Entertainment Godfather

Chapter 701 The relationship between Holmes and Watson

That night, the Condor Shooting crew had a pleasant dinner.

In addition to the dinner party that "Jiang Hu" had successfully transformed a few days ago, this is the second dinner party that Luoyang has encountered recently.

During the filming process, everyone was more or less scolded by Luoyang or Mai Yingjie, so during the dinner everyone toasted to Luoyang and Mai Yingjie. Mai Yingjie soon couldn't hold it anymore and fell down, but Luoyang fully showed his drinking capacity. The more he fought, the braver he became, and he persisted until a long time before he lay down.

The next day, Luoyang got up in a daze when the sun was already three o'clock in the sky.

His head was a little dizzy due to the hangover. He got up and took a shower before he woke up.

I looked at the time and saw that it was already 10:20. There was no need to go to the company. I wanted to go to the crew and suddenly remembered that "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" has been completed. According to Mai Yingjie, I am afraid that it will be finished in a few months. can be broadcast.

"It's easy to feel safe when you have nothing to do!"

Luoyang stretched and felt quite comfortable.

He really didn't have anything to do now, so he simply read readers' comments on "The Sherlock Holmes" online for a while.

As the stories in "The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes" were serialized in "Jianghu", some people have set up special forums and post bars on the Internet to discuss the plot. After Luoyang entered the Sherlock Holmes forum, he saw that many readers were calling themselves Sherlock Holmes fans, and Luoyang couldn't help but feel A knowing smile.

In a previous life, people who liked "The Detectives of Sherlock Holmes" liked to call themselves Sherlock fans.

Luoyang also likes "Sherlock Holmes", but in his previous life, he was at best a pseudo-Fu fan, and he was not a passionate fan emotionally.

Really fanatical blessing fans will be called blessing scholars. This kind of xx scholar is a very interesting term. There are also scholars who specialize in "Dream of Red Mansions". These people are called blessing scholars. Of course, they only have works. Only with enough classics can something as tall as a xx scholar be derived.

The focus of everyone's discussion is the "Scandal in Bohemia" and "The Sapphire Case" that were recently published in "Jianghu".

""A Scandal in Bohemia" is very well written. In fact, many impetuous people nowadays can no longer taste the elegance and reasonableness of reasoning. Just like modern people who are accustomed to simple meals and fast food often do not know how to appreciate tea, and Holmes' reasoning can often make people calm down, fascinate and believe in its real vitality. It is not even difficult to have a sense of substitution because the background is Britain, which I am not familiar with. I must express my heartfelt gratitude to Theking... …”

In A Scandal in Bohemia, Holmes loses to a woman.

Logically speaking, this kind of plot in which the protagonist is frustrated should be very unpleasant, but the author's ability is perfectly demonstrated at this time. After everyone reads the story, not only do they not feel that Holmes is being played, but they can't help but smile knowingly - —

It turns out that there are times when you are no smarter than others?

However, this does not damage the image of Sherlock Holmes as a wise and powerful person. Instead, it brings the character closer to the readers, making Holmes a more full person.

As one of the Fu fans said: ""A Scandal in Bohemia" is different from the tense tension of the previous "Hound of the Baskervilles". This work is full of warmth and wisdom."

In addition, there are also many people discussing "The Sapphire Case". After all, in this story, Holmes did not bring the perpetrator to justice, but instead gave the perpetrator a chance to reform.

"In "The Sapphire Case", in order for James, who already knew his mistake, to change his ways, Holmes decided to conceal the truth and just returned the sapphire to its original owner. The bad guy was not punished as he should have been, but Holmes was not punished for it. Eclipsed, his kindness this time is more like an elaborate personal show, letting you feel the gentle side of his heart. Beyond the law, there is nothing more than human kindness. The cold detective also has such a kind side. It is really quite subversive. , and more desirable.”

These plot discussions are very heated.

Luoyang read more than a dozen posts in a row and still found them quite interesting.

In addition to discussing the plot, some people actually discussed the relationship between Holmes and Watson.

For example, a reader named [Long Live the Corrupt Kingdom], whose avatar should be a girl, posted:

"Everyone has emotions, desires, and people they like. However, Holmes completely ignores the gender of the women around him and treats them as objects. Does that mean that he has no interest in women? He is in all kinds of situations. Is the emotion shown toward Watson in the incident a reflection of homosexuality? You might as well read the detailed descriptions in the book. Can you clearly feel Holmes's preference for Watson? "

There are actually many people following this post and replying to it.

Like China in the previous life, the Dragon Kingdom has a corrupt culture that has become popular at some point. Especially some girls are full of yearning for love between men. In the world of Luoyang, there is even a website called Jin Shijiang. , is full of bl novels.

"I also feel that there is something fishy in it. Sherlock and Peanut are having an affair!"

"Hehe, it turns out that calling me Peanut sounds better than calling me Watson. I also think the two of them have a lot of passion."

"In the current Sherlock Holmes series, Peanut is occasionally injured. Every time he is injured, Sherlock Holmes will be very heartbroken. I feel that this feeling has surpassed that of detectives and assistants. Well, what do you think about this downstairs? "

"I lay down on the window and watched."

"This pair is already recognized as good friends in Baker Street. The poster found out too late. In addition, I don't know whether Teacher Theking really wanted to write about friendship or accidentally wrote it wrong, which made the relationship between the two so misleading. 233333 …”

Luoyang read the discussion among netizens with relish.

He is not a straight man, so he doesn't feel that his outlook on life is ruined. He just finds it interesting.

Even after a gap of time and space, readers will still have different feelings about "The Sherlock Holmes", because in previous lives, many people also seriously discussed the relationship between Holmes and Watson, and many people thought that they They are real gay friends.

Some authors even imagined and wrote a fanfic called "The Grand Wedding of Holmes and Watson".

Obviously this is a BL novel. There are countless similar BL novels, but this one is more famous. Luoyang has never read it, but he heard it introduced by a female fan before. Apart from secretly lamenting the power of fujoshi, there is nothing else. think.

In fact, it's not bl's set.

These two people are extremely special to each other.

For Holmes, Watson is the only friend in his life, and in his own words, has a certain function of promoting his genius.

For Watson, Holmes was the first person he met who was willing to give him warmth after losing everything in Afghanistan. So from this point of view, neither party regards the other as an ordinary friend, but more like family.

Well, Luoyang actually thought of Liu Qin.

If he were Sherlock Holmes, would Liu Qin be Watson?

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