Entertainment Godfather

Chapter 331 Green Shirt and Sword

The lanterns are on, and night falls quietly.

The lights are still on in Luoyang's study. For night owls, the excitement has just begun.

After selecting Luzhou Monster's "The Young Master" and the parting rendering of "Liu Li Yue" as the two substitute works released in the seventh issue of "Traveling Rivers and Lakes", Luoyang's attention shifted to another thing.

That is, publish "Life is Long, Hate Water is Long East" on Weibo.

It's almost time now. After all, the Spring Festival has passed. On the eighth day of the Lunar New Year, the rhythm of people's lives has returned to normal.

Speaking of which, the idea for this book came up a few months ago. After all, there are many stories worth exploring about each mythical character.

According to Luoyang's idea, in addition to Yang Jian, he also wanted to write more mythological stories, and this would create a quite subversive effect.

And along the way, this book "Life and Hate Water and East" has also consumed a lot of Luoyang's time and energy. Now it is finally completed. It only needs to be serialized quietly in Weibo, and it is enough to save the manuscript. .

However, when I was just preparing to release "Life is Long, Hate Water is Long East"...

Suddenly an idea flashed through Luoyang's mind, and Luoyang was stunned.

His fingers began to hang over the keyboard unconsciously, and his expression was vaguely weird.

He remembered one thing, that is... the historical background of "Life is Long and Hate Water is Long East" has a certain overlap with "Buddha is the Tao".

This overlap is not the point of the matter. The point is that the settings of the two books and the respective status of the gods are in fundamental conflict!

In "Buddha Is the Tao", the prehistoric system is clearly established, but in the book "Life Grows and Hates Water Changdong" to be released in Luoyang, the prehistoric system looks completely different.

In addition, there is a setting that cannot be changed in "Life is Long and Hate Water is Long East".

That is the setting about the Jade Emperor and the Queen Mother themselves being emotionless spirit beings.

Because they follow the background of "Lotus Lantern", these things are more biased towards "Journey to the West", which is obviously contrary to the setting of "Buddha is the Tao", which put Luoyang into an embarrassing situation for a while.

In the case of conflicting settings——

If I publish "Life is Long and Hate Water is Long East"...

That is tantamount to him denying the prehistoric system he set up in "Buddha is the Tao".

It's like Jin Yong wrote that Yang Kang was a bad guy in one book, and then suddenly portrayed Yang Kang as a good guy in another book. If he did this, he would be a slap in the face.

"You cannot use the ID of Baiyi Qingcheng to release "Life Is Ever Hateful"..."

He definitely wouldn't do anything to slap himself in the face, so after figuring this out, Luoyang immediately started shaking his head.

Of course, in fact, it would not be a big deal if the ID of Baiyi Qingcheng was used to release "Life is Long and Hate Water is Long East". At most, it would cause some controversy and doubts.

After all, the settings of the two books are so inconsistent that they cannot be played like this even if the plot requires it.

Moreover, Luoyang also felt that there was no need to worry. He had other ideas. A smile suddenly appeared on his lips, and he already had an idea in his mind: "Then just create a small account. Even everyone is not immune to some vulgarities. How can you not be a writer?" Wear more vests.”

That's right, just open a trumpet and wear a vest.

In his previous life, Luoyang also wore a vest and wrote books.

Generally, when a writer puts on a vest and publishes a book, it is usually in a playful nature.

This is a very normal thing among writers. Whoever comes out to fool around has few vests.

Sometimes when I'm looking for a book to read on a website, I suddenly come across a newcomer who has written a new book, but his writing style is very sophisticated. So you don't have to think too much. This so-called newcomer is probably an old author wearing a vest.

Moreover, if you write "Life is Long and Hate Water is Long East" with the ID of Baiyi Qingcheng, it is really possible for readers to send razors and break windows.

After all, this book is too cruel, and the second brother really dies in the end, and his soul is gone, and he will never be reborn.

For those who are more emotionally fragile, I really can't stand it after reading this book. I am afraid that I will get stuck in it for a long time and be unable to get out. Such a deceptive book is a perfect match for the vest.

After a crackling operation, Luoyang opened the meager account application interface and filled in the basic information carefully.

Nickname: Green Shirt and Sword

Gender: kept confidential

Age: kept confidential

Introduction: Love life and love writing.

At this point, the trumpet has been successfully created.

Green shirt with sword, this ID has quite a bit in common with the four characters "White Clothes and Allure".

Luoyang did it half intentionally, but more of it was because Luoyang liked martial arts novels.

He liked the chivalrous demeanor in it. Whether it was the handsome young man in white, the sword-wielding hero in green, or the indifferent swordsman in black robe hunting, Luoyang felt endlessly yearned for it.

As for the reason for keeping age and gender confidential, the reason is even simpler: the trumpet must look like a trumpet.

Immediately afterwards, Luoyang opened the meager writing function and posted all the contents of the first chapter of "Yang Jian grew up and hated the water forever".

[Yang Jian's hand barely stopped when it touched Chenxiang's throat. Thousands of years of fighting instinct caused him to be seriously injured, but he still found a fatal flaw in Agarwood. But so what? It's time for everything to end. The only one who can win completely is this child, although this child is still far from his expectations...]

The content of the first chapter, "Life is long and the water is long," is not much different from the previous life.

The real change is that Liu Chenxiang's plot has been technically filled in by Luoyang.

After completing all this, Luoyang clicked Publish, and then the system suddenly beeped and a prompt popped up:

"Sorry, Weibo has activated the restricted function. Since your fan following does not exceed 1,000 people, the writer function cannot be activated for the time being. Please wait until you have more than 1,000 fans before publishing your masterpiece!"

Let me go, this is a scam! This is it!

Luoyang looked at this system setting with a speechless expression.

How can Luoyang promote the novel if he is not even allowed to publish his work? After all, this meager ID is just a newly established account, but no one pays attention to it, let alone a thousand fans.

"Advertise with a tuba?"

Luoyang shook his head and rejected the idea.

Because the target is too big, if you use the ID "White Clothes Allure" to help "Life and Hate Water Changdong", then this trumpet will be easily discovered by readers with great powers.

Use Liu Qin’s account to advertise?

It's not good either. You need to be careful as a trumpet, as people around you can be easily exposed.

"Yes, it's easy to attract a thousand fans..."

Luoyang suddenly had a very vague idea. This idea was not yet mature, but Luoyang found it quite interesting.

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