Entertainment Godfather

Chapter 504 Fighting each other (thank you Huhu Piaohong)

"It's time to get excited."

In the editor group of China.com, Xiang Tao, who had been peeping at the screen, suddenly muttered to himself.

The next day, the news that Huaxia.com’s traffic reached the top spread throughout the Internet literary world immediately.

Everyone in the online literary world is praising that many authors who went to the Fantasy Book Alliance to open books even chose Eunuch and switched to the arms of China.com.

As for the ten Internet literary masters and two website editors who betrayed Huaxia.com, they felt bitter in their hearts. They were riding a tiger and couldn't get off, but they also felt extremely regretful.

And at 12 o'clock in the evening, a news that was even more shocking than Huaxia.com's ranking first in the industry came out - the 24-hour subscription results of the five works released in Luoyang at the same time broke the records of the category!

Fantasy text "Fight to Break the Sky": Subscribe 4006892.

Game article "Full-time Master": Subscribe 1290765.

Xianxiawen "The Story of Mortals Cultivating Immortality": Subscribe 2584467.

Urban article "The School Beauty's Personal Expert": 1,963,700 subscriptions.

Historical article "Returning to the Ming Dynasty to Become a Prince": Subscribe 1186999.

When the results of the five books on the shelves were exposed, the entire online literary world looked up to the man in white. The Fantasy Book Alliance, which had previously wanted to make a comeback, felt a sense of powerlessness in its heart - how could it still be possible when facing such a monster opponent? how to spell?

When "Cang Long" was first ordered at 3.5 million in 24 hours, many people thought that this would be the highest record for an online novel.

But Baiyi Qingcheng used "Fight to Break the Sphere" to tell everyone that records are meant to be broken, and the person who can break the record can only be himself - in the online writing industry, he is completely invincible and stands alone. peak.

"The Alliance of Gods has been beaten to the point of avalanche, who else can stand up to the fight?"

"How lonely it is to be invincible. For the Internet literary world, he is unprecedented and unprecedented."

"Before, some people argued that it would be useless to face the Alliance of Gods with two more allures in white. Now it seems that this argument is nothing more than a joke."

"For the Internet literary world, there is no difficulty that Qingcheng in White cannot solve. Anyway, just open a new book. If one new book doesn't work, then five books will be enough."

"This kind of simple and crude response method, let alone Fantasy Book Alliance, would be confusing to anyone else. In addition, if anyone pays attention to the situation of Bai Da entity's martial arts, they will find that in order to crush the doubts from the outside world, Luoyang has launched martial arts five times. "

Countless online forums are praising the glorious achievements of Allure in White.

Users of Longkong Forum regard Luoyang as an existence that can never be surpassed.

In fact, is Allure in White really invincible?

The answer is of course no - on the Huaxia.com monthly ticket list, a bloody battle is going on. "Fights Break the Sphere", which has been gaining momentum since its release, is competing crazily with the increasingly popular "Mortal Cultivation of Immortality"!

Yes, if Baiyi Qingcheng has any opponent in the Internet literary world, it is herself.

Because they have always been the boss, "Fights Break the Sphere" is proud of it. This can be seen from the fact that they have firmly occupied the first place in the monthly ticket sales of Huaxia.com after it was released. I thought they would easily win the first place in the monthly tickets this month, but Fans of "Mortal Cultivation of Immortality" are very enthusiastic!

Their enthusiastic voting has caused the monthly votes of "Mortal Cultivation of Immortality" to increase day by day, and is about to surpass "Fights Break the Sphere".

Now the readers of "Fights Break the Sphere" are not happy. Although everyone barely belongs to the same family, the eldest brother is the eldest brother. Wouldn't it be embarrassing if his achievements were surpassed by the second brother?

As a result, the readers of "Fights Break the Sphere" also began to vote for the monthly tickets crazily, and the monthly vote list completely turned into a battlefield between "Fights Break the Sphere" and "Mortal Cultivation of Immortality". When he noticed this, Luoyang was also shocked -

Fans of these two books have always had a hard time getting along.

Readers who like "The Story of Mortals Cultivating Immortality" always think "Fights Break the Sphere" is too naive.

People who like "Fights Break the Sphere" dislike "The Story of Mortal Cultivation of Immortality" because it is too slow and boring to read.

The opposition between the two is what makes the two sides compete so fiercely in the monthly ticket rankings. Although the results of "Break the Sphere" are better, the online article does not have the best performance to guarantee the first place in the monthly ticket. This thing is also related to the fans to a certain extent. Viscosity problem.

When the battle between the two books became inextricable, Xiang Tao sent a message to Luoyang: "Boss, you are dead!"

Luoyang replied with a question mark, and Xiang Tao soon sent over the screenshots of the monthly battle between "Fights to Break the Sphere" and "Mortals' Cultivation of Immortals". From the screenshots, it can be seen that "Fights to Poss" is still the first, but "Mortals" only Just over 2,000 votes are needed to achieve a big bang.

"You have to play at your own pace."

"To be precise, this is called left-right fighting."

"What's going on? What is fighting between left and right?"

"It's nothing, I will explain it in my future martial arts novels."

Before Luoyang wrote "The Legend of the Condor Heroes", Xiang Tao would naturally not know about Zhou Botong's "fighting between left and right" plot. Luoyang had no interest in explaining it and just sent a message: "Actually, it is boring to fight between two books. ”

"That's right!" Xiang Tao agreed.

But soon, he realized that he had misunderstood what Luoyang meant.

Because less than five minutes after the chat between the two ended, the alluring "Full-time Master" in white clothes suddenly released ten chapters of updates in a row, and after the outbreak ended, he also posted a concise single chapter. The single chapter only had three words: "Please vote!"

In terms of fan loyalty alone, "The Master" is absolutely comparable to Dou Po and Mortal.

Moreover, Luoyang exploded so much in one breath, which undoubtedly made readers happy - as the plot progressed, the plots of "The Master" that aroused widespread discussion in the previous life also surfaced one by one, and monthly tickets began to skyrocket in the blink of an eye!

Of course, this also caused dissatisfaction among readers of the two books "Dou Po" and "Mortal".

They all went to the book review area of ​​"The Master" to question Baiyi Qingcheng: "Bai is biased, why is it only for "The Master"? "Fights Break the Sphere" (Mortal Cultivation of Immortality) is in a critical period of competing for monthly tickets, we are the ones who What needs to break out the most.”

As the only work that made Luoyang ask for monthly tickets, the fighting spirit of fans of "The Master" is clearly visible!

They chose to use the classic lines of the sword master Huang Shaotian in "The Master" to reply to Dou Po and Mortal Fans: "PKPKPKPKPK!"

"So it's not fun to fight with two books, but it's interesting to fight with three books?" Xiang Tao also said quietly on the pp after watching the explosion of "Full-time Master".

He had reason to wonder if his boss was crazy. This kind of drama between himself and himself was not only very strange in style, but also filled with honey and passion.

All in all, on November 5th, China.com’s battle in the monthly voting list evolved from the confrontation between the two countries to the confrontation of the three kingdoms, and the fourth-ranked "School Beauty's Personal Expert" and the fifth-ranked "Return to the Ming Dynasty to Be a Prince" ”, while watching the show with a smile.

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