Entertainment Godfather

Chapter 530 A masterpiece of 20,000 words (Part 1)

"There are so many people, and most of these people come to the bookstore to buy "Science Fiction World"."

Thinking in his mind, Ning Yuan also held the latest issue of "Science Fiction World" in his hand and shuttled among the crowds of people in the bookstore.

"It seems that everyone is paying attention to who wins between Luoyang and Bai Yi. What is certain at present is that the loser will definitely lose face because this matter has attracted the attention of countless people across the country."

Ning Yuan's identity is as a special commentator for Longguo Phoenix Network.

In the Luoyang Baiyi incident, ifeng.com has always played a very active role and always released first-hand information on the matter. For this reason, ifeng.com's recent traffic has also increased dramatically.

This gave Phoenix.com a taste of the sweetness.

So as soon as "Science Fiction World" was released, they sent special commentator Ning Yuan to follow up.

As a special commentator, Ning Yuan owns his own review column on Phoenix.com. The column is very poetically named "Yueying Book Review" - "Yueying Book Review" is quite famous on Phoenix.com.

Ning Yuan's writing style is excellent, and every review is fair.

Therefore, a large number of people are loyal fans of "Moon Shadow Book Review".

Even when some readers are struggling with what new books to buy, they will give priority to the evaluation of current popular books in "Moon Shadow Book Review".

The task assigned to Ning Yuan by Ifeng.com was to review "Country Teacher" and "Flower God". In fact, even if Ifeng.com did not assign it, Ning Yuan would take the initiative to buy "Science Fiction Magazine" and read these two works——

After all, the news has been making waves for so many days. Who wouldn’t be curious about which of the two works is better?

Back home, Ning Yuan's eyes fell on the cover of "Science Fiction World" - the composition of the cover of "Science Fiction World" is symmetrical. On the left is a red flame background with the word "Flower God" written on it, and on the right is a blue mountain background. , the four characters rural teacher are engraved on it.

As the double flagship work of this issue of "Science Fiction World", the intention of the two books to compete has already been revealed.

Ning Yuan opened the magazine and the first story he saw was "Flower God" by Bai Yi. This "Flower God" tells about the future world, where industrial civilization continues to develop, science and technology advance rapidly, but the composition of society becomes more and more monotonous. .

Animals are extinct, and even cockroaches, which are said to be the most tenacious, no longer exist.

Animals became extinct, plants naturally suffered the same thing, and humans abandoned nature in the glory of technology.

But soon humans discovered that going against nature would not work. Without the existence of animals and plants, even human technology encountered bottlenecks. And just when everyone was desperate, a genuine flower appeared...

"The writing is sophisticated, the description of the characters is particularly good, and the moral is great, but it is full of bugs and the story lacks a twist."

After reading it, Ning Yuan calmly made a comment. As a special reviewer of "Moon Film Review", Ning Yuan undoubtedly has a professional vision: "If the highest recommendation is five stars, this work deserves a four-star recommendation."

This is a relatively good evaluation, especially today when science fiction is declining.

"Let's watch "Country Teacher" next. You threaten to get the Science Fiction Award resounding in Luoyang, and you say such arrogant words. I'm very curious about the quality of your work. If it's not good, I won't be merciful."

Ning Yuan is a man of integrity and does not hesitate to praise good works.

But for those works with poor performance, Ning Yuan is definitely very venomous.

After drinking a glass of water, Ning Yuan opened "Country Teacher" - the title showed 20,000 words. It seemed that "Country Teacher" was one of the relatively long short science fiction stories in China.

[He knew that this last lesson would have to be taught in advance.

Another sharp pain shot through his liver, almost causing him to faint.

He had no strength to get out of bed, so he moved to the window next to the bed with difficulty.

The moonlight reflects on the window paper, making the small window look like a door to another world. Everything in that world must be silver, as if made of silver and ice-free snow. The finished box scene...]

After reading the beginning of "Country Teacher", Ning Yuan said softly that the writing was good.

After saying that, I continued reading. The key to whether a science fiction novel is good or not lies in the writing style.

After watching it for a while, Ning Yuan probably understood the main plot of the early stage. A hard-working rural teacher was about to die. The students had begun to burn paper to pray for him, while the sick teacher was still recalling the past.

To be honest, Ning Yuan was not interested in this beginning.

"Although the writing is good in the early stage, it is too slow to enter the theme, and the plot is as full of rural documentary flavor as the title of the book. If Luoyang only has this level, then Bai Yi will definitely win."

He thought so in his heart, but his status as a commentator allowed him to maintain basic patience.

Because Ning Yuan knows deeply that if you want to evaluate a work, you must first read it to be qualified.

As the reading continues, the story finally begins to enter the theme of science fiction: [Fifty thousand light-years away from the earth, in the center of the Milky Way, an interstellar war that has lasted for thousands of years is coming to an end. 】

"Five thousand words start to enter the science fiction theme, and the pace is acceptable compared to the total word count."

At this point in the plot, it finally reached the plot that a science fiction novel should have. Ning Yuan's slightly frowned brows relaxed.

Flipping through the magazine, Ning Yuan continued to read, and when he saw it, the plot that followed attracted him firmly.

Describing the battle in the carbon-based and silicon-based universe, the work shows the power of grandeur and generous description. Thousands of supernovae detonated in one war, and various chaotic space-time structures are incomparably consistent with physical knowledge.

"What a solid ability to describe science fiction wars..."

Ning Yuan's eyes gradually became fiery, and he became excited.

In the story, humans are a type of carbon-based creature, but they are not qualified to participate in the interstellar war of the Carbon-based Alliance.

Now that the crisis has come quietly, the supreme governor of the Carbon-based Alliance, under the command of the parliament, began to conduct civilization tests on the stars in the isolation zone.

The low-level life around the star in the isolation zone must be sacrificed to prevent the silicon-based empire from using the star to perform interstellar jumps when it revives - so what kind of civilization is a low-level civilization?

That is lower than the 3C standard.

The earth is within the isolation zone set up by the Carbon-Based Alliance.

If the civilization test fails, then all living things on the earth will be destroyed together!

Seeing this, Ning Yuan's heart started to beat. Since storytelling became a job, he has not encountered a work that can make him suspense for a long time: "Can the earth pass the evaluation?"

Or to put it another way, in what way will the earth pass the evaluation?

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