Entertainment Godfather

Chapter 425 The Sad One (5)

[The market in the morning was the busiest time. I watched Xia Qunfang walking through the crowd of supporters - her back was very bloated. I couldn't see clearly what vegetables she bought from a distance of two or three meters, but I could hear her bargaining with the vendors clearly...]

Wei Long read manuscripts very quickly.

But every plot in the manuscript formed a picture in his mind.

A ubiquitous me and the hero's mother Xia Qunfang are the main subjects of the first act.

And Wei Yuanji was also craning his head and neck to read "The Heartbreaker" in Wei Long's hands. The irony was that he had thrown this manuscript directly into the wastebasket before, but now he had to read it seriously. work.

[He Xi raised his head and looked in the direction where I was standing. I was stunned for a moment, and immediately realized that he was looking at Xia Qunfang's back. The two girls sitting by the window started talking about who the person who had been looking at them outside for a long time was, and He Xi glared at them angrily. He had actually known for a long time that his mother was standing outside the window watching him. In his memory, his mother would go to the school library to watch him and read almost every Sunday morning. He Xi knew that the reason why her mother chose this day to come was purely due to her habit in previous years. In fact, every day of her mother's visit could be said to be a holiday because she was laid off. 】

The hero of the plot comes out in the second paragraph.

But at this time, Wei Long still didn't understand what Luoyang's story wanted to express.

He was vaguely relieved. At least it wasn't amazing at the beginning, but the fact that I was everywhere in the story made Wei Long feel that it had some extraordinary significance.

Continuing to read, the general outline of the plot finally came out. It turns out that the male protagonist He Xi is a mathematical genius who created the "microcontinuity theory", but this microcontinuity theory was not favored by the instructor.

The reason is very simple, that is, although the microcontinuum theory is very powerful...

But this theory is of no use to modern science. In other words, it is a useless theory.

The male protagonist spent countless efforts to prove this theory, but this theory cannot be applied to any modern scientific creation, and it is the most useless theory.

[Xia Qunfang wiped her sweat and looked back from time to time at the dozens of bundles of books packed behind the car. Each book was thicker than a brick, and each volume was divided into three volumes. The solidity filled her with awe. This reminded Xia Qunfang of the feeling she had when facing the textbook when she was enlightened more than 40 years ago. At that time, her little heart was filled with respect for the person who wrote the textbook. Think about it, so many people are reading the same book, and teachers use it to grade exam papers. The book is the standard and the most amazing thing in the world, and the person who wrote the book is of course even more amazing. And now these The books were all written by her son. 】

When he saw this, Wei Long's face became serious.

He seemed to have a vague idea of ​​Luoyang's intention, but Wei Yuanji beside him laughed happily: "I said this guy can't write science fiction novels, what kind of science fiction is this..."

"Shut up!"

Wei Long shouted coldly.

Wei Yuanji's laughter stopped suddenly, and he didn't understand why his second uncle scolded him.

Wei Long glared at him and continued to read "The Heartbreaker". When Wei Yuanji saw his second uncle continuing to read, he suppressed his inner thoughts and continued reading.

The male protagonist He Xi finally proved the microcontinuum theory, but this theory was not favored by anyone. Everyone thought that He Xi had fallen into this useless mathematical theory.

He Xi took away his mother's decades of savings.

Then, he published "Microcontinuum Theory" as a book.

At this time, the girlfriend of the male protagonist He Xi also left He Xi.

The only one who is still willing to believe in He Xi is Xia Qunfang, the uneducated mother who is proud of her son.

Wei Yuanji stopped talking at this moment. The story still didn't feel like science fiction, but the plot still showed a very high level all the way to this point.

It wasn't until the protagonist He Xi went crazy and was admitted to a mental hospital, with only his mother by his side, that the story of "The Heartbreaker" came to its finale.

[My name is He Hongwei. I haven’t seen a single guest for two days in a row, even though the outside world’s attention to this epoch-making event has reached fever pitch. I have been writing a piece of material for the past two days and now I have finished it. In fact, I just wrote down a few people's names in the past two days, along with brief descriptions. But every time I wrote a word, a long sigh rolled through my heart, and when I wrote the last person's name, I could hardly hold my pen. Then I stood on the podium of the Nobel Prize in Physics with this information, which was less than half a page. No matter how you evaluate my award-winning project, it cannot be overestimated, because the laboratory led by me and I won the award for the Grand Unified Field Equation. This is mankind's greatest dream and, in a sense, the ultimate in human understanding. 】

When he saw this, Wei Long had already closed his eyes slightly.

Wei Yuanji, on the other hand, looked pale and stared at the ending of the story, speechless.

This ending is so shocking. It not only reflects the soft science fiction core of the story, but also gives readers a small release from their suppressed mood——

The protagonist He Xi published a theory that was unacceptable in his own time. It was not until hundreds of years later that everyone discovered what a great mathematical theory He Xi published hundreds of years ago!

The protagonist He Xi is a sad person.

To be precise, a loner.

It is precisely because of the existence of the protagonist that the civilization of the world can be promoted.

In the story, I, who had always puzzled Wei Long, finally revealed his final identity.

It turned out that he was a lucky man who conquered the world's scientific research with He Xi's theory and won the Nobel Prize hundreds of years later. He Hongwei - with a feeling of reverence, he went back to the past and reviewed it from the perspective of a bystander. He Xi's sad and great life.

"Wei Yuanji, you killed a science fiction work that can be recorded in history."

Wei Long stood up, with a hint of helplessness and anger in his voice. He never thought that a martial arts novelist would actually write a classic science fiction novel that shocked him.

At the end of the novel, He Xi, who has been judged to be in a vegetative state, calls out to her mother vaguely but clearly.

The two main threads running through the entire text, technological thought that transcends the times and maternal love, have been completely sublimated, and therefore have a touch of greatness.

(I finished reading the two chapters I owed yesterday. You can also read The Sad One. The story is not long and very touching.)

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