Entertainment Godfather

Chapter 668 Honorary Chairman

Suddenly, Luoyang's cell phone rang again.

It seems that today is quite busy, with one person calling after another.

The call this time was from Hua Qi. After answering the phone, she told Luoyang two things, both of which Luoyang had mentioned once before when he was in Japan.

The first thing was Lin Yifeng's proposal for Luoyang to become the honorary vice-chairman of the Longguo Writers Association. The Longguo Writers' Association has deep roots. The only chairman is Lin Yifeng, and there are several vice-chairmen. The most famous one is the writer Han Ming understood.

The titles of honorary vice president and vice president may seem similar, but they are actually very different.

Because the word honor, as the name suggests, is really just an honor, like the so-called honorary doctorates in universities and companies.

They are not legal persons or persons in charge in the true sense, but have high reputation, status, and influence. In order to improve the reputation of the organization and make it look more serious to outsiders, and to make it easier to carry out work, we specially invited a distinguished person. person serves as honorary chairman.

The honorary chairman also has another meaning: it is our honor for him to be the chairman.

Generally speaking, this position is reserved for those who have contributed to the organization. Luoyang broke the martial arts pattern twice, coupled with "The Three-Body Problem"'s contribution to Dragon Kingdom science fiction, and the addition of the Nobel Prize for Literature, it was awarded The title of Honorary Chairman is justifiable.

After listening to Hua Qi's words, Luoyang said: "There is nothing wrong with the Honorary Vice Chairman."

The title of Honorary Vice Chairman was originally a win-win situation for Luoyang individuals and the Longguo Writers Association, and he would not refuse it.

The second thing was that after Lin Yifeng concurrently served as the president of the Longguo Science Fiction Association, he invited Luoyang to serve as the vice president. Luoyang shook his head and refused: "Push this for me, I still have my own company." We need management and we don’t have time to be a vice president.”

"I see."

Hua Qi just made a routine inquiry.

Of course she knew that her boss was not interested in the vice president of the science fiction association.

Who can expect a person who is too lazy to manage his own company to manage such a large science fiction association?

Lin Yifeng, who invited Luoyang to be the vice president of the Science Fiction Association, still didn't understand Luoyang's lazy side well enough.

After hanging up the phone, Luoyang continued to write "The Speckled Belt". As a short story, this novel was not much different in length from "The Red-Haired Club". He planned to finish it in a few days, but of course he copied the original text. No way.

In this "Spotted Belt", although it was a classic in the previous life...

However, many reasoning readers believe that there are some unexplained loopholes.

For example, after Miss Julia Stoner died, why didn't the autopsy examiner find out that she was actually bitten by a snake?

As a modern person, it is normal to raise such doubts. After all, many people do not know the fact that at the beginning of the 19th century, very few people in the UK knew about snakes because there were no snakes in the UK at that time. .

Not to mention venomous snakes like the swamp adder.

Isn’t it normal for an autopsy examiner who has never seen a snake in his life to be unable to detect snake venom?

In this way, it should not be difficult for us to understand why Miss Julia Stoner called the moor viper that bit her a "spotted band", because she had no idea that the thing slowly crawling in the dark was What the hell.

So this loophole is not actually a loophole in the true sense.

Compared with this point, another loophole caused more controversy.

That's why many people say that snakes have no hearing, so why would they attack people in the room under the control of their owner's whistle?

Because Indians have a tradition of using flutes to train snakes, many people think that snakes have hearing. But in fact, Indian flutes are attached to the mouths of bamboo baskets and jars. The vibration of the flute will make the snake stand up. If Without the contact between the flute and the jar, the snake would not be able to hear the sound.

Therefore, snakes have no hearing, and it seems nonsense that the killer’s whistle controlled the snake in this case.

This is a real loophole. Of course Luoyang will not copy it stupidly. He will definitely make changes. It just so happened that the former Soviet Union added Roylott's meaning of knocking on the wall in "The Case of the Spotted Belt" filmed in 1979. Come direct the plot of Snake.

This plot makes the story a lot smoother.

Moreover, at the end of the film, the theory "It has been verified that snakes cannot hear sounds" is introduced through Watson's mouth, which makes up for Sir Doyle's shortcomings. In this way, the biggest loophole in this article is equivalent to being discovered in advance. Luoyang strangled.

As for the remaining loopholes, such as the plot of the snake drinking milk, Luoyang also downplayed it.

Although he read Indian novels in the past, there is indeed a method of using milk to guide snakes to crawl, because snakes are very greedy for the taste of milk and will crawl towards the milk on their own, but in the eyes of most people, snakes do not drink milk, so Luoyang avoids this bug.

Mystery novels will inevitably have various bugs.

In fact, if you really want to look for loopholes, whether it is "White Night Journey", "The Devotion of Suspect understood.

Because detective novels themselves are idealized displays of crime.

Many times, if you just read the text, you may think there are no loopholes, but in reality, it is not very feasible. For example, in the most classic secret room murder plot, using a line to lock the door of the secret room, the probability of success in reality will be very small. .

So does "impossible crime" really exist in reality? The answer is no.

The so-called impossible crime only exists in non-realistic romantic novels, and many conspiracies do not conform to the basic human thinking style.

Mr. Tang Nuo, a famous Taiwanese writer, has a saying: Detective novels are a paradox. The murderer needs to be smart enough to devise a trick that no one can break, but stupid enough to only solve the problem by killing people. This is impossible in itself.

The fun of watching reasoning lies in the initial shock of thinking and the pleasure of first deciphering.

It's like watching a magic show. Some people come with the mentality of watching a show and cheer for the wonderful magic. Some people come to decipher the magic scam, which will make them lose a lot of the magic itself. Bring fun.

Luoyang solved the biggest loophole in "Spotted Belt" and did not continue to significantly change the plot.

And when I wrote it at 11 o'clock in the evening, the plot was only halfway through. Luoyang was already feeling sleepy. After getting up and yawning heavily, he walked into the bathroom to take a shower, and then climbed into bed to sleep.

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