Entertainment Godfather

Chapter 416 The ideal type of female guest

Contrary to Luoyang's expectations, he thought he would just stand on the stage and be a totem. After all, he was not a real star, but he did not expect that he would become an important part of the show.

In fact, this is also due to popularity. Luoyang's popularity is no less than that of any celebrity!

Under such circumstances, the program team must hold on to Luoyang's thighs - it can not only improve the program team's qualifications, but also not lose the program's gimmicks and ratings.

After a while, the host turned to the directors of the two dramas, but the interaction between the director and the host was obviously less. They were really totems, and they could just stand on the stage.

After the director comes the starring role. The host asked the leading actors of the two dramas many questions.

The question Tang Feng faced the most was what he had done in the years when he was not in front of the screen. Unfortunately, Tang Feng did not cooperate. He did not say how hard he worked to practice his acting skills, but only answered in two words.

Life—life during the years he disappeared.

The audience in the audience showed expressions that seemed to understand, but Luoyang couldn't help but smile.

He likes Tang Feng more and more. He is a pure actor, because at this moment, if it were an ordinary male star, he would probably be ruthless and sensational, saying how hard he has worked over the years to be where he is today. Counterattack.

By the way, it can also trick the audience into tears, what a great trick.

It's a pity that Tang Feng is destined to ignore these routines. He doesn't like others always holding on to his past affairs.

The host Taozi did not understand Tang Feng's intention, or she pretended not to know. She wanted to continue to dig out the news: "Tang Feng, you said you have been living in these years, can you be more specific?"

Tang Feng looked a little helpless: "A hard-working life may not be so satisfying."

At this time, Tang Feng's expression was already vaguely unhappy, but the host seemed to have caught the breaking point of the news: "Tang Feng, do you mean that you will be discriminated against during that time?"

"Sorry, I don't want to say this." Tang Feng exhaled and shook his head.

His psychological quality is very strong now, but the painful experiences of those years would not make anyone feel comfortable, and even some people with slightly poor psychological quality may become psychologically distorted.

The host smiled coquettishly, knowing that he had touched the guest's sore spot.

She said a little apologetically: "I'm sorry to mention this. Everything is fine now. I have a niece who really likes your performance in "Nirvana in Fire". She is your little fan!"

Fortunately, the host's IQ has returned and he knows how to remedy the situation.

Tang Feng also adjusted his mood and said, "Thank you for her love for me. I will work harder."

Next, the host asked some questions about other actors of "Nirvana in Fire". Finally, the host asked everyone in the "Nirvana in Fire" crew to use one sentence to describe "Nirvana in Fire" in their own eyes.

Before and after, everyone said the same thing.

It's nothing more than the rebirth of the phoenix and the return of the king.

When he arrived in Luoyang, Luoyang said with a smile: "In the book, Mei Changsu ends up living in seclusion in the mountains and forests, because for Mei Changsu, life is not only about the mediocre life in front of you, but also poetry and distant fields."

When he said this, Luoyang looked at Tang Feng.

Everyone else in the field was stunned. Life is not only about the things in front of you, but also poetry and the fields in the distance. As soon as this sentence was poured into your ears, it seemed to have a magical power that could make people sweep away the distractions of life. Comes angry.

Tang Feng was the first to react. He realized that Luoyang was on demand for him.

Yes, the past is past and life will go on. Why on the surface do I not care about the past, but on the inside I am still so persistent?

He bowed and said with red eyes: "Thank you, Teacher Luo. Life is not just about the things in front of you, but also poetry and the fields in the distance. I will definitely keep these words in my heart and never forget them!"

There was warm applause from the audience.

The audience was shocked by Luoyang's words.

In the dark, it seems that there is a power of enlightenment.

The host praised: "What a saying that life is not only about the present, but also about poetry and distant fields. Teacher Luo, this is the real way to express your words. Tao Zi expresses his admiration!"

Luoyang smiled, he didn't mean to show off.

But I really want to remind Tang Feng not to be too obsessed with the past.

But after saying these words, he clearly felt that the eyes of the female stars behind him were looking at him even more intensely.


This is not Luoyang's illusion.

Because at the end of the show, there is a mini game.

The name of this game is [The Ideal Type in the Heart of the Goddess]!

As the name suggests, it is a popular part where female guests choose their favorite male guests.

Among the male guests at the scene, Tang Feng was still very handsome and charming. Although Huang Shunyu is called a walking emoticon, he is still an idol star and relies on his face to make a living. Even Pan Wei has a very masculine appearance. .

As for the directors of the two TV series, they definitely don’t participate in this kind of game.

The male guests turned around, closed their eyes, and the female guests walked behind the male guests on their own initiative.

When the host announced that he could turn around, Luoyang was dumbfounded - because when he turned around, he found that there were already five female guests standing behind him, including the host Tao Zi.

The camera gave a close-up of Luoyang's confused expression.

Luoyang did not expect that he was the ideal type of so many female guests.

Including the host, there were a total of eight girls present, five behind him, two behind Tang Feng, and one behind Pan Wei.

The most embarrassing thing is Huang Shunyu - he obviously has a very handsome face, but when he turned around, he found that his field of vision was extremely empty, and there were no female guests...

It really feels like a dog.

Huang Shunyu was on the verge of tears and had to smile firmly in front of the camera. He was an idol, but he was completely blown away by the other male guests in the part about the female guest's ideal type.

Being completely exploded is not the worst part.

For him, the most cruel thing was that there were five female guests behind Luoyang, and even the female supporters turned into crazy fans and stood behind him to cheer, while Luoyang looked a little unhappy.

At this moment, he wanted to find a hole in the ground and crawl into it.

It's so embarrassing that not even a single female guest likes me.

Although Huang Shunyu was embarrassed, the audience still burst into laughter the moment the male guests turned around.

I don't know whether he was laughing at Huang Shunyu for not being able to win the hearts of any of the female guests, or laughing at Luoyang's confused expression when he turned around and found a sea of ​​people behind him. In short, Huang Shunyu's heart was full of holes at this moment...

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