Entertainment Godfather

Chapter 527: The Wind of the Madman (Additional update on Hua’s seventh birthday)

"Awesome, my brother!"

"Wow, wow, wow, is this domineering CEO style really me, Luo University?"

"The most handsome thing is that Luo Da said calmly, this year, I rewrote the martial arts landscape!"

"I almost got wet when Luo Da talked about his series of achievements in the martial arts field!"

"I have to admit that I have learned a new trick to show off. Thank you to Luo University. This is 103 points, more encouragement, more appreciation, and more love for Luo University! "

"Brother upstairs, this way of showing off is not difficult to learn, but the prerequisite is that you have a resume of the level of Luo University - Luo University became a martial arts master at the age of nineteen, and achieved the status of martial arts emperor at the age of twenty. , you should still be deliberately chasing girls in college when you are twenty, right?"

Luoyang in the video shows a completely different side than before.

He was as gentle as jade and as humble as a young man. At this moment, Luoyang had become a madman in the literary world. He was young and frivolous but also very passionate.

Making bold statements in vain is not called domineering, but rather second-rate. Luoyang is different. Every word he says is backed up by his fruitful resume, which makes people unconvincing!

"I changed the martial arts landscape of the Dragon Kingdom."

This is a fact.

"The first-day sales of "The Journey" broke records."

This is also true.

"I was 20 years old and won the Dragon Kingdom Era Classic Martial Arts Grandmaster Award."

This is still true!

You can call him arrogant, but you can't call him bragging!

Those who don’t like Luoyang, after reading this interview, obviously have a lot to say, but they suddenly don’t know how to say it——

Yes, he is crazy, arrogant, and arrogant, but can you still say that he is talking nonsense?

Every word he says can be found on Qiandu Encyclopedia, and every achievement he achieves is talked about by fans.

So as soon as this video came out, the discussion it triggered completely went beyond the conflict between Luoyang and Bai Yi!

Luoyang's wild words in the interview naturally caused a sensation in the literary world, especially in the field of science fiction, where various writers made endless statements.

The most eye-catching among them is Wei Long.

Wei Long is a powerful figure in the field of science fiction. The biggest reason is that he holds the title of president of the Dragon Kingdom Science Fiction Association. For a long time, he was even the spokesperson of Dragon Kingdom science fiction.

"Seeing that everyone is talking about things in Luoyang, and many people ask me what I think, I will just say a few words."

Wei Long would not let go of this opportunity to attack Luoyang, but with his status, it would definitely not work if he attacked Luoyang directly.

Fortunately, he has special skills in trolling people, so he made the following remarks:

"First of all, the resume that Luoyang showed in the interview is very admirable. Luoyang is indeed a rare young scholar. But what I want to say is - martial arts is not science fiction. It does not mean that you can conquer martial arts back then. , you can conquer science fiction today!”

"Secondly, Luoyang is indeed a newcomer in the field of science fiction, and I find that Luoyang's current thinking is a bit dangerous. His achievements in martial arts have made him a little arrogant. He actually said that Bai Yi became famous because of his role as the screenwriter of "Future Storm"? Take a good look. Look, Bai Yi has released two full-length science fiction films and one medium-length science fiction film before "Future Storm", which are highly praised by the industry, so please pay attention to your words and deeds and know how to respect others. "

This is Wei Long's special skill, which is to first occupy the moral high ground!

This is a very important point in the fight. No matter what, you must first put a moral mark on your head.

Wei Long is the president of the Dragon Kingdom Science Fiction Association. It can be said that all science fiction writers named in the Dragon Kingdom have some friendship with him, so Wei Long's voice was like a signal, and soon attracted the support of countless science fiction writers.

"You have to have some control even when you are young and frivolous."

"Science fiction is not martial arts. Fighting and killing can solve problems."

"Taking the achievements of martial arts as an issue will only show your lack of confidence in science fiction."

Everyone has a circle, and science fiction writers are no exception. They have their own circle. This circle is centered on Wei Long, and it really radiates to a lot of people. Some very famous science fiction writers have spoken out, and they support them both internally and externally. Wei Long.

However, no one is the only one in any circle.

Shortly after Wei Long spoke out, Lin Yifeng also stood up.

The chairman of the Longguo Writers Association is more prominent than Wei Long, and his remarks are obviously towards Luoyang.

"I appreciate Luoyang's curiosity very much, just as I appreciate his writing of "One Day Prisoner" and "The Heartbreaker". The science fiction community of Longguo needs such an energetic author, Luoyang said, he will let Longguo know the truth amidst doubts. The Science Fiction Award resounds in his name. This sentence is also what I wanted to say when I was young. However, I was cautious about my words and deeds at that time and did not dare to be arrogant. It is a regret to this day. So when I heard Luoyang’s loud declaration, I suddenly felt The hope of Dragon Kingdom science fiction lies in this!”

The relationship between Lin Yifeng and Wei Long is very bad, but it has not been brought to the table before.

After all, the identities of the two of them are not ordinary, and the impact of being separated would be too bad, so the two just keep away from each other in private. After all, they have different paths and cannot conspire against each other.

But with Lin Yifeng launching the "Galaxy Award", it is obvious that he is trying to destroy the "Dragon Science Fiction Award". The conflict between the two has been brought to the surface, and there is no problem in speaking against each other.

In the Dragon Kingdom science fiction world, there was also a group of people who supported Lin Yifeng, so Lin Yifeng fired another shot in the science fiction world.

After Lin Yifeng's speech, a group of science fiction writers also stood up to express support, and Wu Qin was the first to bear the brunt.

"If I were young, maybe I would also fall in love with Luoyang. I was not born before you were born, but you are already old after you were born!"

This is not the first time Wu Qin has expressed her appreciation for Luoyang. She likes Luoyang's science fiction novels very much, and she also likes Luoyang very much. He is handsome and young, confident and flamboyant, but also has a strong charm. Such a young man is very popular. rare.

In addition, among the science fiction writers who support Luoyang, there are many who have been famous for a long time.

"This kind of self-confidence is quite like a literary fanatic. I like young people like this and welcome such people to join science fiction!"

"It's good, very good, to make Luoyang's name resound in the science fiction world. Now that you have taken the first step, I look forward to the second step you take."

Chaos, complete chaos.

No one expected that this interview in Luoyang would split the entire science fiction world into two distinct camps!

One camp is the conservatives headed by Wei Long. They insist that Luoyang's arrogance is a corruption of morale. The other camp is headed by Lin Yifeng. They all believe that Luoyang's self-confidence is worthy of appreciation and has the style of a true madman!

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