what they have in their hearts and minds. Save the common people at every turn, and pursue national justice in action!

Yang Guo is actually quite different from the above heroic figures in a broad sense.

With the appearance of the protagonist Yang Guo in "The Legend of the Condor Heroes", Jin Yong obviously intentionally downplayed the usual aura of a chivalrous hero!

It wiped out all the conventional secular ethics. Yang Guo's character transformed from the naughty temper in his youth to the cynical and arrogant evil temper in his youth, and then to the indifferent and detached temper in his middle age, making him an independent, free and frank person. Three-dimensional image.

Teenage, youth, and middle age, each of the three processes has its own splendor.

When Yang Guo was a child, he hugged Li Mochou from behind and put himself in danger to save others. Although he had a slick side, he also had compassion and sympathy for the weak in his heart, because he himself was also a weak person and wanted to survive. Learn to be smooth.

Needless to say, in youth, the famous saying "One sight of Yang Guo makes one's life a mistake" is a portrayal of this time.

And in middle age, who hasn't been enamored by Yang Guo who has mastered the Ecstasy Palm? The Condor Hero has become a fascinating existence, and his charm is one step further than when he was young. A girl like Guo Xiang is facing There is simply no resistance to an uncle of this level...

"I can't wait to finish this story."

Luoyang muttered to himself again, a series of stories that happened to Yang Guo flashed through his mind, the corners of his mouth slightly raised, and he started typing on the keyboard again.

The saying that the old man has only three weeks and more than three weeks is also applicable to the creation of "The Legend of the Condor Heroes". The half-completed "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" has an infinite time until it is fully released. Close.

While writing and writing vigorously in Luoyang.

Time has entered July, and the second issue of "Jianghu" has been released.

The second issue of "Jiang Hu" maintains the rhythm of the first issue. Four martial arts and two Sherlock Holmes mysteries are published. Users seem to have made another small breakthrough. It has reached the 18th place in the sales list of various magazines across the country. name!

The magazines that can be ranked in the top twenty are undoubtedly first-tier magazines.

Of course, Shuimu Culture itself ranks sixteenth in the industry, so "Jianghu" ranks eighteenth in magazine sales, which is quite consistent with the status of Shuimu Culture itself. In this issue, "Sherlock Holmes" selected The two stories are "Five Orange Pips" and "The Mysterious Case of Boskan Valley". These two stories maintain the consistent standards of "Sherlock Holmes" and are easily loved by book fans.

The point is on the other side of the ocean!

Aurora Brain has made adjustments to the Sherlock Holmes serial.

Like Dragon Kingdom, they began to serialize two Sherlock Holmes "Adventures" stories in each issue of "Aurora Brain".

Now they have serialized the sixth story of "Adventure History", "The Case of the Noble Single", plus the stories in the previous competition, in fact, there are already eleven stories in "Sherlock Holmes" in the UK. .

It’s not that “Aurora Brain” wants to be one step ahead of Dragon Kingdom serialization…

The readers in the UK are really too enthusiastic. They strongly urge "Aurora Brain" to serialize "Sherlock Holmes" more. Except for "Sherlock Holmes", they can hardly read any other mystery novels.

So "Aurora Brain" follows the good and the good.

In each issue, they serialized one more "Sherlock Holmes" series.

As a result, after their magazine broke the long-standing sales record two months ago, it actually set a new sales record again. This made the executives of Aurora Brain stunned and could only rejoice under the power of "Sherlock Holmes". Kuang was shocked in his heart.

British TV stations such as the BBC also reported on the popularity of "Sherlock Holmes" in the UK at large!

In addition to TV stations, major British newspapers naturally did not miss this hot news. After all, Sherlock Holmes is now receiving great attention in the UK.

The Times, the Guardian, the News of the World, etc., almost all sang praises for the phenomenal mystery work "Sherlock Holmes" with extremely exaggerated titles. It can attract readers' attention.

"The detective novel that British people must read, "The Sherlock Holmes"!"

"The sales volume of "Aurora Brain" breaks the historical record again, and "The Sherlock Holmes" shows its power!"

"The mysterious identity of Theking, the champion of the World Mystery Competition, triggered a war between the Three Kingdoms. What is the nationality of the father of Sherlock Holmes?"

"Check out the eight little details in Sherlock Holmes that are most unforgettable for readers. Every little detail touches people's hearts. After reading it, you will understand why it is so popular in the UK!"

Yes, "Sherlock Holmes" is so popular in the UK!

This kind of popularity surpasses any mystery novel in British history and has reached a phenomenal level. When it comes to Theking, the British do not hesitate to call him the father of Sherlock Holmes. They already treat the other person as a real person. The master!

Teacher Theking has completely secured his position in the reasoning world.

In the forest of world reasoning, only the three giants of world reasoning can be in the same position as Teacher Theking. Although these three people lost to Teacher Theking in the competition, their influence over the years cannot be eliminated in a short time.

As for the Three Kingdoms War mentioned by some newspapers, it naturally revolves around the mysterious nationality of Teacher Theking.

It’s still the same old routine, giving examples to each other. Many people in Japan firmly believe that Mr. Theking is a citizen of their country, and they keep using "White Night Walk", "Summer of the Bird" and "The Devotion of Suspect X" as examples. The UK People sneered at this. After all, the setting of "Sherlock Holmes" is the United Kingdom, not Japan. As for the United States, people from time to time join in the fun and claim that Mr. Theking is their American because of the American English translation in "Sherlock Holmes" …

Various reports from Western media!

Strong response from readers from all over the world!

Teacher Theking's "Sherlock Holmes" has reached the top of the reasoning world, and there are only a limited number of opponents left.

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